To Be or Not? -Ken

KPop Oneshots: On The Random! {Requests Closed!}

*A/N: This is a oneshot I wrote for a friend I met through tumblr. She's really nice and fun to talk to. We talk almost every day. Her ultimate bias is Ken, so I wrote a threeshot series. This is for you, Ottokaji! <3


You were at the mall, shopping with your best friends. The three of you decided to split up and enter each of your favorite stores, which later you would regroup at the food court. You entered your store, walking up to the first rack that caught your attention. Suddenly, some random idiot knocked you over, causing you to fall on your . The guy simply laughed and ran off. You scoffed, pulling yourself together. “Are you alright?” you heard a voice above you. You looked up to see a gorgeous guy looking at you with concern. “Y-yes, I’m fine.” You replied. He extended his hand out to you, helping you on your feet. “Well, I better get going. Be careful,” he said, waving goodbye. You watched him in confusion. “Why is he leaving so soon?” you thought to yourself. You shrugged it off, returning to your shopping spree. When you met up with your friends at the food court, you told them what had happened.

~ You were at home, hanging your newly purchased clothing items in your closet. Your phone started ringing. It was your friend, Mi Jung. “Hello?” you answered. “Hey _________, we were wondering if you wanted to come to the beach on Saturday.” Mi Jung replied. “You know I love the beach Mi Mi,” you grinned. “Okay then. I’ll pick you up at ten, so be ready!” Mi Jung answered before hanging up. You jumped up and down in excitement, thoughts running in your head about having fun at the beach. ~It was Saturday. You and your friends were making the long two hour trip to the beach. “I wonder if we’ll see any cute guys there,” said Audrina. “I hope so. I’m tired of being single!” Mi Jung admitted. You grinned as you listened to their conversation. “What do you think _________? Do you think you’ll run into your mystery man?” asked Audrina. “I don’t know. I haven’t really given it much thought.” You admitted. “Well, we won’t know until we get there,” Mi Jung said.

Arriving at the beach, you set the towels out while Mi Jung and Audrina went change. “Hello,” a familiar voice spoke. You looked up to see him, your mystery man. “Hi,” you smiled, standing. “I’m sorry about before. I was with friends and we needed to be somewhere else. I’m Ken.” He introduced himself. “I’m ________,” you replied. “That’s a pretty name for a pretty girl,” Ken said, taking your hand and kissing it. You blushed, looking at the sand. “Are you here alone?” He asked. “No, I’m with friends,” you replied. “Ah, me too. Listen, I was wondering if maybe you and I could go out sometime? I’d like to get to know you more, since this is technically a bad day,” Ken replied, scratching the back of his head. “I’d love to,” you agreed. “Great. Then, can I have your number?” he asked, pulling out his phone. You put your number in and handed his phone back to him. “I’ll call you later, ok?” Ken left, waving goodbye. Mi Jung and Audrina ran up to you, practically squealing.

“Was that him? Give us the details!” Audrina pleaded. “Okay okay. Yes, that was him. He said the reason why he left quickly was because he and his friends had somewhere else to be. But since we both have friends here, he asked me out and I gave him my number,” You said. Mi Jung and Audrina both jumped up and down. “Oh my god, we just got here ten minutes ago and you got a date already!” Mi Jung exclaimed. You smiled, going to the restroom to change clothes. You came out in a bikini top and shorts, ready to have some fun. ~ You jumped onto your bed, hair washed in your pjs, ready for bed. Your day at the beach was fun, but exhausting at the same time. Suddenly, you phone rang. You grabbed it off the nightstand, wondering who was calling you. “Hello?” you answered. “_________? It’s Ken,” Ken answered from the other end. “Oh, hi Ken.” You replied. “Are you busy?” Ken wondered. “No, I’m not,” you said. “So, is it alright if we talk for a while?” he asked. “Sure,” you agreed, smiling to yourself. You and Ken stayed on the phone for a good two hours, getting to know each other and sharing a few laughs. “Are you free tomorrow?” Ken asked. “Yes,” you replied. “Do you wanna meet at the amusement park?” He wondered. “I’d love to, yes.” You agreed. “Good. See you at eleven,” Ken replied before hanging up.

