Sweet Moscato and Sour Memories

Minus a Month
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            Changmin was officially stuffed—and that hardly ever happened to him—but Ryeowook was practically a master chef and when he hosted a dinner party, he went all out.  What was the occasion, he couldn’t even remember if Ryeowook had mentioned one?  All he knew was that unless he was out of the country at the time, Changmin was loath to ever miss one.  Thankfully he was Kyuhyun’s best friend and that pretty much gave him an automatic invitation to all their parties.  And Kyuhyun and Ryeowook had been together a long time.  A really, really long time.  In fact, they might have been dating even before Changmin met Kyuhyun.

            “How long have you two been together now?  It seems like forever,” Changmin asked, leaning back in his chair as he sipped the sweet moscato wine that had been served with dessert, crème caramel.

            Kyuhyun looked up towards the ceiling, furrowing his brows as he thought about it.

            “We started dating in June of 2006, so nearly seven years to the day…minus a month,” Ryeowook said.

            Ah, that must be the reason for the dinner, he figured.  Ryeowook is sentimental like that.

            “Minus a month?” Henry asked, looking up from his second piece of dessert in confusion.

            Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes when he turned to look at Ryeowook, who was sitting right next to him.  “Quit saying that!  You don’t have to say that every time someone asks.  They don’t all need to know about it.”

            “I already know about it,” Changmin reminded them.

            “So do I,” complained Eunhyuk.  “I have to live with you, after all.”

            Kyuhyun pointed at Eunhyuk and frowned.  “You stayed at your parents’ house as much as possible to avoid it!” he accused.

            Eunhyuk shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of wine to dodge speaking.

            “Sungmin and Yesung were the only ones who stayed with me,” Kyuhyun pointed out.

            “I visited lots!” Donghae chimed in. 

            “Traitor,” Ryeowook mumbled.  “And I even cooked for you at first.”

            “You were so mean, even Donghae felt bad for me.  And he hardly ever takes sides,” Kyuhyun said, nudging Ryeowook with his elbow.

            “Wait!  I don’t know about it,” Yunho said, leaning forward in his seat and looking over at the squabbling couple.  “What do you mean, minus a month?”

            “Nothing, never mind,” Kyuhyun said, turning away and drinking his wine, sulking.

            Ryeowook grinned at Kyuhyun’s childishness and patted his shoulder.  “We broke up for a month last summer.”

            “Just this last summer?” Yunho asked, amazed.


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Chapter 7: I just found this and it was so beautiful. I really like that it was natural. Not always the relationship is perfect. I surely will continue reading your old stories autor-nim.
Chapter 7: My heart hurts whenever Kyu and Wook quarrel but yeah I understand it's impossible not to have any LQs once in a while and it adds spice to a relationship. Anyway, I really love Kyu's possessive nature like when he didn't stop until he found Wook in Donghae's place and when he went after Hyungsik LOL I won't have felt satisfied myself if Kyu was not able to take his revenge hehehe Also loved that Kangin and Yeye went as his backup.
myonlyalien #3
Chapter 5: Came back to finally look at the youtube links even if I don't speak Korean :)) woo I love this story since I've been looking for good and interesting Kyuwook fics that have them as mems of Super Junior, and are somewhat realistic as well. I also like how Ryeowook thinks in this fic haha. Kudos for thr great job! :D
I think I may have read this story more times than I really care to
admit XD...and each time I read it never get's old and I keep squealing
at the same parts...and I keep thinking...
this story is brilliant...
Chapter 7: Omg its really good..the idea is good n the way u developed it :) thanks alot for tis fic..pls pls pls pls cont to write kyuwook.. :) i really like jealous b posseasive Kyu..hahaha
Chapter 3: Wow! This chapter was really good!
Lots of tension, but lots of honesty. A really good interaction between the characters. And it also makes you want to keep reading. Looking forward to the next chapter, which I am going to...NOW! (*^_^)
HDef135 #7
Chapter 7: This was really lovely--I know you took a step out of your comfort zone, but I thought it was really successful:)
13elieveSuJunior #8
Chapter 7: such a lovely couple <33
from all moments, I really like Kyuhyun's jealousy, it's funny kekeke~
Poor hyungsik, he had to face Kyu, Kangin and Yesung >.<
Thank you for the story