Basic Info About A Group

Advice for Apply Fics

Now that we’ve discussed about how naming a group is very important, we have to start now planning about the basic info about a group.


Every K-Pop group has basic info to let the fans know more about them. Some of them are helpful, some are just downright unhelpful, but it’s still info about the group. I want now to talk about how every info about the group can help you in the long run, or even draw applicants in.


Debut Date


A K-Pop gets excited when their favorite comes back, right? But what’s even more exciting is following a pre-debut group that you love and seeing them debut before your very eyes. I know some K-Pop fans would wait long just for their favorite pre-debut to debut. And it also applies to your fictional girl/boy group. Once you work out things in your schedule, get your girls, now it’s time to set a debut date. It can be a fictional date, and try to make the date close to the deadline so your applicants won’t have to wait too long. A debut date is very important, because every group celebrates their anniversary on the day they debuted. So, always keep in mind the importance of a debut date.


Debut Song


Yes! Finally, your group debuted! But, then you’ve hit another wall. A debut song. Lots and lots of K-Pop groups either debut with a great song, an okay song, and a song that makes you go WTF. I know you want to have one of those groups with great debut songs, so it’s time you pick a song. Don’t just pick your favorite song, unless it suits the concept. Have you ever imagined 2NE1 dancing to SNSD’s Gee with their fierce concept? No. So, I heavily advise you to pick a group that has almost the same concept as your group, check most of their songs and see if you can distribute the lines fairly to each member. Picking a good debut song can make your group rise above others. A good debut song is always a good start for a group, though it’s fictional. Try searching a lot about fierce songs if your group has a fierce image. Try searching cute songs if your group has a cute image. It’s all about how everything fits with each other. For me, I’m still deciding if ZERO should debut with a song from another group, or I’ll write a song for them.


Debut Album Name


Yes, not only does your group get a debut song, but also a debut album name! Okay, just because you got a song from this group, means you should copy also the album name. No. It would be better, and maybe memorable, if you pick the name of your group’s album. You would actually get the feel of how hard it is to think of a name. I suggest you to think of one, love it, and present it proudly to the world.


Fanclub Name and Official Color


For the fanclub name, don’t go too overboard, okay? If your group name is Stardust Sonic, don’t try to use Sonics as your fanclub name. Think long and hard about the concept and how would you feel if you were  fan of this group with this fan name. It really helps if you think in a different perspective every time.


For the official color, don’t go and pick every color of the rainbow. Try picking a color not every group uses. Just because your group has a fierce image, using a pink color isn’t necessary. Same goes with fierce groups. Think about their concert, how the sea of colors come together just for your group. If you think that, you will come up with the right color, I’m sure of it. 

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Chapter 8: Its my first time hearing about Apply Fics.... hmm~ Its interesting ^_^
NeonDC #2
I want to make an apply fix but I have problem finding a co-author. Do you have any suggestion on any writer that can be co-author?
WannaApp #3
Chapter 6: I like this chapter a lot!!
It hit my question.
Chapter 4: Now I feel like 'The Lazy One' for ZERO.
I should just quit, OTL.
Chapter 4: WOOO! Thanks for the tips on co-authors! I was planning on making an applyfic soon and this is what I need to know on finding one for later, thanks~!! :D
Chapter 3: That does make sense *nods*
I have been thinking about making a Apply Fic for a while and this is the advice I need. Thank you!
Chapter 1: ah neh~ waiting for the next chapter ^^
looking forward to this