
Figure Skating Romance The Sequel


Dongmin and Chin Ho went to the mall. Dongmin brought Chin Ho to some of your favorite places, "So if you two have time, go to these places of the mall" Dongmin pointed at several stores from the directory.

Chin Ho was taking notes, *So many* 

"So, let's go to those places?" Dongmin asked but Chin Ho raised his hand, "But what if ______ won't go with me" Chin Ho asked

"Simple, just ask her if she wants to sneak out to the mall, she usually accepts," Dongmin smiled, "If her attitude for malling changed" Dongmin thought for a moment, "NAH~" Dongmin reconsiders and started to lead the way to KFC

They went in and Dongmin pointed at the bucket, "I know this sounds strange but, whenever you two are going to eat here, buy a bucket, plus mashed potatoes and an extra large soda, even though it is just the two of you" Dongmin said

Chin Ho gaped, "So it is true, ______ has a big appetite," 

"Not obvious right?" Dongmin raised an eyebrow

"She got a perfect figure, but she eats like a pig" Chin Ho said

"Actually she likes the term 'dog'" Dongmin corrected.

Chin Ho had to laugh. Dongmin stopped and looked at Chin Ho, "How big is your appetite?" 

Chin Ho gulped, "I'm a vegetarian,"

Dongmin gaped, "OMG! You're not cut out to be ______'s second oppa"

Chin Ho pouted, "How about you? How big is your appetite?"

Dongmin grinned


Chin Ho gaped at Dongmin who just ate a bucket of KFC chicken with 2 mashed potatoes and a huge soda

Chin Ho just finished half of his salad,

Dongmin smiled, "Sometimes bring ______'s boyfriend, those two eat alot too" 

Chin Ho nodded, "L.Joe?"

Dongmin nodded

"Sorry but I am forbidden to talk to him more than 2 sentences" Chin Ho said

Dongmin gaped, "What part of 'sneak out' do you don't understand?"

Chin Ho rubbed his neck, "Sorry"

"Ok~ Finish up. We have to go to eat dessert" Dongmin said

"But Aren't you full?" Chin Ho asked. Dongmin nodded, "hurry up"


After passing by the other favorite stores you love before going to your favorite waffle store, Chin Ho was already so full to have dessert, because he had to taste your 5 favorite smoothie and 4 favorite sweet cakes

Dongmin looked at Chin Ho, "Don't be a weakling, you'll get used to eating a lot"

Then they arrived at the waffle shop.

Dongmin ordered 5 waffles and a junior waffle for Chin Ho.

They sat next to the window, the spot you love to sit, "So always sit here when you're with ______, she loves this spot" Dongmin said

Chin Ho nodded, "Alright"

"I can't wait until next week," dongmin smiled

"Why?" Chin Ho asked

"I'm going to see L.joe and ______ again" Dongmin smiled. Chin Ho nodded

 "DONGMIN!!" two familiar voices shouted

Dongmin looked up and his eyes widened *Oh Snap!*

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omo.... finish already...??
stupid GD... in this story.. I hate him
but in real...he is one of my bias...
SarahBlackjack #2
Omg, just asking.. Who is SarahBlackjack? ._. I was so shocked because my username is there... ._. I know it's not me but lol I was shocked. Anyway, I'm going to read your fanfic now! I'll comment later! :)
?????<br />
mwoo ? Is that the FINAL CHAPTER ?<br />
Omy . what happen next ?? T^T<br />
Jebal , make a sequel of a sequel :D
Wah~ Im already finished ? Omonaa~
Finallly! Man, I feel like "I'm" so stubborn....but I am sometimes. XD
I'M BACK!!!!!<br />
Sorry for being gone. I'm still your loyal reader! T_T<br />
Things have just been hard. But I like your story! :) Stupid GD though. -__-<br />
I subscribed! :D
OMG CHINHO YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!! ><" update soon!
*pouts* so thats what you did to me L.Joe oppa gd? you big fat meanie head!
whoa! now imma be super popular! ice skating......and now singing?! oh yeah!
haha another blonde asian xD