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            “I think seeing the two of us together and undeniably in love with one another finally pushed Eunhyuk to grow some balls and, shortly after returning home, he finally asked Boa out,” Kyuhyun concluded, glancing over at the couple.

            “Ah!  Was that the deal?” Boa asked, elbowing Eunhyuk.

            Eunhyuk blushed.  “W-well, I…after dancing together so much…I-I couldn’t stop thinking about you and…” he concluded with a shrug, staring down into his lap in his embarrassment.

            Boa lightly grasped his arm to reassure him.  The fact that he was still so bashful after so many months together always amused Boa and she liked to about it.

            “The hard part was asking out an accomplished, mature woman instead of going out with one of the fan girls that were throwing themselves at him so conveniently,” Ryeowook pointed out.

            “So, what happened with Hyungsik?” Yuhno questioned.  “I noticed that you’re still hanging out with him, Wookie.  Does that mean you forgave him, Kyu?”

            “Sure,” said Kyuhyun, taking a sip of his wine, “right after I kicked his .”

            “You did?” Boa asked, amazed. 

            Kyuhyun nodded.

            “We waited until ZE:A was done promoting their music and then went over to their dorm one day,” Donghae informed her.

            “You went too?” she asked.

            “I drove,” he said, pointing to himself, “but only Kyuhyun, Kangin, and Yesung went upstairs to their dorm.  I was the lookout in case any managers showed up.”

            “And you weren’t caught?” Yuhno asked.

            “No,” Kyuhyun said, looking at him as if he were crazy.  “As long as you don’t hit him in the face and leave a mark, who’s to know?”

            “The other members didn’t try to help him?”

            “Hell no!  They’re all scared of Kangin and they figured if Yesung came up and didn’t try to stop me, then they were completely screwed if they jumped in,” Kyuhyun explained.  “It was all fair, though, one against one.  And now that I’ve given him the -kicking he deserved, we can move on.  I can’t say I like him though.”

            “Kyu tolerates him,” Ryeowook said, grasping Kyuhyun’s hand briefly. 

            Kyuhyun nodded.

            “You men are all like that!  You get ticked off at one another and once you have a fist fight, you’re friends again.  I’ll never understand it,” Boa said, shaking her head.  “Weren’t you mad at Kyuhyun for beating him up?”

            Ryeowook scrunched up his face, a gesture she’d come to equate with him disagreeing with someone and not wanting to be too forward about it.  “Well, he did step out of line,” Ryeowook only said.  “Now, Hyungsik understands the perimeters of our friendship much better.”

            They lingered at the apartment until late in the evening, swapping stories of their recent travels most of the time and the last to leave were Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Boa.  Just outside the door, Donghae threw his arms around Boa and hugged her.  “Should we see how Hyuk would react if someone kissed you?” he teased, glancing over at his friend.

            The smile fell from Eunhyuk’s face and he glared at Donghae, even if he was perfectly sure that he would never dare make a move on his girlfriend. 

            “I mean, we share everything, right?” Donghae teased.

            Eunhyuk wrapped his arm around Boa and pulled her away from Donghae, holding her close to him.  “If you’d quit dating girls that only like you because you’re famous, maybe you wouldn’t be so lonely,” Eunhyuk told him, kissing Boa’s cheek.

            “You’re giving me Sungmin’s advice?”

            “If it works…”

            Donghae smiled and nodded.  He turned to Boa and admitted, “I’m not actually ready to settle down yet, so it doesn’t matter to me.”

            What was he implying, she wondered?  Did that mean that Eunhyuk was ready to settle down?  They’d been dating for less than a year but she was surprised at how crazy they still were for one another.  What started out as just dancing together for her single, Only One, had quickly turned into flirtatious glances and electric touches between them.  For the longest time, she was under the impression that she was the only one who felt it.  Once she was done performing her single live on the air, she rarely heard from him.  And then a couple months later, he called her out of the blue and asked her out.  Now she understood him much better.  He was shy and unsure of her feelings—although she’d really been so obvious—and now she knew that Kyuhyun and Ryeowook’s solid relationship was the cause of him finally making a move.

            “Goodnight,” Donghae said, heading up the stairs to the next floor of the dorms.

            Eunhyuk steered her in the opposite direction and they headed out the elevator to the ground floor.  These days, he spent most of his time at her apartment.  She couldn’t even recall the last time he’d spent the night at the old dorm.  If he went anywhere, it was to his parent’s house. 

            When they reached his car, Eunhyuk reached into his poc

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Chapter 7: I just found this and it was so beautiful. I really like that it was natural. Not always the relationship is perfect. I surely will continue reading your old stories autor-nim.
Chapter 7: My heart hurts whenever Kyu and Wook quarrel but yeah I understand it's impossible not to have any LQs once in a while and it adds spice to a relationship. Anyway, I really love Kyu's possessive nature like when he didn't stop until he found Wook in Donghae's place and when he went after Hyungsik LOL I won't have felt satisfied myself if Kyu was not able to take his revenge hehehe Also loved that Kangin and Yeye went as his backup.
myonlyalien #3
Chapter 5: Came back to finally look at the youtube links even if I don't speak Korean :)) woo I love this story since I've been looking for good and interesting Kyuwook fics that have them as mems of Super Junior, and are somewhat realistic as well. I also like how Ryeowook thinks in this fic haha. Kudos for thr great job! :D
I think I may have read this story more times than I really care to
admit XD...and each time I read it never get's old and I keep squealing
at the same parts...and I keep thinking...
this story is brilliant...
Chapter 7: Omg its really good..the idea is good n the way u developed it :) thanks alot for tis fic..pls pls pls pls cont to write kyuwook.. :) i really like jealous b posseasive Kyu..hahaha
Chapter 3: Wow! This chapter was really good!
Lots of tension, but lots of honesty. A really good interaction between the characters. And it also makes you want to keep reading. Looking forward to the next chapter, which I am going to...NOW! (*^_^)
HDef135 #7
Chapter 7: This was really lovely--I know you took a step out of your comfort zone, but I thought it was really successful:)
13elieveSuJunior #8
Chapter 7: such a lovely couple <33
from all moments, I really like Kyuhyun's jealousy, it's funny kekeke~
Poor hyungsik, he had to face Kyu, Kangin and Yesung >.<
Thank you for the story