| myungsoo

Sighing, I plopped myself back onto the chair after turning the test into the teacher. Today is such a great day. I got my cheesecake stolen away from me by a buffalo, ran the mile and finished the day up with a science test.
I hope you realized that was sarcasm right there because if you think all that is enjoyable, I suggest you get your head checked up at a mental hospital sometime soon since you’re showing some serious signs of a mental person.
I heaved another sigh, placing my head onto the table in attempt to cool off a bit. Trust me. It’s not fun running a whole mile when the sun is out there happily burning the out of your hair.
My eyes wandered around the room, finally landing on something - well more specifically - a certain someone. And that person turned out to be no one other than Kim Myungsoo. As if feeling a pair of eyes on him, he turned around, right in time to catch me staring at the back of his head.
Raising his eyebrow slightly, his lips twitched upward into a crooked smirk. “Having fun?” he mouthed. I rolled my eyes before sticking my tongue out at him. “Do your test.” I mouthed back, him replying with a slight chuckle before returning his attention back to answering the questions.
If you think Myungsoo and I are one of those people who hate each other like in those cheesy fanfictions you read, well then you’re mistaken. I don’t hate him at all, and I’m trusting that he doesn’t hate me either. But it doesn’t mean that I like him the romantic way.
When I met him? I honestly don’t know myself. We sort of talked and something just clicked between the two of us. Fate or not, well that’s up to you to decide.
It’s surprising if you ask me. Sure, meeting and being friends with a guy seems nothing out of the ordinary to you, but something about him is just different. Honestly speaking, I don’t open up to other people that easily. Talk to them, yes I do, but completely becoming comfortable and giving them my trust is a different story. And in this case, it’s a guy that I’ve meet only around 2 months ago. Now that’s something new for me.
Myungsoo isn’t completely what you would call a Kingka. I’m glad our school is sane enough to not have people crowned as Kingkas or Queenkas ; though there are the occasional seperation of the popular versus the nerd groups.
Totally popular? I wouldn’t say that what he is. He’s just known by many, talking to a lot of people and having them enjoy his company. Maybe that’s what I found so interesting in him. People tend to get blinded by the popularity, becoming an arrogant jerk over time. Myungsoo, well, he remained his same self.
I admit, I haven’t known him for that long, but we’re close enough for me to assume that. Maybe I’m just being biased, but the guy just isn’t one of those jerks. I mean - I glanced up, seeing Myungsoo double checking over his answers before turning the test in - he actually takes school seriously. What kind of arrogant jerk would be caring if he got good grades in school or not?
Myungsoo returned to his seat, slumping into the chair the moment he sat down. I rolled my eyes at his laziness but then realized I’m also as lazy as the dude.
Class passed by in the blink of an eye - what am I saying. It took forever and I felt like I was rotting in hell. Doesn’t the school care a thing at all about children’s health? And don’t you dare argue with me. All your arguements are considered invalid right now because I said so.
I rule you peasants.
God people. Let me joke sometimes would you?
Walking out of the room, I felt someone sneak up behind me as a pair of hands covered up my eyes.
“Myungsoo, I know thats you.” I chuckled, as I found my eyes being blinded by the sudden rays of light due to the release of his hands. I turned around to meet Myungsoo with a slight pout on his face.
“Damn it. How’d you know?” he questioned as I giggled slightly to myself.
I know your scent you idiot.
“Cause I’m such a genius.” I replied, holding a thumbs up while smiling at him. And the fact that you’re the only guy who can actually touch me without having his precious baby making part cut off. He rolled his hand before poking my head with his index finger.
“Psh. Genius my ,” he said before walking off with his basketball in one hand. I furrowed my eyebrows before running up to catch up to him. “Yah! Are you trying to imply that I’m dumb?!”
He turned his head around, a teasing grin finding it’s way towards his mouth. “Maybe.” the boy winked before running off to avoid me kicking him in the , which if you’ll excuse me, I’ll proceed to doing right now.

