9th Tip

How To Tell A Realistic Love Story
Pyjamas Party.

-Are you sure this is going to work? – Kyuhyun states. He’s lying flat on the bed, while his best friend is now applying another piece of cucumber onto his face – we do this at every sleepover yet my pock marks aren’t going away! Plus, it makes me feel so girly!

Ryeowook presses harder at the piece of the veggie to answer to his complains:
-Stop whining – your whines actually sound like a girl. And don’t deny the fact that you do feel relaxing when we do this.

It’s true – the taller loves the cool sensation of the cucumber and the soft touches of Ryeowook’s fingers on his skin. So he smiles pleasantly and closes his eyes:
-I do.

It sounds just like a vow.
God get your grip together, Ryeowook.

His friend now has finished the cucumber mask. Using a tissue to wipe his hands, he gently comments:
-You always wear make-up – that’s bad for your skin. Why don’t you just leave it natural?  It’s not like I have any complains with your true appearance.
-You don’t, but people do. And do we take that as an agreement to my good look?
The very café owner beams a famous smirk:
-Admit it, you do think that I’m handsome, don’t you?
Yes, you are.
-Okay, we can change the subject now – Ryeowook leaves his spot on the bed, heading to the bookshelf in an attempt to hide his blush; despite the fact that Kyuhyun’s eyes are still shut.

You’re like… illegally handsome.
Ryeowook shakes his head to chase the thought away, fingers shuffling through the books. He blushes some more when he realizes he’s examining the shelf of his authored books – how can he unconsciously forget that Kyuhyun’s a big fan of his?

Just calm down, okay? You’re not a teenager having a crush or something.
The smaller familiarly moves to another novel bookshelf – where Kyuhyun keeps books that aren’t written by Ryeong.
-What are you doing, Ryeonggu? – the nickname pours sweetly into his ears, making him shiver a little bit.
-Just finding a book to read – he hastily answers, but startles when he comes by a name of a very famous author – You do read Kim Heechul’s book?
-Yes, and I also do remember telling you that – Kyuhyun replies, a flash of confusion in his voice.
-You do? – Ryeowook tries his best to hide his surprise – Oh. So… what do you think of him?
-He’s quite good, I think. He’s imaginative, and he has this vibrant and unique way of writing that you just want to read more.
-Oh, is that so? – Ryeowook opens his mouth, unable to restrain his shock.
He never compliments me that way.
Well, I can’t expect much from him, right?

Kyuhyun doesn’t seem to notice Ryeowook’s strained expression – he has his eyes shut anyway – and continues babbling:
-I heard he’s opening a new café around the corner; maybe I should go there and check out sometimes. Hey, the cucumbers are getting dry, can we take them off now?

The writer slowly gets back to the bed and begins to pick up the veggie, his soul disappointed and devastated. He unconsciously takes a bottle of attar on the night stand, applies the liquid on a cotton pad, and silently wipes Kyuhyun’s face.
-Hmm – the taller purrs softly – Feels so good. You know Ryeonggu I can melt with those soft touches of yours.

Replying him was silence.

Ryeowook refuses to answer the call, eyes flashes with hurt and discomfort.

-Was this because of my comment to Heechul?
The writer continues to avoid the eye contact, feeling a little embarrassed to admit his jealousy. A firm grip envelops his small figure, and Kyuhyun places his head on his shoulder. His deep voice lingers in the other’s ears, and Ryeowook can feel the weight of his slightest breath:
-You get jealous so easily, Ryeonggu. Don’t you see it crystal clear that I have a whole shelf of your books and just two novels of Heechul-nim? I feel sparks dominating my stomach when I’m reading your work, and I don’t think I can describe the magic you put in them – he tightens the back hug – I don’t compliment you, because I think actions always speak more than words.

Kyuhyun, you thief, go to the toilet.
You have successfully stolen my heart away.

Fun fact #11:
Kyuhyun has hired a new waitress named Seohyun and a bartender named Kang In.

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Chapter 9: Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? Just a random question >.<
Chapter 7: Okay, I'm in love with this fic. It's so unique >.<
Chapter 5: Those 'Spark Fly' lyrics fit KyuWook so much. Just sayin' ^^
Gonna read all the rest of the chapters! :)
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 10: Nesecito que se termine >< esto es lo mejor..!
Hanzo242 #5
Chapter 10: This is soo cute! I had a lot fun reading it! The dialouge between Ryeowook and Kyuhyun is really cute and the fun facts never fail to brighten each chapter. Looks like Ryeowook understands his feelings but I wonder when Kyuhyun will? Or maybe he already has lol. I can't wait to see how Kangin's and Seohyun's involvements will chang the story. Especially Heechul. It seems like Ryeowook will have a hard time with Heechul and I hope that Kyuhyun can support him. Well then, kudos to your imagination with this story and it would be great if you could update but don't force yourself to ^^
Chapter 10: YES KANGIN and noooo seohyun I hate seokyu :'(
Chapter 5: omg that was my favorite line in sparks fly xD
Chapter 1: oooh I like this
Chapter 1: Interesting :))) hmmmmmmm.
Chapter 10: Your writing style is so cool! I like that each chapter starts with a kind
of narration/ commentary on love, but works it's way back
into the story with cute/humorous dialogue between Kyuhyun and Ryeowook
The whole story kind of has a whimsical flare to it :D