You Came Back

The Way To You...

It was a cold morning but Taecyeon was out doing his routine morning run. Khun always insisted that they do running as their workout but he was hating it…but now, it has become a part of his life. It’s been couple of weeks since he moved to this small rural town in Sokcho…it’s a quiet place with the town hall as the biggest building in the area.

            “Good morning abonim…” he said to an old man working on a small lettuce patch.

            “Oh Taecyeon ah…good morning…it’s good to see young people around here…it seems like everyone is going to the city nowadays…”

            “They’re missing something great here…” he said. With a bow, Taecyeon continue his running.

The people around is so friendly and generous. Just the other day one of his older neighbour sent a freshly made kimchi and bean paste to him. He stopped by a small creek and sat by the riverbank.

            “If only Khun was here…then everything will be perfect…”

After half an hour resting his body, he got up and made his way home. As he reached home, he saw a familiar car parked by the roadside. He saw the guy and smiled.

            “What are you doing here?” he said and hugged Minjun.

            “I came to see you…looking great…”

            “Well…I try…c’mon in…”

Taecyeon lead them into the house. The living room is spacious with minimal furniture and he has a terrace facing the vast view of the mountains.

            “Great place you have here…” Minjun said as they settled at the terrace having coffee.


            “So, how are you doing?”

            “Good…trying to live day by day now…the people here is great…friendly…”

            “I’m glad to hear that…I never thought you’d be living in a small town like this…you’ve always been the city kinda guy…”

            “Well…things changed…”

The other reason why he chose this place is that Khun’s grave was half an away and he could visit him whenever he wanted. Minjun stayed for lunch and after a short tour of the town, he decided it’s time to leave.

            “I thought you’re spending the night here…” Taecyeon said as he loaded Minjun’s car with stuff.

            “I’d love to but I can’t…there’s an intern meeting tomorrow and I need to be there…maybe I’ll come by later and you could show me the best place to eat here…”

            “Will do man…” he hugged Minjun. “Be careful on the road…”

            “Yes mom…” Minjun laughed.

Taecyeon walked into the house after Minjun’s car is out of his sight. A brief visit from his best friend made all the difference in the world. He was grateful to have such a good friend like Minjun. He was with him through thick and thin and although Taecyeon had some sort of feelings towards the guy a long time ago, he decided not to pursue it for the sake of their friendship.

When Khun came, it’s a whole new different story. His mind, body and soul belong to the man and he’s sure that he would never love anyone else like he loved Khun.


Little by little, Khun opened his eyes and he found himself inside of a house. He looked around the strange place, something caught his eyes…a photo of him, and Taecyeon hung on the wall.

            “Where am I?”

            “The place you wanted to be the most…” it was the old man again. He was standing by the big sliding door to the terrace.

            “What do you mean? Am I alive now?” Khun got up and felt his body. He pinch his cheek and felt nothing.

            “You’re still dead but now only he can see you…” the man pointed his finger at a picture of Taecyeon.

            “Why are you doing this?”

            “To give you a chance to give the love of your life the closure he needed to continue with his life…”

            “How much time do I have?”

            “Not long…but I advice that you use the time well…so, until we meet again my child…”

The man disappeared into thin air. Khun was still dazed when he heard the door opened. He turned around and saw Taecyeon.

            “Taecyeon ah…”

Taecyeon just came back from his trip to the mart when he saw a man in his house. The guy turned around and the bags in his hands dropped to the floor. It can’t be true…is this some kind of day dream he’s having or…

            “Khun ah…”

The world become pitch black before he could take another step.



p/s: Originally I wanted to made it as a 4 part oneshot but since the warm welcome everybody gave me, I've decided to make it longer...but it will be less than 12 chapters....

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casanova7 #1
Chapter 9: This is sad but beautiful at the same time T___________T
But yeah TaecKhun forever baby~
Glad that Minjun finally had Wooyoung by his side.
Thank you for sharing this :)
Chapter 10: O...m...g...
I cried at the last bit, his message to Junsu/minjun was so ... Sweet? ... And he came to go to Khun ... I found that part so beautiful, he wanted to go back. Khun didn't give him closure, he made him want to go more. Naughty Khun. Keke *sob* kekekekekeke
i love this. Well done. But how did my Nichkhunnie die??
greenpink #3
Chapter 9: thank you for great story
so sad, it brought tears to my eyes
but in the end they'll be together forever
it's such a beautiful love story
thank you again =]
Chapter 9: OMFG! I CRY! I love u ;3; it's a beautiful fic... i loved really ;u; great fanfic... u make me cry hahaha really a great story!! *claps*
Chapter 9: No dry eyes here!!! Great story!!!
Chapter 10: wow!!!! new Taeckhun fanfic!!!!
Chapter 9: Finally my Taeckhun being together again T^T
thank you for sharing this great story ^0^ Waiting ur next story <3
Chapter 9: sad that taec have to commit suicide.... oh well.. at least he's with khun now :D
SUJU5253 #9
Chapter 9: Awwwwwwww. This was just beautiful!!! It's sad, yet really sweet! Great ending!! xD
geo_gurlz #10
Chapter 9: It's sad he's dead, but yeah, lost the one you love could really make you suffers. Since this story end already, please make another one.