Believe Me

Second Star to the Right.

 ~*Chapter One *~

“You should really try to make some friends, Semmi.”

You blinked and then stared at your psychiatrist, taking in every detail of her face; her small, dark brown eyes and her fine, brown hair with streaks of grey that fell down around her shoulders, her pointed nose and prominent, high cheekbones. She let out an exasperated sigh when you refused to provide her with an answer yet again.

“You’re never going to get out of here if you don’t cooperate” she continued, clapping her hands together and clicking her tongue.

You lowered your gaze to the floor and twiddled with your thumbs, keeping yourself quiet. Every Wednesday was the same. You would visit your psychiatrist and you would have the same conversation every time. She would tell you that you should start making friends, have fun and move on from the loss. She didn’t understand, though. She’d never experienced loss like you. After that day where you lost everything important to you, you wanted nothing more than to forget everything. You’d wished that the crash had taken away your memory so you didn’t have to live with the thought of them every single day.

You didn’t want to make friends, you wanted to be alone. Nothing was going to help you move on, you were going to be stuck in this asylum forever.

“Ok,” she sighed, “Well I guess that concludes today’s session then, go and get a bite to eat.”

You nodded and stood up, wiping your sweaty palms on your grey joggers. You bowed politely and pushed the chair you were sitting on back under the desk before exiting and closing the door behind you.

The canteen was practically empty, as per usual. You shuffled towards the counter and grabbed some food that looked vaguely interesting before sitting down at an empty table. You sloppily ate, not paying attention to the tastes or the flavours; you were eating for the sake of satisfying your hunger. Once you were finished, you made your way to the Recreation Room where you sat down in your usual place and picked up your book. It was a book of fairytales – the one your mother used to read to you as a kid. You read it every day.

The world continued to carry on without you as you sat in your chair and read about a life you wished you had. How you’d love to be free and live in a land where worries don’t exist. You could meet your Prince Charming and live happily ever after. You could learn to overcome everything and finally be happy – but no. You were stuck here, in this dump, forever having to remember every detail.

You missed your father’s jokes, your mother’s smile and your brother’s stupidity. You missed the family trips you would go on and their warm embraces and encouraging words. You missed them. But there was nothing you could do now, it was all gone forever.

“I swear, it’s real! You have to believe me!”

Your head snapped up from your book as you heard an unfamiliar voice shouting desperately. Two of the carers that worked in the asylum were dragging a boy in, one on each arm. He was flailing about, trying to shake them off with no success. They brought him in to the Recreation Room and sat him down on one of the sofas on the other side of the room from you. He had scruffy, chocolate brown hair and desperate eyes that were pleading with someone to listen. You cocked your head as you watched him.

“Neverland is real, please, believe me” he cried, holding one of the carer’s arms, staring in to their eyes. The carer shook him off and left him sitting on the sofa in despair. He hung his head before letting out an exasperated sigh. You continued to stare at him, what the hell was he talking about? He let out a cry of frustration, running his hand through his hair before getting up and wandering around. He looked through the shelves of books, running his hand along the spines, reading each of the names like he was searching for something.

He finally found what he was looking for- a blank diary. He picked it up, along with a pen and wandered back over to the sofa. He looked much calmer and the pain and longing was gone from his eyes, replaced with determination. You watched from behind your book, your knees drawn close to your chest. Something about him drew you in and you wanted to know what on Earth he was talking about earlier.

He sat on the sofa and brought his feet up under him, resting on the arm of the sofa. He opened the diary and began to write furiously. You could only hear the scratching of his pen on the paper as he wrote with his brows knitted together in concentration.

You shrugged and went back to reading your book and by the time you looked back up, twenty minutes later, he had vanished.


The next morning, you looked for him in the canteen but you couldn’t find him anywhere. You didn’t know why you cared. Maybe you were just curious. After breakfast, you made your way to the Recreation Room in hopes of finding him again, but he wasn’t there either. You shrugged and wandered over to the book shelf that he had looked at yesterday. You ran your hand along the spines like he had done until you came across his diary. You tilted your head at the book before reaching out to take it from the shelf.

“That’s not yours,” a voice came from behind you, making you jump. You spun around to find the boy reaching over you extending his arm and taking the book from the shelf, holding it close to his chest. You blinked at him, staring in to his dark brown eyes, trying to work out his mystery. He quickly his heel and walked away, sitting in your seat. You narrowed your eyes and followed him, taking the seat next to him. You peered over at the pages of his diary and he recoiled, snatching it away when he noticed.

“What’s Neverland?” you whispered. It was the first time you had spoken in a while, your voice was croaky and you coughed instantly afterwards to clear your throat.  

He looked you up and down like he was contemplating telling you but then he  shook his head.

“You wouldn’t believe me, you’re just like everyone else.”

You frowned at his words and he got up again, taking his book with him, leaving you all alone on the sofa. You sat in disbelief, you’re curiosity was now growing larger and larger.  You wanted to find out more about this boy and this ‘Neverland’ he spoke of.


You didn’t see him again for another three days until you were sitting in the Recreation Room, reading again. He was sitting at his table, writing in his book when a doctor came in and handed him a small cup of medicine. He looked up from his book and frowned at the doctor, shaking his head.

“You have to take it, Baekhyun.”


“It will calm you down, take it, I promise you’ll feel better.”

