Chapter Two

Kim Jongin


Chapter Two

"Kwon Minah, I'm Kim Jongin." I introduce myself. Minah looks at me, she looks so lost and confused. "Nice to meet you, Jongin, what are you doing in my house?" 

"I live here." I simply said. 

She shakes her head. "No you don't?" 

I nod at her response. "Maybe if Yeun was here, she'd explain better then I'm about to. I going to be around for a while, I have some work to do."

Minah tilts her head. "You don't go to school?" I shake my head and say no. "I'm twenty four."

She raises an eyebrow. "You look the same age as me..." I chuckle. "I might be." I stare at her soaked button down, "Take a shower before you catch a cold." I mumbled before leaving her room. 

It's a Friday night so Minah probably doesn't have to worry about getting work done, she's a senior in high school so she probably doesn't need to do much. It's nearly the end of June, she probably will graduate in a few days. Sometimes, I wonder what it's like to be a normal kid at my age graduating. I finished schooling when I was fifteen, my uncle taught me all the necessary things I needed to know in a few years. Although he didn't teach me much math, I went in and taught myself. I still don't know why I did it, to this day, I still wonder when I'll use the Pythagorean theorem in real life. 

I smile to myself as I continue setting up computer software in my room, it's only been a day or so since I left Thailand but I wonder how Uncle's doing. Uncle's from Thailand so he has family there, I miss my aunt, she helped raise me like I was one of her own.


Minah finishes her shower and knocks on my door. "Come in." I say. She comes in wearing a tank top and shorts. Her hair's damp and wavy, Minah's beautiful. "Tell me about the work you do." 

I turn around to face her, she's sitting on the edge of my bed and anticipating my words. "I know about your parents. The work I'm doing? Might be related to your parents. Minah, I need you to tell me...What are the names of the men who kill your father?" 

She stood up and shook her head. "I barely know you. I can't trust you and I don't want to talk about my parents." She mumbled before walking out. I sighed and went back to work. I had a feeling she wouldn't trust me, I had to gain Minah's trust but I didn't know how. 

I finished setting up my room, it was around two in the morning and I was wide awake. I had to adjust to the sleeping schedule here. I looked around my new room, the window by my bed showed the beautiful city of Seoul, there were some buildings near me but the busy highways were still visible. I looked out for a few minutes until someone from the building across mine caught my eye. He was staring at me, I returned the eye contact and he walked away. I raised my eyebrow and closed the curtains before walking off. I went out into the living room and the TV, wondering where Yeun went, I went to ask Minah.

"Where's Yeun?" I asked while walking into her room. Minah was still up, she was on her laptop typing something up. "Oh she usually goes out at night to get groceries or run errands. She'll be back at five or...wait today's Friday. She'll be back Monday. Yeun visits her family on the weekends." 

I nod and walk back into the living room. The hours fly by, it's around four in the morning when all hells breaks through. I'm in the living room when I hear Minah scream. I get up and run to her room. Minah's tangled in her sheets and she's all sweaty, I see tears running down her cheeks as she shakes. I sit down next to her and give her a light hug. "What's wrong? Nightmare?" 

She cries and I hug her closer to me. Minah buries her face in the crook of my neck. I whisper into her ear. "What happened?" 

"I watched my father die...I was in the hospital in the ER. The nurses, they won't let me in. There's blood everywhere and I'm screaming. The monitor that manages his heart beat slows before going blank. Then theres my mother who's just lying there. The doctors didn't think she'd live so they didn't do anything until they realized she had a heartbeat." Minah chokes on the last sentence. I shake my head and caress her hair. "It'll be okay. Go back to sleep." I mumble. She lays back down, when I get up to leave, she clings to my shirt. "Don't leave until I fall asleep...please." Minah whispers. 

It doesn't take long before Minah's fast asleep. I leave her room and all is calm for a few minutes before I hear this confused voice coming out of her room. "Hm?" Minah sits up and stares out her window. I come back in just to see a man climbing in with a gun, he's leaving a mask. When he sees me, he freezes before pointing the gun at Minah. The next few seconds are so fast, I step up to him and rip the gun out of his hands. I  smack the weapon across his face which throws him off guard. I push him and he falls out the window. I drop the gun and reach to cover Minah's ears, only I hear the disgusting sound of his bones crashing on the floor.I grab the gun and peek out of the window before dropping it on top of him, it's a fifty feet drop but my aim is accurate enough. 

"There's more of them." I whisper. "They're on the roof. Minah stay here." I say before running into my room. I grab guns, there's three strapped on my belt, one in my combat boot and one in my hand. I sneak up into the roof so fast I don't even see Minah follow behind me. 

Gunshots are heard, the city of Seoul doesn't even notice them. Everyone's so busy at night, shops are open and clubs are still partying. Dodging bullets, I hit every single on of the men with a bullet. All thirteen of them. There's only a few left, one of them scream. "The girl!" My mind flashes to Minah. I run up to her and grab her. Luckily, the bullet hits the wall and not her. Angrily, I stand up and reload my gun and shoot the man who tried to hurt Minah mercilessly with all the bullets in my gun before he backs away so much he falls off. The rest of the men are horrified and are struggling to get off the roof. Some of dragging dead bodies and climbing down the ladder. I shout at one. "aye!" 

He looks at me and I respond with a smirk on my face. "Hey me help you!" The last bullet of the night gets fried and the man who's trying so hard to get down safely flies off the edge. My attention turns back to Minah who's standing behind me looking horrified. I drop the gun and walk towards her. She collapses in my arms in fear. It's traumatizing for her, the's blood everywhere and she just watched four men die and a couple of them fly off the building. She must've heard the sound of their bones crashing down onto the cement ground. Fortunately, the impact of the building sent them flying so far it looked like they fell off the building across from ours.

I sit down with Minah on the roof and I pat her shoulder. "Baby don't cry...tonight." I hum this lullaby my aunt used to sing to me when I was little. 

"Oh Sejun." Minah whispers. 

"Hm?" I look down at her.

"Oh Sejun, he was the man behind the attempted murder of my mother and murder of my father." 

I stare into the sky and remember the name. Oh Sejun.

Author's note: Leave a comment! Doesn't the name Oh Sejun sound familiar to you? Hm...

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Maybe u inspired by the drama but I'll promise still love with the plot
Especially when jongin was training in thailand then his uncle asked him to find that girl when he was came back to the soukor. City hunter has it too, when lee min ho was training in thailand not by the uncle but his father, so then an uncle who was saved by him asked so he could find the girl when back to soukor.
I suddenly remember that the plot has similarity with city hunter
XoxoLuver #4
Chapter 6: Update sooooonnnnnn
Omgisthatjongin #5
Chapter 6: holy shieeett wat is happening here someone tell me
Omgisthatjongin #6
Chapter 2: HUNNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!
aniskyungieso #7
Chapter 2: Hahahhhah baby dont cry scene lol..hmm oh sejun i dont know.. oh sehun i know hehehh
aniskyungieso #8
I find this fanfics really intereting when i just read foreword only haa it remind me city hunter to bcs don't fall in love lol
Cilinus #9
It reminds me of city hunter <3