Best Ambivalent Pirates



You’re finally on a well deserved holiday with your friends and family. The sun is shining down on your skin filling you with happiness and you’re soaking up the rays as you float out on the crystal clear water on your lilo. You’re in such bliss that you fall asleep without a care in the world. What happens when you wake up on a strange yacht with a band of pirates known as BAP who claim that they are keeping you as a ransom for a very large fee? Your blissful holiday spirals down in to a hell on earth as you try to escape from their clutches and you will not stop until you are free.




You - Min - 16 years old

  • Stubborn
  • Sassy
  • Sarcastic
  • Persistent 
  • Intelligent

Zelo - Choi Junhong - 16 years old

  • Stubborn
  • Short tempered with you
  • Not very bright


B.A.P - Best Ambivalent Pirates

Jongup - 18 years old - quiet and reserved.

Youngjae - 19 years old - intelligent and calm.

Himchan - 23 years old - vain and short tempered.

Bang Yongguk - 23 years old - leader, calm and level headed but strict at times.

Daehyun - 19 years old - loud, confident and witty.


Welcome to my new fic, 'Best Ambivalent Pirates'.

This fic is my own and any similarities are purely coincidence ^_^

I hope you enjoy this fic!








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Chapter 24: it's been forever since you updated! lol. so I just kind of re-read the whole thing yunno? hopefully you'll update again.
Chapter 24: I'm guessing you've been busy since you haven't updated in around...4 months? I hope you didn't forget about this one!! I hope you have time to update again!!
Chapter 24: so adorable~~~
Chapter 24: AWH SO CUTE
but omg i'm so nervous for when she leaves...
Claudine_NG #5
Chapter 24: If she leaves soon... :( Please update soon!
Chapter 24: That was really fluffy >.< But its to be expected that Youngjae onus out I mean he is the smartest ^^.........Or it could have just been pure luck......I think the latter sounds more legit
Chapter 24: asdkfja;sldkfj a;dlksjf alskdjf
misschoiseunghyun #8
Chapter 23: this story is really good :D