“There’s nothing wrong with me!” he cried, standing up, “I don’t need to be made better, I need to get back! I’m already starting to forget!”

“Baekhyun, sit down, please, you’re distressing people” the doctor whispered harshly, grabbing Baekhyun’s arm to try and get him to calm down.

“Just listen to me! I need to get back! The lost boys need me!”

“Baekhyun, please” the doctor whispered again, looking around to see that everyone was now staring at them, including you.

“Get your hands off me” Baekhyun snapped, trying to shake the doctor off. He kept his grip on the boys arm and he tried furiously to pry him off. Soon, two security guards came in and took Baekhyun by his arms, leading him out of the room. He cried out for them to get off but they refused to listen.

“Take him to solitary confinement until he calms down” the doctor sighed, running a hand through his tousled grey hair.

They took him outside and you lowered your book once they had all vacated the room. You stood up and wandered over to the table he was sitting at and you picked up his book. You sat down at the table and began to flick through the pages. He had already filled multiple of them with scribbles of writing and rough sketches. You stopped on one page and read it to yourself:

I’m starting to forget. The wizard told me not to forget. I have to remember. I have to get back. But I can’t remember how. The people are trying to take away my memories. I have to remember the Lost Boys, I have to remember Tinkerbell, and I have to remember Neverland. My magic is gone, I’m useless here, just remember, keep reading this and remember.


You looked up from the book and frowned. What was he talking about? Magic? A Wizard? Tinkerbell? You needed to find out more about this strange boy. You flicked through more of the pages and found a sketch of a fairy. It was very rough but you could make out the wings and the small pretty face with hair pulled up in to a neat bun. She was wearing a tattered dress and she had eyes that sparkled. You stared at it in awe, taking in every rough detail. You flicked through more of the pages and found other sketches, one of an island, one of a huge ship and one of a tree house. On every single page, at the bottom, was the word ‘remember’ written in block capitals, underlined twice.  You decided you needed to find out more. You were never one to be gullible, but this talk of magic, fairies and far off lands intrigued you and you wanted – no needed to learn more.

You needed to talk to him. You needed to ask him questions. But he was in solitary confinement and the likelihood was that he was going to be there for a few days at least.

You needed to get yourself in solitary confinement too. You took the book and bound it up with the leather strap that was attached and hid it under your shirt in between the band of your bottoms. You stood up and looked around. You saw that there were only two people left in the room along with one of the carers sitting alone in the corner of the room keeping an eye on everyone. You wandered around, butterflies were dancing in your stomach.

Then you did it, you let out a blood curdling scream. You shut your eyes tight when you did it, you carried it on for as long as you could before taking a sharp intake of breath and starting again. The carer ran over to you and grabbed your arm trying to get you to stop. You just lashed out, trying to get her off, carrying on screaming as loud as you could. The carer looked terrified, you felt kind of bad for putting her through this but you needed to get in to solitary confinement.

She called security as fast as she could and soon the same guys who had taken Baekhyun away grabbed your arms too. You tried like he did to get out of their grasp, even though it was where you wanted to be. You carried on shouting out random things and screaming as they led you down some corridors.

“It was probably that weird kid starting all of this off” you heard one of the guards whisper to the other. You laughed inwardly to yourself as you breathed heavily, trying to get back all of the breath you had wasted on screaming so much. Your throat was raw and you kept swallowing to try and soothe it but it still stung every time. Eventually, you ended up outside of a door and the guards opened it, leading you inside. There was nothing in there but a comfy looking bed and a barred window. They sat you down on the bed and one of the guards looked you in the eye, “It’s OK, just stay in here for a while and clear your head, OK? You’re psychiatrist will be here tomorrow to see you, OK?”

You blinked at him and he took that as a sign to leave. He locked the door behind him and you sat down on the bed, taking the book back out from underneath your clothes. You smiled to yourself and lay down for a while to catch your breath. Now you just had to find a way of contacting Baekhyun.


Author's Note : 

Hey guys! I hope you liked the first chapter, I'm not very good at beginnings, I hope it was interesting enough ~ ^^

Make sure to subscribe and leave comments if you liked it and I'll be back soon with another update~ Saranghae!~♥


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Chapter 21: Wow this story is beautiful
its been years though i hope you get to complete this story. but i know its kinda impossible :--(
JustPJ #3
Chapter 21: please update authornim, i love this's been years....
Chapter 21: Wowwww it's very cool and good and beautiful. I love it sooooooo much. This story is really beautiful, i feel like i watch the movie of peterpan & wendy, and you make it more interesting than the real movie. I can't describe it all but i've fall in love with this story so much. But it feels so sad that there's no new update from you. Even the last time you log in your acc is at 2013. Is there something happen?? please give us announcement or whatever it is, please log in and post the new chapter authornim. It seems like everyone still wait for you even it's been around 2 years you didn't comeback. Please, hope you read all the comments and will comeback soon :')
Ann_xoxo #7
Chapter 21: Damn it admin! DONT LEAVE US HANGING YOU LIL ;-----------------------------; UPDATE IT.
wonderdream #8
Chapter 21: Update soon!
Ps: love u author...
exo_sj #9

I’ve read this story and I think it’s really good. I hope you don’t mind me recommending this story on my account. I will understand if you don’t allow me to but I hope you’ll get back to me soon!

Thanks :)