This time I confess

Can we just go back to the past?

Taemin drag Minho outside the apartment still holding his right arm, he stop walking when they reach the park and let go Minho's arm.

"Yah Taemin-ah. What you do you think you are doing, dragging me outside. You are still sick, you need to rest. Come on let's go inside." Minho said when he notice that Taemin's shoulder moving up and  down sign that he is breathing so hard.

"No hyung, I don't want to go back now, Key hyung might interrupt us again." Taemin said and turn around to face Minho. But he can't look straight at the older's eyes.

"Taemin-ah come on if you want to say something just tell that to me when you're not sick anymore. It is not good for you to stay outside it's cold." Minho tries to convince the maknae because he is worried that his fever might come back.

"No hyung I need to say it to you now. And I am okay now." Taemin still looking at the ground. But truthfully he still feel dizzy.

"I know you're not, you-"

"Hyung I love you." Taemin confess gather all his strength and courage to look at Minho's eyes  that is now wide open.

Minho still remain silent but his face shows how shock he is.

"Minho hyung, I said I love you." Taemin repeat it again but now his voice have a little hesitation since Minho is not saying anything and just keeps on staring at him. Taemin's mind started to think of different kind of thing like, did Minho change his feeling for him.did Minho realize that he really is just friend and that he only said those words that night is just because he is drank. Did he starts to like Key, but no, didn't he just said a moment a go that he still loves him. Taemin's mind is in a complete mess right now. 'Hyung did you hear me?" Taemin ask and hold Minho's arms.

"I did." Minho answer. "But why are saying this now Taemin. When you said that-"

"I know Hyung that it is crazy that after i rejected you, I am now confessing my love for you." Taemin sat down in the bench because he feels that anytime now his knee might brake down because of his dizziness and plus the fact that he is so nervous that Minho might not accept his reasons.

"Hyung, first I want to say sorry for hurting your feeling and for giving you a hard time." Taemin starts he is busy playing his finger so that the nervous that he feels right now will subside. "I love you hyung, just like the love that you feel for me, not for friend and not also as a brother. But the love that no one can describe.Taemin pause because maybe Minho can not understand him.

"Then why Taemin." Minho ask curiously.

"Because I got scared."Taemin answer immediately.

"Scared of what?"

"I am scared of the future. That if I told you my feeling that day that means we are going to start having a relationship. A relationship that needs a lot of feelings, love and trust. I got scared that what if one day you might realized that you don't really love me and you will ask for us to be just friend. I don't want to be left alone in the end hyung. I know that it is a selfish thing but I am not strong as you who can handle such things. I am sorry hyung, I really am." Taemin voice break when his tears starts to fall.

Minho kneel down at Taemin's front and grab his hand and hold it with his two hands. "Taemin-ah. Why would you think that I might fall out of love for you when I already gave you my heart when I confess my feelings for you." Minho said with a calm and soft voice while looking straight at Taemin's eyes which filled with tears.

"But Minho hyung-"

"And what made you think that I will leave you. Where else should I go aside from staying by your side?" Minho continue and didn't give Taemin any chance to speak. "And between the two of us, I am sure that it is not me that will fall out of this love because my love for you is the only thing that makes me feel alive." He smile at Taemin. Smile that sends the message that everything will be alright.

"I am sorry hyung." Taemin hug Minho so tight that Minho feels his ribs will break 

"It's okay now Taemin. What is more important now is that I already know what you really feels. I am so happy Taemin knowing that you love me too." Minho was near to cry but he holds it.

"I love you Hyung, I love you so much. I know that we can not return from what we had before but instead I will to change it and this time I will be more honest with myself." 

Minho broke the hug and look at Taemin's face with so much love in his eyes. He cope the younger's face and slowly claim his lips. He feels how warm those lips are, those lips that he can just kiss in his dream. Taemin response in the kiss by hugging the the older in the neck. It was just a soft kiss but before it will turn into a deep one Minho broke it. He looks at Taemin and touch his lips, it's so warm that he feels it's burning his fingers. But then he just remember why it is hot. Taemin's fever is back!

"Yah! I told you it is not good staying here. Your fever is back!" Minho said with so much worry in his face.

Taemin laugh. "It's okay hyung it's just a fever I can burn in this fever for all I care. I am okay now. Far beyond okay."

"Stop being stupid. Let's go back." Minho said and pull Taemin up from his chair and start walking, holding his hands.


'Yes Taemin?"

"I am really okay for you? I already gave you so much pain." Taemin ask.

"Of course Taemin, No matter how many times you hurt me I will accept all of that. Because getting hurt by you means that my love for you is still inside my heart. And no matter how deep the wound i will get in this love, I don't mind it because I am getting by loving you." Minho answer warmly.

Taemin hold Minho's hand tightly, the hand that he will be holding from now on. "Thank you hyung." is what all he can say.

