Alarm Clock

Short Stories.

Author's note: If you havent listen to SHINee's Alarm Clock, I suggested you listened to that first, or listen it as you read my story :3

and here's the english translation of the lyrics




I knocked at his door but no one answer. I've tried to find the key on the secret place but it's not there.


"Jjongie?!" KNOCK KNOCK. “I know you’re inside!”


KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. I'm still knocking. And still he doesn't answer.


"Jonghyun-ah!! Open the door, would you? It's me!" Days have passed yet some things hasn't changed. Why am I still here? I even don't know the answer.


And why did I let myself stuck in this situation? It's because of my stupid so-called blood friend. Yes, we did this sharing blood thing whenever we're still a kid. You know how stupid and silly we can be at that time.


Little that we know, for some people, being a blood friend does really trap them into a place where there is no escape. And that happened to me.


My hand feels sore of too much knocking, as then I grabbed the handle and-what? He didn't lock the door??


That stupid son a bitc-


Opened the door and let it close with a loud bang that I swear will make the neighbor mad, I ran to find him. But as my eyes look around, doing a quick search, this place has become a mess.


No, wait, it's already like this since the last time I went here.


Green bottles everywhere, some of broken glass abandoned on the floor. Box of leftovers scrapped on the coffee table and I bet it might already be left there from at least a week ago.


All of the curtains are closed, I pulled it open and the light striked on me.  My eyes are blinded for a moment and when I open my eyes, gosh, look at those dusts.


I can clean all of this later, I walked rushingly to his bedroom, and yes, he's there. Lying on the bed like he's dead- what the hell am I talking about? No matter how hard this is to him, he wouldn't hurt himself. He wouldn't. He shouldn't, ok??! I won't let him.


This room is even not different than the living room, but the only a bottle of soju on the side of his bed, near where his hand is laying.


Kim Jonghyun I know is not really good when it comes to drink, yet he always accompanies me when we're out drinking in the middle of night. Especially when I was too stressed because of my work, he often with me, after get the permission from his girlfriend -no, ex-girlfriend, of course.


Stupid moron, why are you like this? Love and hate between us is already blurred because of our long time friendship, but this is not the situation I want to see from him.


All I can see is his , and I wonder how long is he's staying like that.


"Ya Kim Jonghyun!!" Shaking his shoulder, almost yanking it out from his body because I did it with all off my strength, he didn't even move.


And as I try to wake him, with my hands I can feel his skin is burning. Sighing loudly in desperation, now I'm swearing inside my mind. Who the hell is stupid enough to sleep barechested in the beginning of winter days like this?


I don't have the patient and couldn't even think I just pulled the blanket and wrap him with the blanket, feeling like a mother to her childish son. I sit on the bed with my back to the wall. Then protectively, I take him to my embrace, and I leaned my head on his. Slowly, I rubbed his arms, his back, yet he still not even awake. All I can feel is that he's shivering under the blanket.


My eyes suddenly felt warm, and something fell on to my cheek. I whispered to him although I know he wouldn't hear it, "Jonghyun-ah, don't be like this, okay?"


I cursed myself to not listening to my heart says when my boss assigned me to go out of town two weeks ago. I should have stay here with him, at that time he's broken already.


Of course I knew the one that makes him like this. Oh it's not me. Definitely not me. A descent and sweet looking young lady caused all of this. She successfully broke this man's heart by leaving him.


“One day you will love again.” I said to him on his ear, hoping that he might hear it.


Jonghyun is witty and his acts is almost too cute for his face, also he could be the most sensitive guy you've ever met, I'm not saying this because I knew him for a long time but he really is a good person.  It's not that I love him since forever like in a movie, because ironically I realized that he's the person I need the most when his girlfriend, Jieun came to me and tell me one sentence, "You were born only for him, you know."


Wiped my eyes, I looked at him who is still sleeping in my arms.


“Yah. You know that we’re inseparable, right? As a pair of troublemaker for our parents, as a partner in crime, as a shoulder to cry on for each other. And you know I love you already.. so why don’t you see my love differently?”


He seems to mumble something in his sleep, and I just realized something.


One thing that might happen to you when you have a fever.

One thing that would happen if your heart is broken.


A nightmare.

A horrible one.


