
Figure Skating Romance The Sequel

You looked out of the window of the airplane, *We are almost there* you smiled.

Dongmin looked at you, he knew how excited you are to see Korea again.

You noticed Dongmin looking at you, you smiled at him "Excited too oppa?" You asked

Dongmin nodded, "Excited to see L.Joe?" 

You nodded, You looked at the view again, you started to see Jeju island, *We are here*

Finally you arrived at Incheon International Airport, fans appeared waiting for your return, you waved at them, *My dear fans*

You had trouble getting out of the airport, you hopped into the van, you saw millions of fans with their posters: 

Welcome back Kim ________

Thanks for making Korea proud!

How are you and L.Joe?

You laughed at the last poster. You blew kisses to them, Dongmin saw the poster and laughed, "I wonder how is L.Joe doing?" He asked

"I haven't heard of a comeback yet" You said

"Tomorrow let's go visit TOP ent" Dongmin said

"If our driver is still the same old driver" You said

"Even though, we are still going there, after we get our rest" Dongmin said. You laughed and put the curtains on, cause the van isn't tinted, 

"Get some rest ________, it is long way back to your condo" Dongmin said

You nodded and took a nice nap


Hey guys! Hope you liked the first chapter, many more chapters later when I get back

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omo.... finish already...??
stupid GD... in this story.. I hate him
but in real...he is one of my bias...
SarahBlackjack #2
Omg, just asking.. Who is SarahBlackjack? ._. I was so shocked because my username is there... ._. I know it's not me but lol I was shocked. Anyway, I'm going to read your fanfic now! I'll comment later! :)
?????<br />
mwoo ? Is that the FINAL CHAPTER ?<br />
Omy . what happen next ?? T^T<br />
Jebal , make a sequel of a sequel :D
Wah~ Im already finished ? Omonaa~
Finallly! Man, I feel like "I'm" so stubborn....but I am sometimes. XD
I'M BACK!!!!!<br />
Sorry for being gone. I'm still your loyal reader! T_T<br />
Things have just been hard. But I like your story! :) Stupid GD though. -__-<br />
I subscribed! :D
OMG CHINHO YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!! ><" update soon!
*pouts* so thats what you did to me L.Joe oppa gd? you big fat meanie head!
whoa! now imma be super popular! ice skating......and now singing?! oh yeah!
haha another blonde asian xD