Minho was being scolded by Onew and Jonghyun the next morning because they just found out that the maknae's fever is back. Key who is just listening to the two lecturing Minho decided to look for Taemin. As he open the door he saw Taemin trying to grab the glass of water. He walk toward the side table and help the maknae to get his drink. Taemin was surprise to see Key in the room. All this time that he is sick Key didn't bother to go inside his room.

"How are you feeling Taemin-ah?" Key ask when Taemin finish his drink.

"I am okay now hyung. Thank you." He answer and he look at Key. "Hyung c-can I ask you something?" 

"What is it Taemin?" Key move toward Taemin and fix his mess hair.

"Did.."He hesitated to ask, but nevertheless he continue, "..did you really love Minho-hyung?" after asking the question Taemin look down.

Key took a deep breath. "Why Taemin, are thinking that I just said that to help you realize your feeling and help gather your courage to confess?" Key smile bitterly.

Taemin look at his hyung. How did he know what he is thinking. 

"First of all Taemin, I want you to know that I really did love Minho, and this feeling is not just for friend. But I don't have any plan to confess this to him because I know that the two of you have a mutual feeling for each other." Key said who is playing his own finger. "But I was surprise when I found out that you rejected him." Key stop when he notice that Taemin wants to say anything.

"How did you know that I have feelings for him hyung?" 

"I know you very well Taemin. And you just unconsciously cofess your feeling a long time ago when you said that you miss Minho while he is shooting his drama and that it is so hard for you to watch him kissing someone else." Key smile when he remember Taemin's face when they are watching Minho's drama and the scene is when the boy kiss Sulli. He remember how shock the maknae look and keep on saying "Minho hyung is really good at acting." he sounds af if he is convincing himself that it is just an act. "At first I don't mind what is really happening between the two of you because I know that anytime soon you will gonna realize what you really feel and confess it to Minho. But the two of you is stupid making a bet and decided to be just friend again." Key wants to smack Taemin and Minho at that day.


"I am there Taemin. And just so you know, what written in Minho's paper is the same as what written in your paper." Key reveal and took something in his pocket and gave it to Taemin.

"This is Minho's paper."

"Yes it is. At that time I decided to make a move. I don't want that the two person that is important to me to get hurt. You as my son and Minho as the man that I love. The day that you saw us kissing is my plan. I saw your phone in the dining table and I know anytime you will come back to get it, everything that I plan successfully work." Key explain and smile at Taemin. Smile that Taemin sure is true.

Taemin hug Key as a way of saying thank you. He is so grateful to have him by his side to help him, thought he feel so sorry for Key that the older have to reveal the feeling that he doesn't plan to reveal and give up the his love for Minho just to make him happy. He hug him tightly and he started to tear up. Key patted his back.

"And yes Taemin to answer you question, I did reveal my feeling just to help the both of you."Key answer with a little laugh in his voice. Taemin still hug Key and continue to cry. After crying his lung out Taemin pull out from the hug and wipe his tears.

'Thank you hyung. I don't know how should I pay you."

"Just be happy Taemin-ah, love Minho and please don't feel sorry for me because this is what I want. Can you do that?" He ask and Taemin nodded. "Then you're paid." He pat the maknae's head and stood up. "Go rest now, I don't want to get lectured by the two old man outside just like what they are doing to minho from exhausting you." He said and move toward the door. "Goodnight Taemin-ah."

"Goodnight hyung."Taemin said back and smile.

When Key open the door he finds Minho standing at the side leaning agains the wall. He give him a warm smile. "Don't enter that room now Minho. Taemin need to sleep." Key said and start to walk away but stop when Minho hug him from the back. 

"Thank you Kibum hyung and I am sorry." Minho said.

"Yah!! Just say thank you, you don't have to say sorry anymore. Your just hurting me more." Key said jokingly.

"Thank you Hyung." and after that Minho headed inside his own room leaving Key in the corridor spacing out when Jonghyun snap out.

"YAH KIBUM!! Why are you spacing out in the middle of the corridor." 

"Don't shout at me Jonghyun hyung! I can hear you." he said angrily and starts to walk toward the kitchen.

Jonghyun just smile and headed to the living room to watch together with Onew.

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Lovely story ~
Chapter 7: I agree, you should write a sequel. Key does deserve it.
Chapter 7: my poor key . So lonely please make a sequel for Jongkey . Its so good
Chapter 7: oh key... poor guy.
Chapter 6: I'm happy for taemin :D but key... i hope he wasn't deeply in love with minho, or that he wasn't at all
Chapter 4: Key! You manipulative bastard xD! I just...I'm not a minkey fan tbh BUT if this helps Tae to realize his feelings for Minho then I'm more than ok.
Chapter 2: Poor minho, it's so sad cause I've been there xD so yeah!