He must be in an unconscious state because of the fever, but it's almost like he doesn't want to wake up. I once have a worst kind of heartbreak, so I know how it feels.


What’s killing you more about this kind of nightmare is not only because you cant run from it, but it’s because unconsciously you didn’t want to be awake. It's like you don't want to wake up to realize that this is real, yet the only thing you would hope is to be lost in the other realm.


Whenever you’re in that state, your heart is longing for someone to pull you out from it.


To help you see the sun shine again.

To tell you that life can be full again.


But the thing is.. deep down you still hoping that this someone, is the person that broke your heart.

And that’s when you realized you’re back to the zero point.

You’re standing at the beginning again, without seeing any light in the end.


I don’t want to leave him for even a second, but I have to get a wet towel to reduce his fever. And also some medicine.


“Jonghyun-ah? Wait for me, okay? It’s just something you always do, right?” Yes, as he’s the boy, he’s the one whose our parents pointing out to be in charge with the bicycle on our elementary school days, so he always wait for me and my after school activity. And he always waits for me every time he needs a tutorial session during junior and highschool.


But one moment of him waiting for me that I couldn’t even forget is when he’s sitting in front of my apartment under the heavy rain, right after Jieun-yang decided to leave him.


She is his first love, they start to going out since the beginning of our college days, but now,  4 years after that, suddenly she wants to break up.


You might wonder, whether I was mad at her or not because of this, oh yes, rather than saying that I’m mad, I was furious. But as I heard her explanation, I realize that she’s not leaving him because she doesn’t love him anymore. She just doesn’t want him to cry when she leaves this world as she revealed her condition to me.


I felt nothing but sympathy for her.


Although deep in my heart, I’m even more furious at her because now I have to face something even bigger; hiding the truth about the real reason of his broken heart.


“Don’t worry, soon as he realizes he loves you more than he loves me, you won’t feel guilty anymore.” That’s what Jieun said to me before we said goodbye.


As now I walked out from his place to buy some medicine, I sighed.

Now tell me how can I heal his broken heart if I, myself, couldn’t face him properly because of what I hide behind my smile?




With the medicine in my hand, I walk into Jonghyun’s place once again only to find that he’s awake.


“Jong-“ I didn’t finished his name because I was choked when I was still standing at his bedroom door.


I felt relieved but also didn’t know what to do. All I want is just to run to him and round my hand to embrace him, but his empty stare prevents me to do so.


“You’re here.” He speaks out, and reaching out his hand for me to take.


I cleared my throat and walk to approach him.


His sitting on the edge of the bed, wearing a t-shirt and the blanket I wrapped around him was abandoned on the sheets.


“You’re okay now?” I asked him carefully as he held my hand like it’s the most precious thing in the world.


“Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”


“You have a fever and you’re drinking too much.” I chuckled.


He’s staring at me without saying anything as then I continued, “You need to eat, and then drink this medicine.” As I showed him what I brought on my hand.


“Why did you look so tired?” He messed his hair, but he comments on me.


Trying to laugh, I answered, “I went here straight from the airport, silly. Of course I’m tired.”


“Airport? Where did you go?” He frowned.


But then I did the same. As I’m frowning, I sat beside him on the mattress. “I went to Tokyo, remember? I thought you’d remember as I call you before I leave-“


“Ah, right.” He nods, “Sorry, you know how forgetful I can be.”


Jonghyun is not really a forgetful person. Not that I know.


“I even forget your birthday once.” He chuckled.


… I tried to recall but there’s no way he would forget my birthday since it’s the same as his father’s.


“Yah, you have a fever, just get back to sleep.” I said, “Even though you smell like crazy, just forget the idea of getting a shower, you’re burning like hell.”


By the time I finished the sentence, he pulls me in a hug. He almost suffocates me, but I try to bear it.


Patted his back, I hear him whispering, “You just leave for a while yet feels so long. Thanks for always with me.”


I smiled and reply at him, “You’re welcome. You know I will never leave.”


Still in his embrace, as he buried his head on my shoulder, I know that he’s smiling when he said, “But I often dream that you will.”


Before I can even absorb the meaning of his words, he continued, “And I could never awake if it’s not for the hope that you’ll stay, Jieun-ah.”







So now everything’s clear to me.


