Wedding Suprise

Living in the past sequel ~ Life is full of regret and forgiving



Nichkhun’s p.o.v


I woke up the same time as Victoria. I squealed and ran over to her. She groaned as I jumped on her.


“ Are you crazy?” she asked and I shook.


“ I missed you”


“ Nichkhun, you saw me yesterday” she stated standing up and rubbing her back.


“ I know but it’s too long” I pouted and she chuckled.


“ You are too cute to get mad at”


“ I know” I said wrapping my arms around her and giving her a kiss. We broke apart as footsteps were heard.


“ Victoria!” Luna yelled running over.


“ What’s wrong?”


“ I have to go get my hair and make up  done so I can’t accompany you to get a dress. I’m sorry” she apologized and Victoria chuckled.

“ It’s fine”


“ Ok. Then I’ll see you later at the ceremony” she squealed walking away. I turned towards Victoria and noticed she was depressed.


“ What’s wrong?”


“ Nothing bad would have happened if I didn’t make a scene and run out that night. If that didn’t happen to me then I would not have this problem right now. I would be involved helping with preparations  and everything. I can’t believe I’m letting them down especially when it's the two people I care about the most”

I hugged her as she started crying. My heart ached seeing her blame herself when it was my fault.


" What about me?" I pouted and she smiled.


" You're the ultimate one" she confessed and I smiled.


“ Victoria, it’s not your fault and you know that”

She sighed.


“ I know but...”

I cut her off giving her a quick kiss.

“ It’s suppose to be a fun day but, why are you making it so down?”


“ Ok. I’m sorry”


“ I have a surprise for you” I remember and she looked up shocked.


“ What is it?”


“ Follow me” I said walking towards my room. I went to my closet and pulled out a box. I handed it to her and she opened it. Her eyes widened from shock and her lips suddenly curved upwards as she stared at me. She suddenly jumped on me almost knocking me down.


( A/N This is the dress)



“ Where did you get this from?” she asked.


“ I saw you looking at it and you need a dress”


“ Thank you so much”


I chuckled.

“ Your welcome”


She stood up and pecked my lips.


“ I’ll pay you back” she said and I shook.


“ It’s fine. It’s my present as your boyfriend”


She smiled and hugged me tighter. I wanted to tell her at that moment that I love her but I felt she wasn’t ready so, I left it alone.

At the wedding

Victoria and I walked in Luna’s room as someone threw something at the door.


“ Are you trying to kill us!” Victoria asked shocked. We saw Luna on the chair panicking.


“ What’s wrong?” Victoria asked going up to her.


“ Myungsoo oppa hasn’t arrived yet”


“ What?” Victoria and I said at the same time.


“ Do you think he is running away?” she asked as tears started dripping from her eyes.


“ I don’t think so. Nichkhun try looking for him”


“ Ok” I said running out of the room. I ran out into the lobby and bumped into everyone.


“ Have you seen Myungsoo?”


“ He’s not at home or work” Luhan said.


“ We don’t have a lot of time” Luhan said worridly.


Suddenly a memory popped in my head.

“ I think I know where he is. I’ll be right back” I said running out of the church. I ran towards the park where Myungsoo and I would always go to when we had problems during our childhood. I arrived and noticed a man in a suit swinging back and forth with his head hung low. I walked over and sat down next to him on the other swing.


“ What are you doing here when you have a wedding to attend?”


The guy lifted his head and I smirked knowing it was him. The guy looked at me confused and I was shocked.



“ You're not Myungsoo”


“ I know that” the guy said walking away.


“ You know me so well, huh?” someone said from behind. I turned around shocked.


“ Myungsoo, why are you here and not at the wedding?” I asked.


“ I had to go somewhere to think”


“ About what?”


“ I overheard the girls talking the other day and I heard something that freaked me out”


“ What freaked you out?” I asked confuse.


“ Luna said that she was pregnant” he confessed.


“ What?! How is that... Did you even...” I stuttered. He nodded.


“ You did? When?”


“ Hey! That’s not the point”


I sighed.

“ I know. Sorry. How do you feel?”


“ I don’t know. I’m happy about it but I’m not so sure that I’m ready or capable of being a father. Look at Luhan. He’s caring and sweet while I can’t even show my emotions half the time. We both work and are quite busy but unlike me he finds time to go spend time with Krystal and Howon while I can’t give a second away for Luna. I don’t even know why she wants to marry someone like me when I’m this pathetic. I think she deserves someone better which is why I’m deciding if I should marry her”


I smacked his head.

“ Dude, are you stupid? Of course you should marry her. Think about her and the baby’s future if you don’t. I know you love her and it’s hard that you barely see her but, what about the times you do see her. How happy she gets and everything”

He looked up and smiled.


“ You’re right. I shouldn’t abandon her for my selfish reasons” he said running off.


“ Wait for me!” I yelled chasing after him.


