6th Tip

How To Tell A Realistic Love Story

How many flawless friendships have you caught in novels? Let’s name some here: Harry Potter and Ron Weasley (1), Percy Jackson and his satyr Grover Underwood (2), Rebecca and Suze (3).

However, in real life, friendship is like a clump of soft clay, only after the difficulties of forming, glazing and firing does it become a fine product that is perfect and long-lasting.

A/N: (1): two main characters in Harry Potter (J.K.Rowling)

(2): two main characters in Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan)

(3): two main characters in Confessions Of A Shopaholic (Sophie Kinsella)


Kyuhyun’s frustrated voice echoed in the coffee shop:
-If you keep being stubborn like this, go to the toilet!
-Why don’t you go to the toilet instead! – Ryeowook yelled back, his heart clutching within every word.
-Fine, at least in there I don’t have to see your face anymore! – Kyuhyun replied him by leaving straightly to the kitchen, extending the gap between them.


It all started at one of Ryeowook’s book signings.

The petite is one of the authors whose amount of fans has counted up to more than a million. The book signing in the capital of Korea was no exception with thousands of people participating in. Ryeowook sat behind a large desk, busy signing the books, a beautiful smile enlightened his face. Things went according to the plan until the end of the event – the people started to flock in to have the last books signed. Ryeowook was waving goodbye, preparing to leave when an over-enthusiastic fan broke the line to move forward.

The crowd became unexpectedly chaotic, and Ryeowook felt a strong push from behind. He lost balance and fell, his face hit hard on the marble floor.

When Kyuhyun hurried to the hospital, Ryeowook had already had four stitches on the chin.


-You must be more careful, Ryeowook.
-Seriously, Kyuhyun! How many times have I told you that it was just an accident?
-Yeah, and if people had ‘accidentally’ stepped on you, you could have been killed there! I’ll hire a bodyguard for you.
-It’s senseless doing that!
-No more arguments on this.


Ryeowook could only stand his new bodyguard for a day.
-Kyuhyun, please – the petite used his sweetest voice when the latter placed a vanilla macchiato in front of him – get rid of him.
As much as Kyuhyun loved the cute noise coming from the other’s mouth, he couldn’t accept his request.
-I remember telling you we wouldn’t argue on the matter anymore
-But I can’t just bear him! It’s like my whole privacy is being intruded!
-You’ll be fine, Ryeowook-ah. Just get used to it.
-I can’t, I simply can’t! I’m a writer and this is a huge invasion to my pride and confidence! – Ryeowook burst out, totally losing control.
-If you keep being stubborn like this, go to the toilet!


Where is he? It’s been two weeks!
He didn’t answer any of my calls, refused to answer my texts, and he changed the lock of his apartment!

Kyuhyun unlocks the phone in his hand unconsciously, and to his disappointment, the device remains silent – no sign of any missed call or new text.

“Ryeowook please, call me when you have received this message”.
The text is sent, and just like many other texts with the similar content, it doesn’t have a reply. Kyuhyun tiredly looks up from his phone, only to see a figure blocking his sight.


Jongwoon calmly takes a sip of his drink:
-Hmm, this tastes good. How did you make it?
-It’s… - Kyuhyun let out another sigh – …Ryeowook’s recipe.
-Hmm, now I can see why he keeps complaining on my vanilla macchiato. Speaking of which, he’s such a spoiled brat, you know. Popping up from nowhere two weeks ago, making a fuss about his drinks, continuously requesting to change tables, breaking countless pencils and tearing an enormous amount of paper… He’s taking my café for granted!
-Wait, you mean Ryeowook now spends time at your café? – Kyuhyun shakes his head, trying his best to absorb the information.
-I don’t know, Ryeowook forbade me to tell you – Jongwoon’s lips curve into a knowing smile.


Ryeowook crushes the umpteenth paper in that day, frustration covered his lovely face. The characters he described recently somehow always inherited a ray of Kyuhyun’s personality, and that only reminded him of the arguments they had.

Hurt. Worry.
He isn’t used to this miserability. After all, he’s just one of his friends.
Then why is he feeling like a thousand knife stabbing his heart?

He startles at the familiar voice, and looks up only to catch sight of the reason of the mess in his heart. Kyuhyun slowly sat down and placed a warm cup of coffee in front of him.
-Vanilla macchiato, hot and sugary, just like your favorite.
The mentioned man ignores the craving gaze the younger is giving him, and slowly takes a sip of the drink.
How he lingers for this bittersweet sensation.
-Look, I’m sorry for pushing you against the wall like that. I can’t stand the thought of you getting into trouble, even for the slightest bit of my mind. Two weeks is already enough for me to get things straight. Please understand… and forgive me.

He actually did that because he cares. About me.

For the first time in the meeting, Ryeowook looks up straightly at the other’s chocolate eyes. Those eyes can’t lie – they are speaking the silent language of trust, sincerity and loyalty.
And for the first time in forever, the petite's soul has been soothed by a flow of the purest, sweetest water, and his heart beats in a different rhythm that has never been heard before.

Fun fact #8:
Ryeowook is still obliged to bring along his newest bodyguard in his next book signings, and his name is Kyuhyun.

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Chapter 9: Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? Just a random question >.<
Chapter 7: Okay, I'm in love with this fic. It's so unique >.<
Chapter 5: Those 'Spark Fly' lyrics fit KyuWook so much. Just sayin' ^^
Gonna read all the rest of the chapters! :)
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 10: Nesecito que se termine >< esto es lo mejor..!
Hanzo242 #5
Chapter 10: This is soo cute! I had a lot fun reading it! The dialouge between Ryeowook and Kyuhyun is really cute and the fun facts never fail to brighten each chapter. Looks like Ryeowook understands his feelings but I wonder when Kyuhyun will? Or maybe he already has lol. I can't wait to see how Kangin's and Seohyun's involvements will chang the story. Especially Heechul. It seems like Ryeowook will have a hard time with Heechul and I hope that Kyuhyun can support him. Well then, kudos to your imagination with this story and it would be great if you could update but don't force yourself to ^^
Chapter 10: YES KANGIN and noooo seohyun I hate seokyu :'(
Chapter 5: omg that was my favorite line in sparks fly xD
Chapter 1: oooh I like this
Chapter 1: Interesting :))) hmmmmmmm.
Chapter 10: Your writing style is so cool! I like that each chapter starts with a kind
of narration/ commentary on love, but works it's way back
into the story with cute/humorous dialogue between Kyuhyun and Ryeowook
The whole story kind of has a whimsical flare to it :D