Fight for this LOVE

Can we just go back to the past?

It was already 12 midnight but Taemin's eyes are still wide open. Key's words are still stock at his mind. After he got tired of tossing from side to side in his bed, Taemin decided to get up to get some milk in the kitchen.

"Can't sleep Taemin-ah?"

Taemin almost jump from shock when he heard the voice. Luckily he didn't drop the box of milk. He walk toward the light switch and found Minho sitting at one chair.

"Yah Minho hyung don't scare me like that. I thought my heart will jump out from my chest." Taemin protest and he go back at the sink counter to put some milk in his glass.

Minho chuckled, "Sorry Minnie, I thought you already saw me when you enter." Minho said while looking at the maknae. "So you can't sleep?" Minho ask when Taemin pull the chair across to him.

"Yup. I should be sleeping now since this is so tiring day but I don't know, I can get myself to sleep." He explain while playing the rim of the glass.

Minho notice that there's some milk in Taemin's lip. He grab a napkin, at first he wants to give it to the boy but change his mind. He move toward the younger and wipe the milk in his lips. Taemin froze in Minho's action. It was a usual thing for Minho to take care of him but this time he found it romantic.

"Thank you." he mumble "How about you hyung? Can't sleep too?" he ask.

"Nope. I'm already sleeping but I had a nightmare."

"Really hyung, what is your nightmare?" he ask curiously.

"You." Minho said jokingly. Taemin smile.

"Then maybe that's the reason why I can't sleep. Because they say that if you can't sleep there is someone who is dreaming about you." Taemin laugh. Minho laugh too, he was amaze that Taemin can say something like that.

"But it should be nice if it is not a nightmare. You nearly kill me in that dream." Minho continue to joke around. He really miss Taemin, talking to him like this. Because even though they are already back as being friend, which is at least he thought they are there are still times that he feels that Taemin have been so reserve.

"Well you are still lucky hyung that you survive that nightmare of yours."

" Of course Taemin. I'm a lucky person. " Minho answer but he didn't notice that he's been staring at Taemin for a long time now which makes the younger feel uncomfortable..

"Hyung can I ask you something?" Taemin ask while his eyes are glued in his milk.

"Sure Taemin."  Minho is not sure but he feels that Taemin will ask the question that he doesn't want to talk about especially when he is  talking to him.

"How are you and Key hyung?" Taemin hesitated to ask. So Minho was right. This is all about  him and Key. 

"What do you expect me to answer in that question Taemin? And why are you bringing this up.'' he ask too. Honestly speaking he don't know what to answer too because this kind of topic is so sensitive.

"I don't know Hyung it just I want to know how are you guys." Taemin answer, still looking at his milk. Even he wants to ask that question to himself. He heard Minho sigh and stand up from his chair. He look up to the older.

"I don't think that it is wise to talk something like this Taemin-ah." Minho walk to his direction and and touch the boys head. "Go to bed now Taemin. I think tomorrow we have practice again. It s better for you to have enough rest." That's it and Minho walk outside the kitchen.

It been a long time since Minho went back to his room but Taemin is still sitting in the kitchen, still in his deep thought about what is the best thing to do in this mess up situation which he made. He sigh and stand up to go back to his room. Maybe someday he can fix everything and change it in a better result.

In the next morning all the member except Taemin are already in the dining.

"That's a surprise that Taemin is still not here, usually he is waking up earlier than me." Jonghyun commented while making their coffee.

"Yeah, you are right. I think I have to check him." Onew said but when he was about to get up from his chair Minho stops him.

"I will go Hyung." Minho send and walk towards Taemin's room. He notice from the side of his eyes that Key was looking at him but was surprise that the he didn't stop him.

Minho knock at Taemin's room but he doesn't here anything inside the room. So he just decided to open it. "Taemin-ah, I am coming in." He said when he open the door. He see that Taemin is still in the bed. Blanket covers all his body. Minho walk to Taemin's bed and shake him to wake up the younger. But the boy still didn't answer. He pull the blanket down and was surprise that the boy is panting and is sweating so badly. "Yah Taemin what's wrong with you?"

"Minho hyung, it's cold put back the blanket." Taemin answer with a small voice.

After putting the blanket back Minho place his hand and feel Taemin's forehead and he was right, the maknae have a fever. "What did you do that you got sick. Did you got out last night when I headed back to my room?" Minho ask and went to get a towel to wipe the boys sweat that is already covering his face.

