Bodyguard - Kris

KPop Oneshots: On The Random! {Requests Closed!}

Today you were moving into your new home. After your parents stumbled into some cash, your dad decided to move to another city not far from where you originally were, and into a much nicer home. Your dad pulled into the driveway of your new two story home. The gates opened once your father put in the code and drove into the garage. Then, two men in suits stepped out to meet you. “Good morning sir. My name is Changsun and I will be your personal bodyguard for you and your wife. I am also head of security so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask.” Changsun greeted. “Okay, I’ll get with you later,” your father replied. “Good morning Miss. My name is Kris, I am your personal body guard.” Kris introduced himself to you. “My name is _________. Nice to meet you Kris,” You smiled warmly.

Kris escorted you and your parents inside the house, where maids and butlers were waiting at the staircase. “Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Park. My name is Dongwoon. I am your personal butler and will cater to your every need.” Dongwoon greeted, bowing before them. “Young mistress, my name is Lay. I am your personal butler,” a much cuter man around your age bowed before you. “Allow us to show you to your rooms,” Dongwoon gestured towards the staircase. “Allow me to carry your bags young mistress,” Lay said, taking your two duffel bags. “Please, call me _________,” you said, carrying your laptop bag. You followed Lay to your room, which was much larger than the one before. The bed was a canopy bed with white sheets. There was a dresser with a mirror attached, a walk in closet, and a bathroom.

There was even an entertainment center where you could set up your tv and PlayStation 2. “________, shall I help you unpack?” asked Lay, cutting you off from your thoughts. “Um, sure, if you want to. But I have a specific order in placing my clothes.” You admitted, going over to where he was standing. After an hour of instructing Lay where to place things, you suddenly became hungry. You went downstairs, looking for something to eat, hoping that maybe you could find something good. Suddenly, one of the maids came up to you. “Are you looking for something young mistress?” she asked. “The kitchen,” you replied. “Ah, yes, it’s right here. Follow me,” she smiled graciously as she began walking. You entered the large kitchen where maids were busy unpacking all the utensils that had been brought in the day before.

“Would you like something to eat? You and your family now have a chef.” Said the maid. “Yeah, where is the chef?” you asked. “He’s back here. Go on and greet him. Let me know if you need anything else young mistress.” The maid bowed before returning to the main area. You approached the chef, greeting him nervously. “Well, you must be the young mistress! Nice to meet you, the name’s Jim.” The chef greeted. “Nice to meet you. I’m _________,” you replied. “What a lovely name for such a lovely lady! What can I do for you today?” Jim asked. “Well, I’d like an egg sandwich,” You told him, looking around. “Ok, how would you like it?” Jim asked, getting out a pad and pen. “I like my eggs scrambled, well done. For the bread, I only eat white and I’d like it toasted.” You began. “You like light toast or dark toast?” asked Jim, looking up from his pad. “Light please. On the bread I’d like mayo, mustard, and cheese. Throw in some cheese in the eggs too.” You finished. “Very well. Oh, and I must ask Miss _________, any food allergies?” Jim wondered.

“I’m glad you asked. I’m allergic to walnuts and eel.” You told him. “Ah, and eel is my favorite. Well, I’ll remember because you can’t have it. Anything else?” Jim asked with a raised brow. “No, that’s it,” you told him. “Your sandwich will be ready in ten minutes,” Jim smiled. “Thank you,” you smiled back, leaving Jim to cook. Soon, your mom came into the kitchen. “Mom, guess what? We have a chef!” you exclaimed. “Well, now I won’t have to worry about cooking.” Your mom grinned. You shook your head in shame. Your mom had never been the type to cook, for it was your father who did most of the cooking. You jumped in occasionally. You walked out of the kitchen to see Kris making his way to the staircase. “Ah, Miss _________, I was on my way to see you,” He admitted. “Is something wrong?” You asked.

“Not at all. I wanted to explain a few things to you about my job,” Kris assured you. “Okay, we can go up to my room if you want,” You said, gesturing to the staircase. “That’s fine. There’s something I wanted to show you anyway.” He said, leading you up the stairs. Once inside your room, he walked over to the door that you found earlier was locked shut. He took out a set of keys and began to unlock it. He opened the door, motioning for you to come over. You walked over to see a whole other room. “This is a spare room built in to yours. It’s so I can have easy access to your room at night in case something should happen and I need to protect you,” Kris explained. “Okay,” you nodded, watching as Kris closed the door and locked it. “Is Changsun’s room like that too?” you asked. “Actually, Changsun will stay in our office at night. Tao will be the one sleeping in the spare room.” Kris replied.

