
Figure Skating Romance The Sequel

"Manager hyung is so going to kill me when he finds out I wasn't in the dorm last night" L.Joe thought

You and Dongmin looked at L.Joe, "Go home now" Both of you said. You looked at Dongmin and continued, "If they are still asleep, you can sneak in, but if they are awake and didn't go out of the dorm yet, pretend you were sleeping right beside the door and they will think you slept there the whole night" You smiled

"You are super cute! talented and smart!" L.JOe pinched your cheeks

you pouted," I'm not that smart, "you said

Dongmin laughed, "She is so dumb she can't even speak fluent English nor Korean"

You slapped him, "What do you mean?" You pouted, "I am vely good n Engliss" You said

With that Dongmin and L.Joe cracked up

You made a face. L.Joe came and pinched your cheeks, "I love your accent!" L.Joe smiled

You pulled back and covered your cheeks, "Mi chiks will bi swolem" You said, trying to remove the accent

Dongmin and L.Joe laughed, "CUTE~~"

"AHHH!!!!!" You shouted. Then you heard a knock at your door. You, Dongmin and L.Joe got silent

"Who could be coming here early in the morning?" L.JOe asked

You went to the door and opened it, your eyes widened to see GD there, "Jiyong!"

"Mrs ________!" GD brightened, "Is this a bad time? Or did I wake you up?" He asked. You shook your head, "It's fine, come in" You opened the door widely.

He went in to see your condo, it was tidy.

Then L.Joe came out of the kitchen, "_____ who is-" He stopped to see GD infront of him *It is GDragon of BigBang! But what is he doing here* L.Joe thought

"I just thought I could stop by and visit" GD smiled

L.JOe was speechless

*Why is L.JOe of TeenTop doing here in  _______'s house, he should be at his dorm! Wait! Did he sleep here?* GD thought

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omo.... finish already...??
stupid GD... in this story.. I hate him
but in real...he is one of my bias...
SarahBlackjack #2
Omg, just asking.. Who is SarahBlackjack? ._. I was so shocked because my username is there... ._. I know it's not me but lol I was shocked. Anyway, I'm going to read your fanfic now! I'll comment later! :)
?????<br />
mwoo ? Is that the FINAL CHAPTER ?<br />
Omy . what happen next ?? T^T<br />
Jebal , make a sequel of a sequel :D
Wah~ Im already finished ? Omonaa~
Finallly! Man, I feel like "I'm" so stubborn....but I am sometimes. XD
I'M BACK!!!!!<br />
Sorry for being gone. I'm still your loyal reader! T_T<br />
Things have just been hard. But I like your story! :) Stupid GD though. -__-<br />
I subscribed! :D
OMG CHINHO YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!! ><" update soon!
*pouts* so thats what you did to me L.Joe oppa gd? you big fat meanie head!
whoa! now imma be super popular! ice skating......and now singing?! oh yeah!
haha another blonde asian xD