I kissed his cheek softly just to show how much I care and as I always wanting to do so even though my heart now is breaking into pieces.


“It felt like it’s been a while since you kissed me.” He smiled while he’s staring at me.


He’s staring at Jieun. Not me.


“It’s like a nightmare, you know, to feel like there’s no more kiss from you.” Good, now he can joke again.


I smiled.

In tears.


He hugged me and both of us lying on the bed. He nuzzled to me as I felt numb.

Leaning his head on my chest, he said, “Your heart is thumping.” His tone is almost like he’s surprised.


“How cute you are, Jieun.” He laughs a bit as I didn’t say anything.

I’m just staring at the white ceiling while he continues to talk to me.


I never thought that things would be this way.


Jonghyun is trapped in his nightmare without having an alarm to wake him up.

I tried to be one, yet now I was drag by him, and trapped even more than I already is.

Without knowing when I can go back.


At least, in this nightmare he loves me when Im not myself.

It makes me almost didn’t want to wake up.

I will throw any alarm clock away from him. From me.

For now.







Im back again! now with Jjong's story :)

I like his newest look, and I have to admit that I grew to love the lyrics he wrote too..

I hope you all enjoy this story.. and see you in my other short stories!!



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Chapter 2: Taemin! *^*
chasethestars #2

Primarily because it shows a human side to her; sure she's the childhood friend who can do no wrong [or must do no wrong a.k.a. shouldn't overstep boundaries clearly laid out since day one], but beneath that surface is someone who has desires and weaknesses that are on the verge of awakening if provoked. Of course it is by a conscious choice if one wants to give in, and in this case she did, knowing full well that it's both unreal and temporary. Maybe that's why I like the twist, not because Jonghyun mistook her as Jieun, but because she succumbed to the same "nightmare" as Jonghyun: being loved, even if he's seeing someone else.

I'm not sure if I made much sense in the last few sentences, so I apologize in advance if there's anything unclear OTL As usual, you've done a good job and delivered with these stories, so do keep it up! ^o^
chasethestars #3

# 11: ... How scary is it that we think alike [in regards to that ring] o_o Is it bad that the first thing I thought of when I saw that ring on his finger for the first time was: "Are you finally off the market, Taeminnie?" LOL. Jokes and assumptions aside, I was smiling to myself while reading this chapter. Leave it to Taemin to be 19/20 years of age and get away with being childish and childlike, which in turn can be frustrating at times because even if noona tries to be annoyed/angry/etc. at him, she wouldn't find the heart to because noona loves him a lot [as long as what he does is still within reason, of course] XD Also, is it wrong of me to picture Taemin giving noona the couple ring even before she could say a word or hug him? I don't know, I feel that it's just so him to do such a thing, being somewhat careless when he's excited and forgetting for a moment that there might be fans lurking about and watching his every move XD;;

I personally liked Taemin's 1920's look in the MV and had hoped that they wouldn't let him wear the extensions for too long. Those extensions were just... hilarious and tragic at the same time =-= And that would be putting it lightly on my part, believe me.

# 12: Jonghyun, I could always say your high fever has gotten the best of you and clouded your judgment, but there's no denying that you must've been extremely hurt and distraught with the breakup. Poor thing x-x [Then again, as I told you in regards to Alarm Clock's lyrics, Jonghyun doesn't seem like he's over Sekyung...]

And then there's his forever best friend who knows the truth about why Jieun broke up with him, and she also happens to be battling her feelings for him, too. It's tough to not take advantage of his vulnerable situation, and it sounds so wrong to be saying this, but I'm glad she did.
leave it to you to have twists like this. it's very fitting to the song though, so brava!

on another note, to make readers who imagined themselves as the protagonist of the story:
hey, he forgot his ex's birthday once, but he never forgot yours! so there must be a future for you two!!! lol.
hey thanks you for all of this oneshots =) they are all so beautiful and I like how you described all the charachters =)
I hope you will be able to update soon
chasethestars #6