“I wonder how much my father will enjoy that,” you grinned. “Miss ________, I also want to inform you that whatever orders your father gives, I will have to follow.” Kris continued. “I’m your boss too aren’t I?” you asked, folding your arms. “That’s right. But your father’s orders come first.” Kris nodded. Just then, Lay walked in. “_________, your lunch is ready,” he said. “Thank you Lay, I’ll be right down,” You nodded. “Is there anything else you needed to tell me?” You asked, turning back to Kris. “No, that will be all for now,” Kris said, following you out your room. You headed downstairs, making your way to the kitchen, thinking of everything Kris told you. ~ That afternoon, you were hooking up your PlayStation 2 to your TV. Soon, there was a knock on your door. “Come in,” you said, not looking up.

“Need help?” asked Kris. “No, I’m almost finished. Thanks anyway,” You replied, fiddling with your TV. After getting everything together, you checked to make sure the wires were in their right place. Kris stood nearby, watching you. The screen came on with the black squares moving around. “Got it,” you smiled, turning to Kris. Kris smiled back, walking over to you. “Are you going to play?” he asked. “Not today, I’m tired. And my head hurts,” you admitted. “Why don’t you lie down? I’m sure that will help,” Kris suggested. “I need to take something first. And besides, I’m not done putting stuff up,” You said, turning off the game system. “You have all day tomorrow to do that. Don’t you think you’re pushing yourself a little too much?” Kris asked. You stood and thought for a moment. Maybe Kris was right, maybe you were pushing your limit.

“Okay, I’ll finish tomorrow,” you gave in, walking into your bathroom. You took some ibuprofen and walked out. You walked over to your bed, sitting on it. Kris walked over and sat on it as well. “Dinner will be ready in a little while. I’ll be sure to come and wake you.” He said. “Thanks. Hopefully I can get some good sleep before then,” you replied, stretching. “Sleep well Miss ________,” Kris stood, leaving the room. You laid on the bed, looking up at the canopy. Within ten minutes, sleep claimed you. ~ You felt a hand on your back, a soft husky voice filling your ear. You could’ve sworn your turned wet at the sound. “Miss ________, please wake up. Dinner is ready,” Kris said. You slowly lifted your head from the pillow, opening your eyes to see him sitting on the edge of the bed. “Sleep well?” he asked, grinning. “Mhmm. Thanks for waking me,” You replied, sitting up.

He left the room so you could wash up. Going downstairs, you smelled the aroma of fresh cooked food coming from the kitchen. “Ah, good evening _________, please follow me to the dining room,” Lay bowed. You followed Lay into the dining room, which was next door to the kitchen. Your parents were already sitting there, in the middle of a conversation. You sat down on the other side of your father, looking around. Kris then popped his head in to make sure you were there. “Hey man, why don’t ya’ll come eat with us?” your father suggested. “Oh, that’s alright sir,” Kris said, shaking his head. “What happened to my father’s orders come first?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “He doesn’t have to eat with us if he doesn’t want to,” your mom replied. But Kris knew you were right, so he sent Tao to get Changsun and joined you at the table.

As he took his seat next to you, he straightened his jacket out. “That’s what I thought,” you said in a low voice. Kris gave a light smile as Tao and Changsun walked in. “You didn’t have to do this sir,” Changsun replied. “Well, we figured you didn’t have a place to eat,” your father replied. Soon, Dongwoon and Lay began serving food. ~ That evening, you had just gotten out the shower. Music was playing on your iHome as you dressed in your pjs, putting on a large t-shirt and basketball shorts. Brushing your teeth, you heard a knock on your door. You hurriedly ran over, knowing that the person outside wouldn’t hear you say come in, so you opened the door to reveal Kris. He nodded silently as he entered your room, and you returned to the bathroom to finish brushing your teeth. Kris entered the spare room and closed the door.

