US part 3

Figure Skating Romance The Sequel

"WHOAH!! WAIT!" L.Joe said

"What's wrong oppa? I thought you would love to hear what happened from the states?" You asked.

"It is not like I don't like it, but, what is up with George? Why is he in the story?" L.JOe asked

You made a face, "I am free to meet friends am I?"

"I am just curious" L.JOe grinned

"But do you want me to continue?" You asked

"Not without any popcorn and soda" L.Joe grinned. 

You lightly pushed him, "I have chips in the fridge" You said. L.Joe got up and took out a big bowl of chip, "Now you can continue" He said.

You smiled.


In a while the other skater were watching you and Dongmin dance. With Dongmin's sharp hearing he heard them chattering

"She is good"

"Her skating is unique"

"She is pretty"

"That guy is cute"

Dongmin whispered in your ear, "Hear that? You have a unique style of skating"

You blushed and continued.

After the dance. Sarah came to you, "Waa~ You are so good!" She smiled

You smiled back, "It was just for training" 

"Not that good, I can do better than that" a voice in a Russian accent said. You turned to see Miranda and her partner making an evil smirk

"_______, don't mind her, she is just a big bully" Sarah told you in Korean

"Wow Miss Sarah talking Korean?" Miranda smirked, "I thought you are English?"

"I am half English and Korean" She gulped

"Whatever" Miranda rolled her eyes and glared at you, "let's see who wins in the Olympics" She pointed at you and went away

"hey! Sarah also has a chance to win!" You yelled

She didn't turned around and just smirked at you

You gulped. Sarah came to you, "Don't worry, I'll help you"

Your feet felt week and you almost collapse, good Dongmin caught you, " Are you alright?" He asked

You didn't respond, "I feel like quitting" You said in Korean

"Don't say that ________!! Don't be a coward!" Dongmin said to you in Korean

"Yeah _____, keep on Going, Fighting" Sarah came to you and pumped her fist. Dongmin accidentally dropped you when Sarah came close.

"Ah~" you looked at Dongmin who was staring at Sarah. Sarah looked at DOngmin and sat down to you, she held out her hand, "Let's go get some tea in my room" She gave you a warm smile

You took her hand and she helped you up. She slung your arm around her neck and helped you to her room.

Sarah's partner snapped his fingers infront of Dongmin

Dongmin got back to reality and looked around. Sarah's partner smirked at Dongmin, "_____ is in Sarah's room" He said as he walked away

dongmin felt his head, *i need to control myself whenever I am around Sarah* he thought as he walked away.


Mianhae guys, I forgot to publish this a while ago, I had to get ready for practice

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omo.... finish already...??
stupid GD... in this story.. I hate him
but in real...he is one of my bias...
SarahBlackjack #2
Omg, just asking.. Who is SarahBlackjack? ._. I was so shocked because my username is there... ._. I know it's not me but lol I was shocked. Anyway, I'm going to read your fanfic now! I'll comment later! :)
?????<br />
mwoo ? Is that the FINAL CHAPTER ?<br />
Omy . what happen next ?? T^T<br />
Jebal , make a sequel of a sequel :D
Wah~ Im already finished ? Omonaa~
Finallly! Man, I feel like "I'm" so stubborn....but I am sometimes. XD
I'M BACK!!!!!<br />
Sorry for being gone. I'm still your loyal reader! T_T<br />
Things have just been hard. But I like your story! :) Stupid GD though. -__-<br />
I subscribed! :D
OMG CHINHO YOU'RE SOOO CUTE!! ><" update soon!
*pouts* so thats what you did to me L.Joe oppa gd? you big fat meanie head!
whoa! now imma be super popular! ice skating......and now singing?! oh yeah!
haha another blonde asian xD