It's funny, but when Key mentioned an ex, I immediately thought about Minho. I went to the next line and I gasped aloud when I saw his name; I didn't know if I should be happy or speechless about it! XD;; I kinda agree with Jjong's sentiment of wanting to see friends'/relatives' ex-lovers and see how they've turned out after breaking up with them. Well, sorry Jjongie, but Minho is one of those rare types that could never transform into a toad no matter how many years shall pass. Heaven has been good to him by giving him superior genes [what is with my vocabulary these days LMAO]. So... tough luck on this one? XD I wished for more backstory between Minho and the female lead, but I also understand at the same time that he's not the highlight of the story anyway so it's okay~

The relationship between the six characters is so lovely. Reading this feels like I'm almost intruding in their lives, and it was so easy to get into the flow and mood of things =3

I'm running out of words [says the person whose comments are split into two OTL], but as usual, you've done a good job with this piece ^o^ I apologize if most of them came off more as rambling, though ;~; That aside, looking forward to the future stories; do update when time permits~! ^^
chasethestars #7

Where to start... *___*

Key, you are so... you XD The overbearing, naggy, but surprisingly sweet you XD There's something about him in this comeback that's making me view him in an entirely new light--or maybe I just miss his blunt, cool self and I can't wait until he graces all of us with his presence during the comeback 8D His nagging seems toned down in this one; I'm guessing he and the female lead have been together for a long time that bickering even about the smallest things is just so normal and effortless for the both of them =3

Onew, oh Onew; I've been missing him for a while, but I'm glad to see he's doing well with their comeback teasers contrary to what rumors are saying. That aside, was his sangtae acting up when he asked his sister if she was pregnant? XD But he SO would be the type to drop heart-stopping questions during unguarded moments, so it kinda fits. The part where Onew said he couldn't do anything to Key when he asked for his sister's hand in marriage had me sniggering for some reason; probably because I imagined Onew wanting so badly to give him a taste of his ttakbam but couldn't, and all because of Key's piercing gaze [and solid conviction] XDD;;

TAEMIN~! X3 This... man-child LOL. How is it even possible to be a kid and an adult at the same time? He pulls it off so effortlessly despite the rebellious and cheeky undertones to his character, which I like. A lot. Probably more than I should, I dunno, but I really like it XD;; That part about the plushie made me go "Aww~!" and when he babbled out the secret, I kinda knew it was coming, but it was still shocking that he said all those things without even batting an eyelash O_o Taemin, don't worry; your noona cousin will still love you and you'll always be her number one monster, all flaws included XD
zuttor412 #9
Below are all my replies, and i hope i didnt miss anyone >.<
Once again thank you for all your support to my stories, it means a lot to me!

Til we meet again on my new updates! see yaaa
zuttor412 #10
Hello hello~~~
I have notice that i havent reply all the comments one by one properly through the comment segment! OMG i feel so terrible! :S
So now here I am, wanting to thankyou all of you to give it a time to read and comment on my Short Stories :)

Cutterpillow, you're right, it is fun to have SHINee members in every chapters, but where are you now, do you still read this? how are you btw?

Wondershobe, thank you for liking the EPIC Taemin's chapter. and im happy that you're finding my other stories interesting too! really, i dont think im good enough to get your praises, but i do hope that anyone will enjoy my story whenever they choose to read it :) so you want me to write a story that longer? i thought you're happy it's a short stories heheee

Blue_toast, Blood's title lead to a misunderstand about how the story might go, isnt it? XDD but im happy that you enjoy it!

sweetmarshmallow6594, Onew is your bias? so maybe that's also why you're happy to read chapter 3 teehee

min_rae, i do write another stories like you hoped for, so i hope you have read it too :)

sillyshinee5, yes, i've just realized that ALL stories in here that featured Minho doesnt really end happily XDD thankyou for help me realizing it hahaa

SHiN_MiNt, thankyou for commenting :)

3DHEART, i hope you enjoy the other stories too :)

haeyoungKIM, i finally updated :p

kurohitsuji12, i hope you like the other stories as well :D

Taemininne and ParkMiyoung,
I have explained through personal message and i hope you like the story more as you now understand it :)

Miss_Iah, but Key suits the role, doesnt he? *winks* thanks for reading my stories!

chasethestars and shineeninja, two of my closest fellow readers, and also two of my favorite authors here! thank you for always give me comment that makes me wanting to be a better writer, and i hope we are all can still enjoy each other's stories until.. forever? lol xP

Anonymous_15 thank youuu! im glad you're enjoying it..