You closed the bathroom door, walking over to your dresser to turn off your music. Suddenly, Kris opened the door from his room. “Going to bed?” He asked. “Yeah, I’m drained,” you replied. “If you need anything, just knock. Sleep well,” Kris said, closing the door. You turned off you lamp, getting under the covers and drifting off to a deep slumber. ~ You woke up at 3 in the morning, tossing and turning in bed. You sighed, staring at your canopy. Soon, you heard the door from the spare room open and close. “Kris?” you asked in a soft voice. “Sorry for waking you,” Kris replied. “It’s alright. I can’t sleep anyway,” you admitted. “Should I stay with you until fall asleep again?” He asked. “If you want to,” you replied. Kris sat down on the edge of your bed, and you could see that he was wearing dark pants and a grey shirt. You sat up, not sure of what to do.

So you and Kris began to talk about different things, mostly about his job. “So, why are you up so early?” you asked. “I have some early morning running to do.” Kris replied. “Oh. Got to stay fit if you’re gonna protect me,” you joked. Kris chuckled, looking at the wall. “You have a pretty smile,” you said, not thinking. “You can see me?” he asked. “Yeah, I have 20/20 vision,” You grinned, knowing that it was the lights from outside that helped you to see him. Suddenly, Kris moved forward, and you could feel his breath on your lips. “What about now?” He asked in a husky voice. “Well, that’s kind of obvious,” you retorted. You couldn’t see him, but you felt his eyes on you now that he was much closer. Kris began to move closer, and you could feel his breath even more. He put a hand to your side, getting ready to brush your lips with his when his phone went off. “I’ll be right down,” He replied, hanging up. “It looks like someone is trespassing. Stay here until I come back,” Kris said, getting up from the bed and leaving your room.

Now you definitely couldn’t go back to sleep. You hoped that security would take care of the trespasser and Kris could come back and reassure you that everything would be fine. Suddenly, the window smashed in by your bed. You screamed, causing Kris and Tao to hear you from outside. “Miss _________!” Kris shouted running back into the house, Tao right behind him. A man dressed in black jumped in the bed with you, but you were so scared instead of climbing out you fell off and hit the floor. You scrambled to your feet, bolting to the door but you got snagged by your shirt and the man pulled you towards him. “Let me go!” you pleaded. “Now now my pretty, I’m going to make you mine,” his dark voice slithered in your ear. He began to rip off your shorts, but before he could finish, the door bolted open.

Kris fired three shots at the man, while Tao escorted you downstairs. At the same time, your father came rushing out of the bedroom further down to see what was going on. Changsun and Tao came back upstairs to put the trespasser in handcuffs. “What happened?” your father asked. “This man was trying to Miss _________,” Kris said, catching his breath. Tao and Kris walked the trespasser downstairs with Changsun right behind. Your mom and father soon came down to talk to you. “_________, are you alright? Your mom asked in a soft voice. “I think so,” you said, shaking. “Why don’t you try to go back to sleep? We can have Lay clean your room later.” She continued. You nodded, going back upstairs. You entered your room, sitting down on the bed. Soon, Kris walked in. “Are you ok?” he asked. You only nodded, looking down at the floor. Kris walked over and sat next to you, taking you in his arms.

“Don’t forget, I’m here to protect you…always,” He said softly, your hair. You looked up at him, and he looked down to brush his lips with yours. He broke the kiss, looking at you deeply. “Go back to sleep. I’ll be right here,” he told you. So you got back under the covers, falling asleep almost instantly. Kris kissed your cheek, smiling down at you before leaving the room.

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LennyV #1
Chapter 8: All ken's threeshots are awesome!!!
Chapter 15: Dannggggg girl. The last three were *-* insane. :)
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh!! Soo great! Thank you very very much!!
Chapter 13: ohhh! I liked it :)
Thank you so much :)
RokuKazami #5
Chapter 12: Daebak! this stor was better then I expected though the picture of Thunder is a little intense(?) maybe. it was kinda hard to tell that it was thunder but please continue the awesome work!
RokuKazami #6
Chapter 12: Good luck! Hwaiting!
Chapter 9: I liked it ^^,
Thank you :)
Chapter 9: I loved the Wooyoung one :D
Chapter 8: You did a great work :)
Chapter 8: ajkdjfkgjdfg thank you ♥ It's perfect lol I bet you were really inspired ;)