GD again

Figure Skating Romance The Sequel

Next morning, you and Dongmin were going to the rink to practice again, you wanted to compete in minor shows again just to get more fans and more money.

You looked up the events while waiting for your ride. You frowned at the prize money, "Too little"

Dongmin looked at you, "Cause you're used to more?"

You nodded.

"Then let's go back to america then" Dongmin joked. You looked at him, "We just got here"

Dongmin laughed, "I was kidding.

You pouted, "Is our ride here?" You asked

"Maybe, let's go down already" Dongmin said. You nodded and followed him. The van was there but the driver was talking to someone on the phone, when he saw you he hang up and asked, "Is it ok if we could drop by YG again?" He asked

"Sure," You said

"Thanks" He said

You and DOngmin hopped in the van and drove to YG.

You hopped out and asked DOngmin, "Where is the ice cream shake store here?" 

Dongmin hopped out, "I'll bring you there"

"What about the van?" You asked.

Dongmin took out some paper and wrote down: Just came inside to buy some shake, be back soon

Dongmin locked the doors and stick the paper to the driver's door. "Ok, let's go"

You and DOngmin went inside, he brought you to the ice cream shake store. You bought 4 shakes, 2 for you and 2 for Dongmin.

You grinned at DOngmin, 

"Hey Mrs ______" a voice said

You turned around to see G-Dragon

"Hello Dragon G" You said.

"It is Gdragon, and call me Jiyong, That's my real name" He said

"Ok, Jiyong" You said

"I want an oppa in the end" GD said

"______ only calls me oppa!" Dongmin said

"Who is this guy?" GD asked

"This is my partner, Dongmin oppa" You said

"Oh~ the guy who betrayed you on your last performance here in Korea" GD said

Dongmin turned red, "I did not!"

"Whatever, so what are you oding here ________?" GD asked

"To buy this" You held up the shake, "And because our driver stopped by here"

"Oh, I see" GD said

"Jiyong! We need to shoot already" TOP called.

"Oh, I have to go now ______, see you around" GD waved. You smiled and waved back.

Dongmin looked at you, "You're friends with him?" He asked

"What's the problem about that?" You asked

"Nevermind, Let's go back to the van" dongmin said.

As soon as you went out your driver was about to go to the van, he looked at the note and looked at both of you, he alughed, "You really put a note here?"

Dongmin laughed, "We thought we will long" 

You laughed at Dongmin

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omo.... finish already...??
stupid GD... in this story.. I hate him
but in real...he is one of my bias...
SarahBlackjack #2
Omg, just asking.. Who is SarahBlackjack? ._. I was so shocked because my username is there... ._. I know it's not me but lol I was shocked. Anyway, I'm going to read your fanfic now! I'll comment later! :)
?????<br />
mwoo ? Is that the FINAL CHAPTER ?<br />
Omy . what happen next ?? T^T<br />
Jebal , make a sequel of a sequel :D
Wah~ Im already finished ? Omonaa~
Finallly! Man, I feel like "I'm" so stubborn....but I am sometimes. XD
I'M BACK!!!!!<br />
Sorry for being gone. I'm still your loyal reader! T_T<br />
Things have just been hard. But I like your story! :) Stupid GD though. -__-<br />
I subscribed! :D
OMG CHINHO YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!! ><" update soon!
*pouts* so thats what you did to me L.Joe oppa gd? you big fat meanie head!
whoa! now imma be super popular! ice skating......and now singing?! oh yeah!
haha another blonde asian xD