Confession and rejection

Can we just go back to the past?

Teamin and Minho have been best of friends ever since they are just trainees. They are so close, close enough to make people question their relationship. For Teamin it is ridiculous how people put malice in their closeness because for him Minho is just a friend, friend that is precious to him.

But for Minho, it was different. For him Teamin is more than a friend, more than a brother, he loves Teamin and for him he is willing to give up everything just to make Taemin happy even if it is his own happiness. Minho decided to keep his feeling inside of him and remain this so called friendship between him and Taemin especially now he sees the younger having a good time hanging with his on-screen wife, Na Eun.

His plan to make it a secret is going smoothly and he thought everything is normal between him and Taemin until that one night when he got drunk and went home late.

Minho can not remember how the hell did he manage to make it home since he was so drunk and dizzy, even though he just had a three to four glass of acohol it did make a big effect in his tired body. This past few days he's been making himself busy and tired so that he will not think about something unnecessary.  About Taemin

He is already in the front door and trying to press the code to open their apartment when suddenly the door open and the person who keep running in his mind came out.

"Hyung! You are late again today. What have you been doing this past few days" Taemin ask as he help Minho to enter the apartment because the older seems to fall down any minute.

"Taemin-ah~ why are you here? Don't you have work with your stupid We Got Married show?" Minho ask instead of answering Taemin.

But before Taemin can answer, the older fall down in the floor. Taemin drag the older inside the living room and use all his strength to get Minho up to the couch. He was panting when he succeeded to put Minho in the couch. He was about to go to the dining room to get water when suddenly Minho grab his arm.


"Yes Hyung, do you want something?" he ask and turn to Minho just to be surprise to see the older having tears in his eyes. "How what's wrong? Are you hurt?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Taemin, it hurts, it hurts so much and i don't know what to do anymore, I don't mean to it to happen I just want us to remain the way we were before, but I just can't." He answered while the tears continues falling in his eyes.

"Hyung, what are you taking about, I don't under-"

"Taemin-ah...I love you" Minho said in a very low tone that he himself is not sure if he heared it.

But Taemin heared it enough to make him gasp aloud. though this is not the first time Minho saying those words to him, he knows that there is a different meaning this time

"H-hyung, I know that, since I am your little brother right?" Taemin said because he still ignore the fact that this time itis different.\

"I'm sorry Taemin, I'm so sorry that this feeling of mine is not just for little brother, it's not just for a friend. I love you Taemin, I love you enough to the point that sometimes I just want you to always stay by my side, to locked you inside the room so that no one can have you, I love you so much that no words can explain this feeling of mine." Minho continue his confession but he still keep his eyes shut, and his arms at the top of it. He thinks that in this way maybe his tears will stop falling.

A very long silence happens next, it was just Minho's sniff and Taemin's breathing is all can be hear. Then Minho feel Teamin sat at the end of the couch. He open his eyes to look at Taemin, he saw the younger with his head low.

"I'm sorry Hyung, I don't know what to say. All this time I thought that we are friends, that you are treating me as a little brother. I'm sorry Hyung, I'm sorry but I can't accept it. For me you are just my friend, like Key, Onew, and Jonghyun hyung." Taemin says but his gazed is still fixed at the ground.

Minho swallowed cry, trying to stop the tears that started to fall again. He made a long sigh and he stand up. He stood at Taemin's front and he put his hand in the younger's head and ruffled his hair, just like the old time and he don't know if he still can do it in the future after this moment.

"I'm sorry Taemin, I'm sorry for betraying your feeling. But my feeling for you will still remain and will never change. I love you and that will be forever." he said it with a very sad tone though he doesn't mean it to say like that. But Minho is tired, tired of all the lies that he had been doing. Slowly he take off his hand in Taemin's head and started to walk to his room.

That night Minho, for the first time in his life cried a thousand tears because of his broken heart.




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Lovely story ~
Chapter 7: I agree, you should write a sequel. Key does deserve it.
Chapter 7: my poor key . So lonely please make a sequel for Jongkey . Its so good
Chapter 7: oh key... poor guy.
Chapter 6: I'm happy for taemin :D but key... i hope he wasn't deeply in love with minho, or that he wasn't at all
Chapter 4: Key! You manipulative bastard xD! I just...I'm not a minkey fan tbh BUT if this helps Tae to realize his feelings for Minho then I'm more than ok.
Chapter 2: Poor minho, it's so sad cause I've been there xD so yeah!