7th Tip

How To Tell A Realistic Love Story
And the drama begins.

“Life isn’t a steady sidewalk. It begins on the edge of your comfort zone”.

Reality is made of happiness, sympathy and hope; but it also contained hatred, sorrow and pain.

Make life a literature quote, and you’ll have the sentences above.
But make life an informal saying; it’ll just become a messy bowl filled with both mouth-watering fried chicken wings and stale pizzas.

Love is a part of life.
So is love a delicious meal, or just a piece of rotten leftover?


“Here at the Paradise Coffee, you have the chance to enjoy a huge variety of drinks – from a sweet iced peach tea to a beautiful cup of cappuccino – all made by special recipes. We also serve snacks – what is more satisfying than a bite of crunchy French fries while having a sip of strawberry soda? The view is fantastic, and if you want to blend in to the nature, get a seat on the balcony, where we had placed gorgeous swings and amiable pots of plants. And although we locate at the city centre, the price is just acceptable!

Isn’t it attractive enough to you? No?
How about a book presentation every two weeks by the very best-selling author – Kim Heechul?

We can see you’re eager now! Come join us at abc, XYZ Street on the grand opening with the presence of this worldwide-famous novel writer!”

Sungmin looks up from the magazine, worriedly speaks to the man opposite him:
-Ryeowook! Your rival is opening a new café!
The writer takes a glance at the advertisement Sungmin handled him, then monotonously replies:
-He’s not my rival, Minnie.
-He made fun of your books, humiliated you at the national book conference, wrote negative reviews on your best-selling novel; and you still consider him your friend? And look, isn’t his new café just around the corner from here? He must be up to something!
-Lee Sungmin!
The mention of his full name startles the personal assistant. Ryeowook only states it when he’s serious, or extremely furious.
-He’s just a writer who coincidentally opened a café near Wonder Boys, that’s all. If he really means something bad, we’ll stop him before he has the chance to do anything.
-I’m just…
-And don’t say a word about this to Kyuhyun.

-Say what to me? – Kyuhyun smiles wickedly and places the tray of drinks onto their table – That I’m too handsome? You don’t have to say that, it’s the obvious truth.
-Really? I wanna throw up right now – the petite answers, taking a sip of his vanilla tea.

Sungmin lets out a small groan and picks up the magazine again, attempting to hide the ad.
-How is the drink? – Kyuhyun bit his lips nervously.
-You’ve finally added the right amount of vanilla! Not too sweet, but I can still smell the original vanilla scent.
-Really! Wow that's a relief! Finally I can add it to the menu! – the youngest of them yells out, skipping joyfully to the kitchen.

Ryeowook watches as the tall figure disappears, a smile beams on his face:
-He’s fixed the recipe for countless time. Thank god it finally works – he drinks the tea again, and his smile grows even bigger.
-Look at you, now you’ve got one of the symptoms – Sungmin chuckles.
-Got what? – the other raises his eyebrows, looking questioningly.
-“Are you having a crush on someone? Take the following test to find out!” – the assistant reads aloud the article in the mentioned magazine – “One - You smile when the other is happy”, totally true!
Ryeowook sighs hopelessly as Sungmin bewilderingly reaches out for a pencil and puts a tick on the option.
-“Two – You can’t let a day pass by without seeing the other”, oh my gosh you sit at his café everyday!
Another tick is checked.
-“Three – You guys bicker a lot, but about silly problems”, this is also true! My my, Wookie are you dating Kyuhyun?
-Hell please, no!

-Okay hold on, let me guess his reaction – Kyuhyun burst out a laugh – he snatched the magazine from you, took a quick glance at it and frowned.
-He really did that – Sungmin smiles wickedly, something hidden in his eyes.
Kyuhyun’s laugh gets even bigger:
-Oh I forgot his classic – “This is a huge invasion to my pride and confidence!”
This time both of them practically die of laughter, yet Sungmin still didn’t forget to open the magazine and put the tick on the last option – “You know a lot about the other’s habits and hobbies”.

Fun fact #10:


A tick is counted as a ‘yes’.

  1. You smile when the other is happy.
  2. You can’t let a day pass by without seeing the other.
  3. You guys bicker a lot, but about silly problems.
  4. You spend almost all of your free time with the other.
  5. You think the other is perfect even when they have flaws.
  6. You’d do anything to help the other.
  7. Everything you do somehow always has something to do with the other.
  8. You trust the other for no reasons.
  9. You know a lot about the other’s habits and hobbies.

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Chapter 9: Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? Just a random question >.<
Chapter 7: Okay, I'm in love with this fic. It's so unique >.<
Chapter 5: Those 'Spark Fly' lyrics fit KyuWook so much. Just sayin' ^^
Gonna read all the rest of the chapters! :)
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 10: Nesecito que se termine >< esto es lo mejor..!
Hanzo242 #5
Chapter 10: This is soo cute! I had a lot fun reading it! The dialouge between Ryeowook and Kyuhyun is really cute and the fun facts never fail to brighten each chapter. Looks like Ryeowook understands his feelings but I wonder when Kyuhyun will? Or maybe he already has lol. I can't wait to see how Kangin's and Seohyun's involvements will chang the story. Especially Heechul. It seems like Ryeowook will have a hard time with Heechul and I hope that Kyuhyun can support him. Well then, kudos to your imagination with this story and it would be great if you could update but don't force yourself to ^^
Chapter 10: YES KANGIN and noooo seohyun I hate seokyu :'(
Chapter 5: omg that was my favorite line in sparks fly xD
Chapter 1: oooh I like this
Chapter 1: Interesting :))) hmmmmmmm.
Chapter 10: Your writing style is so cool! I like that each chapter starts with a kind
of narration/ commentary on love, but works it's way back
into the story with cute/humorous dialogue between Kyuhyun and Ryeowook
The whole story kind of has a whimsical flare to it :D