Straight on until morning.

Second Star to the Right.

~*Chapter Six *~

You and Baekhyun became inseparable. Everywhere you went, he went and vice-versa. You ate together, you sat together and you read together. The only time you weren’t together was when you had to sleep. You didn’t mind, you enjoyed listening to him as he told you more about Neverland and the magical places you were going to get to visit. You got lost in his tales and his soothing voice and you never thought about your family when you were with him. He was your remedy and he was helping you forget already.

 Two days had gone by like this and the shadow was scheduled to return tonight; you had come up with a diversion plan and you could hardly contain your excitement. You would randomly start smiling or get butterflies fluttering around inside all the time and you couldn’t wait to finally go to the place of your dreams.

“Let’s go for our final meal,” Baekhyun winked, grabbing your hand, leading you to the canteen where you got some food and then sat down next to each other at an empty table. The clock was striking one o’clock in the afternoon; your plan was to commence at three. You kept looking up at the clock nervously, chewing at your nails, wishing time to tick faster, but it seemed to drag.

“I’m scared,” you whispered as you pushed your almost full plate away; you couldn’t concentrate on eating now when you had all of these emotions coursing through your mind and body.

“Why?” he asked popping a spoonful of cake in to his mouth, turning his head to look at you. Your heart skipped a beat when he looked in to your eyes and you looked away to hide your blushing, red cheeks.

“What if it doesn’t work?” you asked, biting on your bottom lip.

Baekhyun gave you a small laugh and laid down his spoon, putting his arm around you. “Don’t worry,” he said calmly, his voice turning your whole body to jelly, “Everything is going to be fine.” He flashed you another dazzling smile and you let out a sigh with a small nod. “Come on,” he said, taking one last bite of his cake, “Let’s get ready.”

You nodded again and got up with him, letting him lead you to his room. You’d never been there before, so you didn’t know what to expect. When you got there, it was the exact same as yours, except the bed was on a different side of the room and his book was placed on top of it. He went straight over to it and picked it up, putting it under his shirt in between the band of his pants. He then lifted up one of his pillows and pulled out a dark green beanie hat, putting that in the same place as his book. He spun around and gave you a nod before exiting his room again. You then visited your room. You didn’t really have anything, since your book had been mysteriously taken from you and you didn’t want to take anything that would remind you of home; you wanted to forget, not remember.

“Are you sure there’s nothing you want to take with you?” Baekhyun asked, his brows knitting together as he studied you.

“Yes, I’m sure.”

“Very well,” he smiled, bowing dramatically like a butler, “Let us continue to Neverland.” He extended his hand for you to take, still in his deep bow and you giggled and placing your hand in his. He sprang back up and skipped away, pulling you with him.


Three o’clock finally came and you and Baekhyun made your way through the building, on to the corridors you weren’t allowed to access. Completely exhilarated and excited, you made your way down them; you felt dangerous and you knew it could all be over at any moment if a staff member found you.

You finally stopped right next to what you were looking for – a fire alarm.

“On three,” Baekhyun said, giving you a dimpled smirk. His hand found yours and you didn’t question it. It seemed completely natural for some strange reason.

“One,” he breathed, tightening his grip on your hand.

“Two,” you whispered, squeezing back, your heart beating loudly in your chest.

“Three,” he completed the countdown, smashing his palm against the glass, shattering it and producing a shrill, loud shriek from the alarm. You both instantly bolted back the way you had come, hand in hand, down the stairs and back through corridors until you got outside and assembled with the rest of the confused patients. They looked around, panicked and alarmed and you snuck a quick glance at Baekhyun who was already looking at you and gave him a small smirk which he returned.


The staff came out once everyone had evacuated the building and began to check that everyone was out safely. You pretended to look distressed, just like everyone else, to try and make it seem like you weren’t the culprit. Your hand flexed in an attempt to let go of Baekhyun’s, but he wouldn’t let you, he only squeezed it tighter. You blushed again and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear as you waited.

“Can I have everyone’s attention, please?” One of the staff members shouted, silencing the rumbling murmur that had spread amongst the crowd. “There is no fire in the building,” she began, clearing before she continued. “But it has come to our attention that someone has set off the alarm, purposely. We ask that for minimal disruption, you come forward now and confess.”

A silence swept over the crowd and everyone looked around to see if anyone was going to step forward. You looked up at Baekhyun who scanned around with a cute, bemused pout and you smiled inwardly to yourself.

“This is your last chance to step forward, save yourself the trouble of us finding out later on, I can assure you the consequences will be much worse if you don’t confess now.”

Baekhyun coughed loudly before stepping forward, “It was me.”

“Right, guards take him to solitary confinement,” the woman ordered, pointing to Baekhyun. He let go of your hand, it felt empty and weird without his warmth. The guards came over and took either one of his arms.

“Wait!” you called out on queue. “I helped him,” you said, your gaze dropping to the floor as you kicked the ground.

The woman sighed heavily and the guards looked at her for instruction, “Take her too,” she ordered, “Everyone else, it’s safe to return inside.”

One of the guards took your arm and led you inside just behind Baekhyun and you silently cheered to yourself, keeping your poker face on the outside. You had done it. You were going back to solitary confinement, and by the morning, you wouldn’t be here at all. Baekhyun had said that the shadow, accompanied by Tinkerbell, was going to find him in the solitary confinement cell. He explained that once he had his magic, he would be able to get out easily and then come back for you so you could break out and fly away.

