What's right.

Second Star to the Right.

~*Chapter Fifteen *~

The next morning, your hope for the return of asylum Baekhyun grew even more when he taught you how to play a basic tune on his panpipes without insulting or being mean to you once. You were both sitting in the living room on the floor opposite each other with your legs crossed.

“So it’s like this,” Baekhyun instructed, bringing the panpipes up to his mouth, blowing softly over each of the holes, creating a soothing melody. You closed your eyes and swayed back and forth gently, basking in the calming music.

“Are you even listening to me?” he chuckled when he noticed your eyes were closed and you seemed to be in a world of your own. You hadn’t even noticed that he had stopped playing.

“Sorry,” you shook your head, “What were you saying?”

He laughed again and passed you the panpipes, holding on to your hand, putting it in the right position. You watched as his fingers guided yours to the correct place before pushing your hands to your face so the panpipes were near your mouth. He retracted his hands and clapped them together, warming them.

“What should I play?” you asked, you’d already played the same tune over and over, it was getting quite tedious now.

“Make something up,” he shrugged.

You’d gotten quite used to the sounds it made and what holes produced what type of note. Although you weren’t completely sure what the actual notes were, you were close enough. You put it down to those recorder lessons your mother had forced you to take as a child, at least now they were useful for something. You thought hard about what you should play, lowering the panpipes for a few moments. You finally decided on the lullaby your mother used to sing to you when you were scared or couldn’t sleep.

You were shaky to start with, you played some wrong notes, but of course, Baekhyun didn’t realise. You played the whole song through, thinking of the lyrics in your head, without looking up once. When you finished, you passed the panpipes back to Baekhyun and he looked at you in concern.

“Why are you crying?” he asked, reaching up and wiping your tears away with his thumb. You brought your sleeve covered hand up to your face and took over from him, wiping harshly at your face. You didn’t know why you had started crying. Nowadays, you had been able to control thinking about your family without crying, somehow, you didn’t know whether if it was because you were somewhere else or whether it was because all of your walls were crumbling down slowly, a few tears had managed to escape.

“It’s nothing,” you sniffed, trying to smile again.

“It doesn’t look like ‘nothing’,” he sat back, leaning on his palms, tilting his head as he looked at you with his eyebrows drawn together.

“I’m fine,” you insisted, coughing away the lump in your throat.


Tinkerbell hid behind the lamp, too small to be seen anyway; she stayed well camouflaged. She scoffed to herself as she watched Baekhyun’s thumb brush away the girl’s tears. She could feel her tiny body burning red with rage and was one step away from flying over to the girl and ripping out her hair.

It was happening to her all over again. Her soul purpose in life – to stay by Baekhyun’s side, no matter what – felt like it was being torn away from her again and it made her burn with jealously and weak with rejection.

 Tinkerbell didn’t remember much about her life, she just remembered waking up a fairy in Pixie Hollow, fully grown with no memories. The fairy queen, who spoke to all new born fairies, had told her to go and create her own memories, to start a life on Neverland of her own. So, with her fragile wings, she set off only to be found, almost dying a few days later by Baekhyun. When she first set eyes on him, she knew he was her destiny and from that day onwards, made him her life. She followed him everywhere, did whatever he said and never left his side.

Eventually, she had grown to love him deeply and it was almost like his affection and attention was her very life. The last time he brought a girl here, Wendy, Tinkerbell had almost died. As every day with Wendy went by and Baekhyun paid less attention to Tinkerbell, she felt herself getting weaker and her magic dimming. Baekhyun who was blinded by his love for Wendy didn’t listen to her. Only when he found her just about to exhale her last breath did he finally realise.

Now, Tinkerbell could feel it happening again. Her wings wouldn’t carry her for as long; she didn’t see him as much. He was always with this stupid Semmi girl. This time, as well as feeling angry, Tinkerbell felt devastation and heart break. She knew she could never be with Baekhyun for she was just a fairy and there was no chance he would return feelings for her, but she still couldn’t shake the burning desire to rid Neverland of Semmi forever. She wanted her gone, she wanted Baekhyun to herself again. When she had found out that he was coming back after just getting rid of Wendy, she was hoping that he would be all hers again. But of course she was wrong. Baekhyun was still the same selfish boy as he was before he left.


You sunk down on your bed after another long day of packed activities. You, Baekhyun and the Lost Boys had all gone exploring in the caves near the beach. They were huge and full of stalactites, stalagmites and rocks covered with different coloured crystals.  The quiet sound of the waves in the distance and water droplets falling from the ceiling of the cave created an eerie atmosphere, but you were still intrigued and excited to see what you would find.

You the necklace that Chanyeol and Suho had made you out of string and a bright, sapphire coloured stone that you had found as you sat up on your bed. Sapphire was your birthstone and forever your favourite gem, so when you found the shiny stone laying around on the floor you couldn’t help but pick it up. Chanyeol insisted that Suho had the tools to make you a necklace and so when you got back to the tree house, you watched as he drilled a small hole through the top of it and threaded some thin string through. Chanyeol then tied it loosely around your neck and ever since, you couldn’t stop touching the smooth surface of the stone.