But the maknae didn't say anything and continue to pant. After wiping the boys sweat Minho get out of the room to inform the member.

"What took you so long just by waking Taemin up?" Jonghyun ask who already started to  eat.

"Taemin is sick. I calling manager hyung to ask send a doctor here to check Taemin."

"Is his condition is that bad?" Onew ask with concern in his voice.

"I think so I need to check his temperature first. Key can you get the thermometer?" He ask Key who just nodded his head and stand up in his chair.

After calling their manager to inform in Taemin's condition, Minho return in Taemin's room and found Key there who is busy taking the maknae's temperature. Even though now that they are not in that good situation Minho knows that Key is still worried with Taemin.

"40.2" Key stated Taemin's condition and place a wet towel at the top of maknae's forehead.

"Thanks Key." He said before Key headed out the room. Minho walk at Taemin's bed and sit by his side. The boy looks really sick and he can make sure of that because this fair face is now red because of the fever. Unconsciously Minho's hand move to Taemin's face to feel it. It is still hot, his hand stay there until the door open and the doctor came in.

After examining Taemin for just fifteen minutes the doctor say his goodbye and said that Taemin is over fatigue and needs to take atleast today's off to rest. Onew said that Minho and Key can stay to look for the maknae and he and Jonghyun can take care of there schedule today since it is not really that hectic. After the two member left, Minho return to Taemin's room while Key went to the kitchen to cook something that the maknae can eat.

Minho stay at Taemin's side until his fever got low. All this day while he is looking up for Taemin's condition Key didn't bother to disturb him and didn't  enter in Taemin's room. When Minho makes sure that the maknae's fever is already gone, he went out the room to get something to eat since he didn't eat anything since this morning. He saw Key in the kitchen busy preparing for their dinner. 

"How's Taemin?"

"His fever is gone now. I think he just need to sleep more." Minho answer while opening the fridge.

"I think I know why Taemin is lacking of sleep."

"Of course. In our busy schedule and his shot in WGM, he is really getting less sleep more than us."

"You think so?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I talk to him yesterday." Key answer and stare at Minho.

"What did you tell him?" Minho ask with anger. Now he knows why Taemin suddenly ask something about him and Key.

"That you still love him. And blunt out what he realize when I told him that I love you." Key answer with a calm voice.

"You did what?" Minho already loss his temper. "And what do you mean by he realize something."

"I just want him to be more honest to himself Minho. I didn't mean any harm when I told him that." Key continue to cook. "And that thing is only can be said by Taemin.'

"But Key, you don't have to tell him about your feeling for me. That is two much."

"No Minho. He needs to know it and if ever we start dating he will not be surprise."

"Dating? Me and you? Dating? Are you out of your mind? I know that you offer me a help which I didn't remember accepting. But now I know and I am sure that I am not going to accept that help Key because I don't have any plan to date someone expect Taemin." Minho said in his angry voice. He saw how hurt Key was after he finish talking and it suddenly make him guilty. 'Look Key, I know how you feel because I am myself is in that situation right now. I don't want to use you just to fill this lonely heart of my. I don't want to use you as a cover to my wound." this time his voice is more calm.

"But I don't care if you use me. I just want to be with you.' Key said as if he is begging for Minho.

"But Key-" Minho was cut when someone from his back speak up.

"I think you should better stop now Key hyung. Because it is me that Minho hyung love. Don't push yourself in a thing that will might hurt you." Taemin said as he approach them and grab Minho's arm. "You said that I can't fix something what is already broken but I can change it. And I will do it now because I want to fight for this love." After saying it he grab Minho's neck and claim the taller's boy's lips. The kiss didn't last long. "I want to thank you Key hyung for making me realize my feelings and this time I am going to fight for this and I will not hide this anymore." Taemin pull Minho's hand and headed out the apartment.

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Lovely story ~
Chapter 7: I agree, you should write a sequel. Key does deserve it.
Chapter 7: my poor key . So lonely please make a sequel for Jongkey . Its so good
Chapter 7: oh key... poor guy.
Chapter 6: I'm happy for taemin :D but key... i hope he wasn't deeply in love with minho, or that he wasn't at all
Chapter 4: Key! You manipulative bastard xD! I just...I'm not a minkey fan tbh BUT if this helps Tae to realize his feelings for Minho then I'm more than ok.
Chapter 2: Poor minho, it's so sad cause I've been there xD so yeah!