The butterflies in your stomach continued to dance around and you felt lightheaded and dizzy with excitement and success. Baekhyun glanced over his shoulder and gave you a wink when the guard wasn’t paying attention. You gave him a dazzling smile back before his guard forced him to look straight ahead again.


Sitting in your cell all alone, you waited for the night to creep in. You tried to get some sleep to try and pass the time quicker, but you there was no way you could calm down long enough to even nap. Without your book, you felt lost and alone and without Baekhyun’s company, you felt it even more so. They had made sure that you and Baekhyun were as far away as possible from each other so there was no way you could talk or communicate. They had said that there would be people coming in to talk to you in the morning once you had both ‘calmed down’ and ‘thought about what you had done’, but they didn’t know that you didn’t plan on waking up here.

After many hours of sitting around, waiting impatiently, it started to get dark and the tiny window in your cell indicated that it was now well in to the night time. You kept waiting for Baekhyun to break down your door but time continued to creep by and nothing happened. You didn’t know what exact time the shadow was coming, but you had thought that since you had initiated the plan so early, it wouldn’t be that far in to the night.

Time continued to tick slowly and you were beginning to worry that Baekhyun wasn’t coming back. You sat on your bed and drew your knees up to your chest, leaning against the wall as you waited. Was Baekhyun just using you to get himself back? Did he even care if you came? You didn’t know what he was really like; this could have all been an act.

As even more time began to pass, you had almost given up. You were tired, but you couldn’t sleep and you were devastated but you couldn’t cry, you wouldn’t allow yourself. Your sadness quickly turned to anger when you thought about Baekhyun lying to you and your hands balled in to fists as you fought back the tears. Suddenly, all of your hopes and dreams were fading away and you slumped back, giving in to sleep since Baekhyun didn’t appear to be coming back for you. Maybe it was all just one big elaborate lie.


When you awoke, it must have been well past midnight. There was a scratching sound coming from outside and you rubbed the sleep away from your eyes as you swung your feet over the side of the bed and looked out of your tiny window. It was pitch black outside so you couldn’t see anything at all. You were about to turn around and go back to bed when you saw a small flickering ball of light. You narrowed your eyes to try and get a clearer image of it, but it flew around, darting in all sorts of directions. Intrigued, you pressed your nose up against the glass and cupped your hands around your eyes to try and focus. It came closer and you saw the faint outline of a small person. Your eyes widened in shock and you brought your hand to your mouth to stifle your gasp. You stumbled backwards and would have fallen over had it not been for the secure pair of arms that stopped you from crashing to the ground. You spun around and found Baekhyun beaming at you, positively glowing and the open door behind him.

He held both of your hands and stared in to your eyes.

“Do you trust me?” he asked, the smile still spread across his face.

You nodded frantically, not taking your eyes off his, you couldn’t get any words out.

“Look down,” he laughed lightly. You did as he said and as your gaze travelled to the floor, you saw that you were hovering above it. You gasped loudly and tried to shake yourself out of his hands so you could get back to the comfort of the floor but he didn’t allow you.

“Trust me,” he said again in an attempt to calm you down.

You tried to control your breathing and looked back up at him.

“That’s better,” he grinned.

“I thought you weren’t coming back,” you managed to whisper breathlessly.

“You thought I was going to leave you here?” he asked, feigning disgust and hurt. “Absurd,” he chuckled. “Well then, Miss Semmi, are you ready to go to Neverland?”

“Yes,” you nodded eagerly, eyes wide. Your heart was beating frantically in your chest and you couldn’t quite process what was going on. You hoped this wasn’t some weird dream. “But how are we getting there?”

“We’re going to fly,” he smiled proudly.


“Yup, we’re flying there, we fly to the second star to the right and then straight on until morning," he said, gliding you over to your window, pointing to the stars.



A/N: Hey guys, don't forget to subscribe, vote and comment; it means a lot♥ 

Just so you know, I won't be updating anything for a week, I'm away so look forward to an update when I get back. Thank you for all of your lovely comments, you're all too sweet♥~

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Chapter 21: Wow this story is beautiful
its been years though i hope you get to complete this story. but i know its kinda impossible :--(
JustPJ #3
Chapter 21: please update authornim, i love this's been years....
Chapter 21: Wowwww it's very cool and good and beautiful. I love it sooooooo much. This story is really beautiful, i feel like i watch the movie of peterpan & wendy, and you make it more interesting than the real movie. I can't describe it all but i've fall in love with this story so much. But it feels so sad that there's no new update from you. Even the last time you log in your acc is at 2013. Is there something happen?? please give us announcement or whatever it is, please log in and post the new chapter authornim. It seems like everyone still wait for you even it's been around 2 years you didn't comeback. Please, hope you read all the comments and will comeback soon :')
Ann_xoxo #7
Chapter 21: Damn it admin! DONT LEAVE US HANGING YOU LIL ;-----------------------------; UPDATE IT.
wonderdream #8
Chapter 21: Update soon!
Ps: love u author...
exo_sj #9

I’ve read this story and I think it’s really good. I hope you don’t mind me recommending this story on my account. I will understand if you don’t allow me to but I hope you’ll get back to me soon!

Thanks :)