You were really beginning to settle in, you were beginning to forget simple things, for example you could no longer remember the name of the asylum you had stayed in. Or the name of your therapist, you remembered that you had one, just not her name. You were beginning to forget what it looked like, what it smelt like, what it felt like. But now, you felt free, you felt like a huge weight had been lifted from your shoulders. You were laughing again, enjoying yourself. Although you didn’t know the Lost Boys, like really know them, you were still starting to think of them as close friends, your only friends.

You got up and puffed out your cheeks as you exhaled, deciding to have a wander around until food was ready.

“You have to get rid of her,” you heard a quiet female voice. It was quiet, but sounded very angry and you could hear the spite in her raised tone. You found yourself outside of Baekhyun’s door, somehow. You were just walking, making your way downstairs, but you happened to pass and hear shouting.

“Get rid of her, why?”

You suddenly got very intrigued, of course they were talking about you, you were the only other female here. Well, at least Baekhyun wasn’t agreeing straight off.

“You know very well why.”

Baekhyun didn’t say anything. You wished you could see what was going on, you didn’t think what you were picturing in your head was accurate at all.

“She’s pathetic, Baekhyun. Just like Wendy was. She’ll do the same thing to you as she did. She’ll break your heart and then get you in danger for it. She’s a fox, she’s playing you. Why would you want that? At least Wendy was pretty though; I don’t even know why you keep Semmi here at all. She can’t do anything.”

Baekhyun didn’t answer yet again and it stung. You could feel tears forming behind your eyes and you were hoping he would speak up, hoping he would defend you. But he didn’t. He didn’t say anything. You pressed your lips together in to a firm line.

“You know she’s going to hurt someone. Remember who almost died last time because of Wendy. Remember that Baekhyun and stop being so selfish all of the time!”

“I…” Baekhyun murmured, almost too quietly for you to hear. That was enough. That was the final straw. You quickly ran down the hallway soundlessly, running to the small shelf by the door, grabbing your boots and wrestling them on to your feet.

“Hey, where are you going, Semmi?” Sehun asked as you got up and went to open the door.

“Oh, I-uh, I left my, uh, something at the cave. I’m just going to go get it back,” you faked a smile. Tinkerbell was right, you couldn’t do anything, not even lie convincingly.

“I’ll come with you if you like,” he said, putting down his drink and getting up from the sofa.

“No,” you said too quickly, “I mean, no, I’m fine, I can get it myself.”

“But last time-”

“I’m not going anywhere near the Blue Lagoon, I’m fine, I’ll be back soon,” you smiled again and left before Sehun could say anything more. You didn’t want to be around anyone right now.


You stared out across the water; Kris’ boat was far over the other end of the beach so you didn’t have to worry about him at all. You sat where the end of the jungle floor and the beginning of the sand of the beach met and thought. Maybe it was just best if you weren’t here. Maybe you were just going to end up hurting people. Take yesterday for example, both of you could have died in that lagoon and it was entirely your fault. Maybe you were the selfish one; maybe staying here was just causing problems for everyone. You were one extra mouth to feed, one extra room to clean, one extra person to mess things up.

Maybe Baekhyun bringing you here was just one big mistake.

Your depressed thoughts left and were replaced by determination and anger. You jumped to your feet and ran back in to the jungle, picking up any pieces of wood you could find, any stray pieces of junk that were lying around. You managed to find some bamboo and some really strong leaves and you brought it all back to the place you had sat. A huge pile soon mounted and you began to think of a plan.

If you weren’t wanted in Neverland, maybe it was best if you tried to find your own way off it. If someone could die because of you wasn’t it best that you left now instead of causing grief. You nodded to yourself, sure that you had made the right decision in leaving. Neverland was wonderful, it was more than you had ever dreamed of and it was going to hurt you to leave, but just like Baekhyun had said, you’d soon forget it even existed.



Double update coming your way! Sorry for leaving it so long~~

I've just been completely crying over Growl, kekeke. >_<

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Chapter 21: Wow this story is beautiful
its been years though i hope you get to complete this story. but i know its kinda impossible :--(
JustPJ #3
Chapter 21: please update authornim, i love this story.it's been years....
Chapter 21: Wowwww it's very cool and good and beautiful. I love it sooooooo much. This story is really beautiful, i feel like i watch the movie of peterpan & wendy, and you make it more interesting than the real movie. I can't describe it all but i've fall in love with this story so much. But it feels so sad that there's no new update from you. Even the last time you log in your acc is at 2013. Is there something happen?? please give us announcement or whatever it is, please log in and post the new chapter authornim. It seems like everyone still wait for you even it's been around 2 years you didn't comeback. Please, hope you read all the comments and will comeback soon :')
Ann_xoxo #7
Chapter 21: Damn it admin! DONT LEAVE US HANGING YOU LIL ;-----------------------------; UPDATE IT.
wonderdream #8
Chapter 21: Update soon!
Ps: love u author...
exo_sj #9

I’ve read this story and I think it’s really good. I hope you don’t mind me recommending this story on my account. I will understand if you don’t allow me to but I hope you’ll get back to me soon!

Thanks :)