We arrived at the Church and Myungsoo walked off to get ready while I went towards Luna’s room. Everyone was outside looking worried.

“ Myungsoo’s here. Tell Luna to get ready” I announced making them all turn their heads towards me shocked.


“ What are you doing? We are already late. Go1” I yelled and everyone scrambled.


I walked next to Myungsoo and the music started playing as the door opened. Baekhyun and Sulli came out walking down hand in hand when I suddenly remembered I was next. I ran out the side and in towards Victoria.


Sorry. Let’s go” I said grabbing her hand. She chuckled and we started walking. I bit my lip trying not to stare because she looked really hot. We parted and Luna came in walking with her father. She smiled and I noticed Myungsoo looking uneasy as he took her hand.

After the vows

“ Do you Park Sun Young take Kim Myungsoo to be your lawful wedded husband?”


“ I do” she said smiling.


“ Do you Kim Myungsoo take Park Sun Young to be your wife?”


Myungsoo looked down as his hand started fidgeting. People started murmuring as he didn’t answer. Luna looked shocked just like everyone else. The priest repeated and he still didn’t speak. Everyone started panicking and I stayed calm knowing he would make the right decision. The priest repeated the question for the third time and Luna bit her lip as she tried to hold her tears back. Myungsoo took deep breaths in and out. He sighed and looked up.


“ I do” he said causing everyone to stand up and clap. Luna still looked upset and shocked as he kissed her. She smiled as people started taking pictures.


After the party

Luna ran in the room after the dinner and locked the door. Everyone crowded outside worried since she was suppose to go on her honeymoon.. Victoria started banging on the door but got no response. Myungsoo suddenly appeared and everyone backed up.


“ Luna, please open the door”


“ Go away!”


“ Luna, I was just nervous”


“ Go away! I hate you!”


He sighed and  inserted the spare key. He walked inside shutting the door behind us.


“ I think we should leave” Luhan suggested walking away with Krystal. Victoria sighed and followed behind. She suddenly stopped dead frozen.


“ What’s wrong?”


I slowly followed her gaze and froze. I walked over leaving the stunned Victoria behind. He looked up and his smile disappeared.

“ What are you doing here?” I asked.


“ I was invited. Why?” he questioned.


I scoffed.

“ By who?”

“ I have my own reason. Why do you care?”


I smirked.

“ You think you’re so tough, huh? How dare you? You have the nerve to come here after breaking Victoria’s heart!”


He looked up at the mention of her name and around before finally making eye contact with Victoria. He turns away trying to walk away  when someone suddenly calls him.

“ Henry”


“ Luhan, how have you been?” he asked as they had a quick bro hug.


“ Fine. How have you been?” Henry asked.


“ Good”


“ Ahem” I said coughing grabbing their attentions.


“ Oh. Nichkhun this is Henry, my childhood friend and Henry this is Nichkhun, the best man and best friend of the groom” he introduced.

Suddenly Victoria walked over and the guy stared at her.


“ Victoria this is Henry, my childhood friend” Luhan introduced and she slightly smiled.


“ Nice to meet you. Oppa, can we go home. I’m not feeling well” she said and I nodded.


“ Sure. Let me get your coat” I said walking off.


Victoria’s p.o.v

My heart ached as my fingers started trembling. Why did he have to come back when I just started forgetting him. I stopped freaking out and looked up smiling.


“ I have to go because my wife is calling but let’s meet up later tonight. I’ll call you, ok?”


“ Sure”


“ Cool. See you later. Bye Vic” Luhan said walking away. I stood awkwardly fidgeting with my hands.


“ Hey”


“ Hi”


“ How have you been? “


“ Fine”


“ Victoria, I’m sorry about not seeing you off” he started.


“ Henry is it?”


“ Yeah”


“ Well, Henry, you don’t need to apologize. I’m not important so there is no reason for you to be sorry. It doesn’t matter”


“ I was wrong. You don’t know but I missed you alot. Letting you go with a farewell was a mistake”


“ I’m sorry to hear that. Well, I have to go so excuse me” I said trying to sound cool as I walked away.


“ Victoria, I think I love you” he confessed making me stop dead in my tracks. He repeated it and my heart ached. I bit my lip and closed my eyes not letting a tear escape. I turned around.


“ I’m sorry but I love Nichkhun. I hope you figure out what your feeling and move on” I confessed walking away. He ran after me and grabbed my wrist. He spun me around and hugged me.


“ I can’t let you go Victoria. I won’t”  he confessed making hot tears slide down my face.


“ You have too. I can’t leave Nichkhun”


“ No! I’ll fight for you. I won’t lose to that jerk”



Henry! Omo I've been in love with him lately since trapped and I thought he would fit perfectly in here =)

I hope you're happy now that you know who the stranger is. Don't worry because it's not over yet. I hope you enjoyed and thank you to all my readers. Please continue showing your support

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