I turned the volume on my earphones louder, not caring if my ears were starting to slightly hurt because of the loud music pounding inside my ear drums. All that mattered right now is to get all the the yelling out from my hearing reach.
My family isn’t the most happy, worry free family you could find out there. In fact, I would it’s the exact opposite. And it’s because of this that I regret not valueing the happy days while they lasted.
I closed my eyes shut, repeating to myself everything would be okay and filling my mind up with happy thoughts to block out all the negative things.
I find it funny at times. People see me as the carefree girl whose life is full of happiness. Maybe this is what people mean when they say “don’t judge a book by it’s cover.”
No one truly understands do they?
Feeling a sudden vibration from my phone, I picked it up, seeing it was a text from Myungsoo.
Iseul? You awake?
Gliding my fingers along the touch screen keyboard, I typed back a “Hi” before clicking ‘send’.
The phone buzzed again, showing a reply from Myungsoo. Anything wrong?
Why you asking?
You typed ‘hi’ instead of ‘hai’. somethings up right? want to tell me?
I smiled slightly to myself, seeing how well Myungsoo knew me. It’s rare that anyone is able to detect when something’s wrong with me. I would say I do a good job of hiding it. Yet he figured out with just a simple message.
Family problems. I quickly replied back, afraid of making him wait for too long.
That’s not going to cut it woman. Give me the details.
I rolled my eyes at his response before elaborating on what I meant by family problems. I found myself surprised at how much I’m revealing my personal life with him. Not a lot of people know about my personal life. The only two people who managed to have me willingly tell them are my two friends Jihyun and Taehee; not to mention that it took them over 3 years for me to open up and give them my complete trust. It truly bewilders me on how Myungsoo was able to have me talking to him so easily with just a few months of knowing me.

After a long series of text messages later, I received a reply from him. With that simple message, I found myself smiling slightly to myself. Maybe there is someone who still understands after all.
It’s alright. I understand. Don’t think so negatively and keep a positive attitude alright? My baby girl is strong isn’t she? Now i got to go and you should sleep too. I don’t want to see a gloomy iseul tomorrow with panda eyes alright? bye bye


And in that moment, it seemed as if all the worries in life has disappeared.


Author's Note - and here's the second chapter. it's, idk. does it seem a bit boring to you guys? give me your thoughts. it makes me feel like you guys don't like it when i don't receive any comments OTL give this panda some love man /bricked 

Happy reading~

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-watermelon #1
Chapter 6: Omg. Thanks for the update authornim.
fudge. I agree with the comment below....i love your writing style.
like seriously, your words. I reread the whole chapter....
It is just amazing. I can really feel what the oc feels.
Oh gawd i don't know how explain it, but the 'indescribable' feeling of falling inlove, you described it perfectly (you just did the impossible lol)

I also really like "inner battles" or thoughts of the oc. I personally like it when the characters have many thoughts and many self-reflecting parts, it helps me relate more with the story (and if I can relate, then it will really give me a great impact)


Huhuhu.....I pity Sehun to the highest of the clouds. Like, while oc is texting (ehem flirting) with Myungsoo, Sehun might be waiting for her reply like a lovestruck puppy.....and when she wont reply - JUST IMAGINE THE DISSAPOINTED FACE.

Anyway, thank you SOO much for updating.
Tbh, if it's another fanfic, I may have probably unsubscribed it........BUT NO BC THIS STORY IS SO GOOD THAT I'M WILLING TO WAIT FOR MILLION YEARS AS LONG AS YOU WON'T DISCONTINUE IT.
Chapter 6: Woah!!! Your writing style was awesome!
(I really can feel her feeling ( >v<)b )
-watermelon #3
Flipping doritos, this is DAEBAK
Like really, really, really amazing <33
I pity Sehun though....I wonder how it would be like in his POV...
Anyway, shouldn't it be Storge instead of Pragma bc they started as friends...lol joke :) I did some research about the title and well...
The foreword is also daebakkkk <33 When I read the words "I loved him with all my heart" I really felt the pain in the character T_T
I'm just curious though, is it hard to have 4 authors? I mean, don't you have different writing styles? Own ideas/twist to put in the story?.....lol sorry for too much questions :)
Also, I <33333 your poster :)
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ I love how this chapter make me feel all those 'ugly' feeling again. like a dejavu. OTL. ;A; You delivered this chapter perfectly, I can feel the pain Iseul felt every time Minhee and Myungsoo are close to each other. Nice one!! and yessss, I'm still here! haha
hAlly0514 #5
Chapter 4: Hooooooo! Cheesy Myungsoo!! Anyway thank's for this update... and i can't wait to read the next one! X
Chapter 3: Is Sehun Steven? O.o
Chapter 1: Who is Woohyun in this story?
Chapter 3: Awww myungsoo don't feel anythibg for her?! Mannn that's sad!
Chapter 3: myungmyung wai u so mean . -krais-
Chapter 2: This is hilarious!! I love love love your humour!! I rule you peasants! Hahahah that part was the best! Seriously this is good!! I love it!!