Concept About the Group

Advice for Apply Fics

Okay, so you say that you’ve got your group name down, your debut album name and your debut song. The girls you have in mind are already ready to be put into the story and your co-author is already signaling you to start the story. But – you stop short. Why? Because you finally realized you don’t know what the hell your group’s concept is.


I’ll be using examples such as SNSD, 2NE1, f(x), 4Minute, Rainbow and SISTAR to explain further about the concepts you can possibly use for your group.


SNSD’s concept is bubbly, lively and girlish. Most of their songs also talks about love. If you would want a group to debut with an uplifting and happy concept, you would want to study SNSD’s girlish and cute concepts more.


2NE1’s concept however is almost the exact opposite. Their songs like Ugly and Lonely are songs that talk about more about deeper emotions and feelings. But, they never stray far away from their all-in-your-face and badass image. They stay true to their image ever since the start. If you would like a fierce group, you can look at 2NE1 as an example.


If you’ve noticed, f(x)’s songs are really electronic sounding and leaning more to pop. Their songs don’t talk about a lot of deep emotions, but when you listen to their music, you would want to listen to it over and over again because of the catchy tune. So if you would like a fun group with pop songs in their album that makes people jump like crazy, take f(x) as an example.


4Minute has a lot of concepts. They’ve done cute, classy and y. Now with their new song ‘What’s Your Name’ the lyrics speak of wanting to know the boy’s name and info about him. If you want a group with diverse concepts, and no one would criticize too harshly, 4Minute is an example to take in.


Rainbow’s songs are girlier and cutesy than SNSD. Rainbow talks about a lot of first love and feelings you normally feel when you’re with your first love. They’re a little on the safe side, not really trying anything new at the moment, but their music is definitely the cutesy and girly type.


Ever since I’ve got into K-Pop, I haven’t seen SISTAR do another dominant concept that y. Their songs are really good, and though the dance is a bit too much of me, it’s classy for others. If you would like a group like that, try taking SISTAR as an example.


So that’s most of my tips in concepts!

Oh, and another one. Always think if you are comfortable in writing this concept. Because concepts you don’t like can really discourage you in writing. 

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Chapter 8: Its my first time hearing about Apply Fics.... hmm~ Its interesting ^_^
NeonDC #2
I want to make an apply fix but I have problem finding a co-author. Do you have any suggestion on any writer that can be co-author?
WannaApp #3
Chapter 6: I like this chapter a lot!!
It hit my question.
Chapter 4: Now I feel like 'The Lazy One' for ZERO.
I should just quit, OTL.
Chapter 4: WOOO! Thanks for the tips on co-authors! I was planning on making an applyfic soon and this is what I need to know on finding one for later, thanks~!! :D
Chapter 3: That does make sense *nods*
I have been thinking about making a Apply Fic for a while and this is the advice I need. Thank you!
Chapter 1: ah neh~ waiting for the next chapter ^^
looking forward to this