Turning off your phone, you put it on the nightstand and turned off the lamp, drifting to sleep with thoughts of Ken running through your mind. ~ The next day, you were getting ready for your date with Ken. You had just walked out the shower, your big white towel wrapped around you. You walked over to your closet, deciding to wear one of your new outfits you had bought earlier in the week. Getting dressed in a blue jean skirt and a black halter top, you did your hair and put on a little makeup. You sprayed some of your favorite perfume and grabbed your purse and phone. Walking to the front door, you slid on your flats and grabbed your keys, walking out the door to meet Ken at the amusement park. ~ You arrived at the amusement park, unsure of where to find Ken. There was a swarm of people everywhere, so you knew it would take some time. “_________!” You heard someone call your name. You turned around to see Ken, smiling and waving at you.

You smiled, jogging up to him. “Hi Ken. I was hoping I’d find you,” you told him. “I was watching for you actually. Are you ready to have fun?” he asked. “Yes, let’s go!” you said excitedly. So the two of you began with some of the much easier rides, like the Ferris wheel. After that, you both played some games. There was the ring toss, which you lost, but Ken won and got you a big white bear. You ate corndogs and cotton candy, got on a few rollercoasters, and even watched a magic show. Soon, the sun began to go down. “Did you have a good time?” asked Ken. “Yes, I did,” You replied. “Me too. I’m really glad we got to know each other more. Come, let me walk you to your car,” Ken said, putting an arm around you. You didn’t mind it at all, your cheeks turning a smidge of pink.  Once you arrived at your car, you put the bear in the back seat. “I’ll call you, okay?” Ken said, kissing your hand. “Okay. Good night Ken.” You told him, getting in your car.

So the next few weeks you spent with Ken were ones you didn’t want to forget. He treated you like a princess, and you thanked your lucky stars every night that you were able to meet him again. Today, you were going to meet his friends for the first time. “Are you ready my starlight?” he called you affectionately. “Yes, let’s go,” you said, taking his hand. Ken knocked on the door, waiting for someone to answer. The door opened to reveal a boy with jet black hair, his expression quite somber. “Leo, this is _______,” Ken introduced you. You bowed, being polite. Leo simply nodded and stepped aside so the two of you could enter. “Hey hyung!” said a boy with really short black hair. “Hyuk, come meet _______,” Ken told him. “Hi noona, nice to meet you,” Hyuk greeted. “Nice to meet you too,” you smiled. Ken also introduced you to Ravi, N, and Hongbin. “_________, do you mind if we borrow Ken for a moment?” asked N. “No, not at all,” you said. “Good. Just make yourself at home and we’ll be right back.” N said, leading Ken into the next room.

You sat on the couch, wondering what would be so important that they needed to discuss. “Aish, it’s none of my business. I’m sure it’s nothing,” you sighed to yourself. But for some reason, their talking had turned into shouting. “Ken hyung, don’t you think you’re going too far?” asked Hyuk. “I’m not going too far! I really like her!” Ken protested. “Aish, we should have never made this bet if this was going to happen.” N replied. “Ken hyung, we want you to be happy. You should at least tell her the truth,” said Hongbin. You couldn’t believe your ears. You didn’t bother to stick around to listen to the rest of their conversation, because you bolted out the door.


To Be Continued…

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LennyV #1
Chapter 8: All ken's threeshots are awesome!!!
Chapter 15: Dannggggg girl. The last three were *-* insane. :)
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh!! Soo great! Thank you very very much!!
Chapter 13: ohhh! I liked it :)
Thank you so much :)
RokuKazami #5
Chapter 12: Daebak! this stor was better then I expected though the picture of Thunder is a little intense(?) maybe. it was kinda hard to tell that it was thunder but please continue the awesome work!
RokuKazami #6
Chapter 12: Good luck! Hwaiting!
Chapter 9: I liked it ^^,
Thank you :)
Chapter 9: I loved the Wooyoung one :D
Chapter 8: You did a great work :)
Chapter 8: ajkdjfkgjdfg thank you ♥ It's perfect lol I bet you were really inspired ;)