All Mine

Minus a Month
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            I groaned as my headache hit me full force the moment I started to wake up.  It wasn’t any better when I tried to open my eyes and the morning sun was hitting me directly.  But our bedroom didn’t face the east, I suddenly realized, and shot up in bed, looking around.  Next to me in the bed was Sungmin, his head partially covered with his pillow.  That hardly muffled the sound of me screaming in the next instant.

            “What the hell?”

            Sungmin turned over to face me and frowned, his eyes barely open.  “I swear to God, if you don’t shut it this instant, I am going to beat you.  You’re officially sober now, so I won’t feel bad about doing it either.  I haven’t gotten any sleep!”

            “Why am I in your bed and why do I have on different clothes?”

            “Because you puked on your other clothes and I had to make you take a shower,” he explained.  “And your bed is currently occupied.  And you were too drunk to leave alone with another drunken person.  I was afraid you’d choke on your vomit and die.  I have mixed feelings about that this morning though.”

            I latched on to the slight change in his voice when he mentioned my room was occupied.  “Who’s in the bedroom?” I asked, pointing across the hall.

            “Who do you think?” Sungmin asked me, staring me down.

            “Ryeowook,” I whispered so soft, even Sungmin strained to hear me.

            “He was pretty drunk himself.  Hyungsik tried to make a move on him last night and he wouldn’t have a thing to do with him.  I think he was nervous about sleeping upstairs and wanted to stay here but I wasn’t about to put the two of you in a room together drunk.”

            I looked at the door.  I’d longed just to hold him and the thought of him lying in our bed consumed me.  “I want to see him.”

            “If you’re waiting for me to tell you no, I wasn’t planning on it.”

            “You weren’t?”

            He shook his head.  “I think this has gone on long enough.”

            I pulled the covers away and stood up, still convinced he was going to try to stop me.

            “I should warn you, he only fell asleep a couple hours ago and although he showered and sobered up, I doubt he feels very good,” Sungmin informed me.

            I nodded.

            “Good luck.”

            Sungmin trusted me not to act like an idiot, which was a nice change.  I left his room and quietly crossed the hall to our bedroom, slowly turning the knob so I wouldn’t make too much noise.  I slipped in and softly closed the door behind me.  Ryeowook was sound asleep, his back on the mattress and his eyes closed.  A little indirect sunlight was seeping through the cracks in the curtain and made his hair shine.  His face was a little pale and his hair was messy, falling into his eyes.  He always thinks I’m insane when I tell him I think he looks best like this but I’m being honest.  I associate this look with the Ryeowook that’s all mine, sleepy and rumpled.  I’m the only one who gets to see him like this on any kind of consistent basis and always have counted myself lucky.

            I sat down on the bed next to him and placed my hands on either side of his head, hovering over him as I looked down at my beautiful husband.  Although I shouldn’t disturb him, I just couldn’t walk away from him without touching him.  I moved my hand to his face and let my fingers play with his silken strands.  At first, I thought this was enough but it wasn’t.  I wanted more.  I bent my head down and touched my lips to his, softly pressing against them, once, twice.  As I was about to pull away, trying not to tempt myself too much, I felt his hands lightly grasp my arms and pull me closer.  I kissed him again and this time I felt his lips move against mine. 

            Our kiss wasn’t urgent but soft and assuring.  I didn’t attempt to demand entrance but he eventually opened his mouth for me and I slipped my tongue inside.  His hand rose and his fingers dug into my hair, his hold anchoring me to him.  For once in my life, I was almost in tears over him for all the right reasons.  I finally had to pull away to take a couple deep breaths, to prevent myself from giving in to my overwhelming emotions.  I rested my head on his shoulder and he hugged me firmly against him. 

            “What does this mean?” I finally asked, quietly speaking and pressing my lips against his cheek.

            Ryeowook leaned into my touches, his hair tickling my face.  “I can’t stand this distance anymore.  I miss you.”

            “I swear, I miss you much more,” I told him.  “Please come home.”

            “I am home,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down my back.


            Ryeowook kissed my forehead.  “I will,” he promised.  “I never want to leave you again.”

            I couldn’t stop the flood of emotions I was feeling and finally gave into them, crying into his shoulder.  I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy in my entire life.  And Ryeowook just wrapped his arms around me and I felt his tears slide down his face and unto mine.

            “I never intended to divorce you,” he confessed, sniffling.  “I was just so upset that you didn’t take me seriously.  I know I couldn’t have gone through with it as soon as I said it.”

            “You’re never allowed to say anything like that again.  I promise I’ll listen from now on,” I swore, nuzzling my nose against his neck. 

            Ryeowook kissed my cheek.  “I love you.”

            “I love you too,” I said, tightening my hold on him.  “You’re all mine.”

            “Ah…you heard,” he said, sighing.

            “Damn right I heard.”

            “I’m sorry about last night.”

            “Was it your fault?”

            “No, but I should have been more on guard under the circumstances.  I was the most sober.”

            “I’m still going to beat his , you understand.”

            “Kyu…he was drunk,” Ryeowook defended him. 

            “Don’t care.”

            “He’s just a kid.”

            “He’s legally an adult,” I argued, using Donghae’s words.

            “I won’t let it happen again, I promise.”

            “What exactly did he do?” I asked, rolling onto my side and looking at him.  “I didn’t get specifics.”

            Ryeowook looked at the ceiling, avoiding my question.

            “Did he touch you?” I asked, letting my hand slip under the covers and skim over his body.

            “No,” Ryeowook frantically said, shaking his head.  “He just kissed me.”

            I tried not to show any reaction, I thought I was being perfectly passive, but Ryeowook must have seen some glimpse of what was going on in my head at that moment and began to bite his lip. 

            “Promise me you won’t do anything to him!”

            I looked him straight in the eye and shook my head.

            “Kyuhyun!  Please,” Ryeowook begged, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me close.  “This isn’t a good time to be fighting with him.  We’ve all got songs to promote.”

            “I’ll be damned if I’m just going to let this go like nothing happened,” I informed him.

            Ryeowook slid his hand down my back and over my , clearly trying to distract me, and then began to kiss my neck.  I wiggled around until I could get a good grip on the covers and yanked them away from him before moving over him, settling myself between his legs and letting my hips grind against his.  I grasped his chin, forcing him to look at me so he could see the desire in my eyes, and then kissed him hard.  I knew he wasn’t feeling well yet and I wasn’t going to start anything but I wanted him to feel my reaction to him.  I wanted him.  I always wanted him, even when we went weeks or months without having each other, the need never diminished.  And after three months of this, I craved him…bad. 

            Ryeowook moaned against my mouth and raised his hips in reaction to my touch.  Perhaps he was feeling better than I assumed.  I blindly reached down for the hem of his shirt and slid my hand beneath it, beginning to caress his skin when there was a loud knock at the door. 

            “Rise and shine!” Leeteuk called out, walking through the hall and shouting to wake us all up.  “

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Chapter 7: I just found this and it was so beautiful. I really like that it was natural. Not always the relationship is perfect. I surely will continue reading your old stories autor-nim.
Chapter 7: My heart hurts whenever Kyu and Wook quarrel but yeah I understand it's impossible not to have any LQs once in a while and it adds spice to a relationship. Anyway, I really love Kyu's possessive nature like when he didn't stop until he found Wook in Donghae's place and when he went after Hyungsik LOL I won't have felt satisfied myself if Kyu was not able to take his revenge hehehe Also loved that Kangin and Yeye went as his backup.
myonlyalien #3
Chapter 5: Came back to finally look at the youtube links even if I don't speak Korean :)) woo I love this story since I've been looking for good and interesting Kyuwook fics that have them as mems of Super Junior, and are somewhat realistic as well. I also like how Ryeowook thinks in this fic haha. Kudos for thr great job! :D
I think I may have read this story more times than I really care to
admit XD...and each time I read it never get's old and I keep squealing
at the same parts...and I keep thinking...
this story is brilliant...
Chapter 7: Omg its really good..the idea is good n the way u developed it :) thanks alot for tis fic..pls pls pls pls cont to write kyuwook.. :) i really like jealous b posseasive Kyu..hahaha
Chapter 3: Wow! This chapter was really good!
Lots of tension, but lots of honesty. A really good interaction between the characters. And it also makes you want to keep reading. Looking forward to the next chapter, which I am going to...NOW! (*^_^)
HDef135 #7
Chapter 7: This was really lovely--I know you took a step out of your comfort zone, but I thought it was really successful:)
13elieveSuJunior #8
Chapter 7: such a lovely couple <33
from all moments, I really like Kyuhyun's jealousy, it's funny kekeke~
Poor hyungsik, he had to face Kyu, Kangin and Yesung >.<
Thank you for the story