| him and only him


I think I might be going crazy. Actually I think I am going crazy. Someone might as well just send me into a hospital to get a check up.

It’s completely ridiculous I swear. It’s only been two weeks I haven’t seen him. I feel like I’m acting like some kind of obsessed fangirl and I hate that feeling, but once again, I can’t help but enjoy the little flutterings from time to time.

The entire school went on winter vacation for two weeks. Honestly, I’ve never really looked forward to any vacation - other than the fact that I got to sleep in late - but that was pretty much all there was to my enjoyment. I’m stuck home the entire summer rolling around on my bed with nothing to do.

And this time, I was dreading the vacation even more than usual. Two days without seeing him was already pretty lonely for me, but two weeks without seeing or talking was what you could call pure torture. Myungsoo had followed his parents on vacation for winter break and I had absolutely no contact with him for two weeks. Emails were still exchanged but I’ve only gotten 6 email replies from him the entire two weeks.

Holy hell. Why did I remember the exact number.

Okay it’s confirmed. I’m seriously going crazy.

My eyes darted back and forth, searching for the familiar figure in the crowd, only to sigh in disappointment when I couldn’t even catch a glimpse of the boy I’m searching for.

A sudden wave of happiness rushed across me as I spotted a familiar figure in the crowd. The moment he turned around, insuring me it was the right person, I couldn’t help but break out into a smile.

His eyes were almost seeming to be searching around the hallway as well, a familiar basketball held in one hand while one backpack strap was resting upon his left shoulder. My heart almost stopped the moment his eyes reached mine ; they almost seemed to have lit up at that moment and I couldn’t help but stare into his brown orbs.

“Iseul!” I broke out of my trance as I heard a voice calling to me, head instinctively turning around to the voice. There I saw Sehun heading my way, waving his hand in the air in attempt to get my attention.

Reluctantly, I place my attention on him, waiting for a few seconds before he came up face to face with me. A shy smile pulled on his lips as I flashed a small smile back at him.

“How was your break?” He questioned, as I shrugged slightly. “Fine I guess. I was bored.” And missing Myungsoo as hell. At the thought of his name, my head quickly turned back to see an almost disapproving look on his face. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed, eyes not seeming to be focussed anywhere.

“Ah..I was bored during vacation too..” Sehun said, rubbing the back of his nape in an awkward manner. “Hey Iseul?”

“Hm?” I replied by, though I’m sure the tone in my voice of not all that much caring. And I blame it all on myself. I’m too focussed on Myungsoo on the moment, and whether I like it or not, I can’t help that I’m being this way.

“You see.. I’ve been meaning to say this for a while now but..” Sehun trailed off, fidgitting nervously as he stuttered in between his speech. “Um..I just.” I turned my head around for a quick moment, eyes searching the crowd of people quickly to see if I could spot Myungsoo’s figure within it. He was still standing there in that same spot, but had suddenly turned around and began to walk away. Not knowing why, I felt a sudden need to chase after him. Adjusting the shoulder strap of my backpack into a more comfortable position, I patted Sehun on the back, catching his attention.

“Sehun. Hey sorry but I’m in a rush right now so I’ll talk to you another time alright?” With those words, I took off in the opposite direction, leaving a slightly confused Sehun standing there in the middle of the hallway.

Making my way through the sea of students, my eyes searched among the crowd for the figure of Myungsoo, silently cursing myself for not keeping a better eye on him.

I walked through the backside of the school where not a lot of people are. There were only a few students there, but other than that, the only thing in view were classroom doors and green grass. I don't know why, it seemed slightly ridiculous to be searching in such a place for him but my gut feeling lead me here. Not catching a sight of Myungsoo anywhere, my shoulders slumped slightly as a frown took over my features.

"Looking for someone?"

A sudden voice coming me behind caused my body to tense up. That same voice that was responsible for the fluttering feelings within me. I turned around to meet up with the owner of the voice, an all too familiar teasing expression on his face. His eyebrows were raised as a crooked smirk that I came to love tugged the corners of his lips.

"Myungsoo!" I exclaimed as he chuckled.

"Someone seems excited to see me. By what I saw earlier, you completely ignored me for Sehun."

"It's not my fault he wanted to talk! I can't just ignore him." I argued back, pouting childishly.

Myungsoo gave a hearty laugh. "I'm taking that you missed me?"

"No not at all."

Suddenly, the boy pulled me into a hug, increasing my heart rate by what seemed like a hundred times faster. "You liar." He mumbled and I couldn't help but agree. His grip tightened around my body as I hugged him back, breathing deeply as a familiar scent came to me.

It's only been two weeks and I've missed so much of this guy. His voice, his laugh, his smile, his hugs, this scent I've become addicted to.

"What makes you say that." I mumbled back, chin resting on his shoulder.

"You were looking for me earlier in the crowd." He stated. I could almost sense the smile in his voice.

"How'd you know?"

He pulled back from the hug and I could now clearly see the thousand watt smile that bloomed on his face.


"Because I was looking for you as well."


Author's Note - Can't say how sorry I am in the lack of updates but I'm being completely serious when I say that school is killing me. I feel like just dying to get away from the work. Wrote this last night when I had the sudden urge and couldn't sleep. It was supposed to be longer but that seemed like such a good cut off so I left it like that. this seems like a filler, idk. Hope it's okay though.

Since I'm on the writing topic, could a bother you guys to check this story out? I got a sudden inspiration after BAP's Badman came out and I've always had huge thoughts on society. What better way than to voice out my opinion through a story?

War Summoner

Do me a favor of checking it out. Hopefully by the end, i'll be able to leave a little something in you.

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-watermelon #1
Chapter 6: Omg. Thanks for the update authornim.
fudge. I agree with the comment below....i love your writing style.
like seriously, your words. I reread the whole chapter....
It is just amazing. I can really feel what the oc feels.
Oh gawd i don't know how explain it, but the 'indescribable' feeling of falling inlove, you described it perfectly (you just did the impossible lol)

I also really like "inner battles" or thoughts of the oc. I personally like it when the characters have many thoughts and many self-reflecting parts, it helps me relate more with the story (and if I can relate, then it will really give me a great impact)


Huhuhu.....I pity Sehun to the highest of the clouds. Like, while oc is texting (ehem flirting) with Myungsoo, Sehun might be waiting for her reply like a lovestruck puppy.....and when she wont reply - JUST IMAGINE THE DISSAPOINTED FACE.

Anyway, thank you SOO much for updating.
Tbh, if it's another fanfic, I may have probably unsubscribed it........BUT NO BC THIS STORY IS SO GOOD THAT I'M WILLING TO WAIT FOR MILLION YEARS AS LONG AS YOU WON'T DISCONTINUE IT.
Chapter 6: Woah!!! Your writing style was awesome!
(I really can feel her feeling ( >v<)b )
-watermelon #3
Flipping doritos, this is DAEBAK
Like really, really, really amazing <33
I pity Sehun though....I wonder how it would be like in his POV...
Anyway, shouldn't it be Storge instead of Pragma bc they started as friends...lol joke :) I did some research about the title and well...
The foreword is also daebakkkk <33 When I read the words "I loved him with all my heart" I really felt the pain in the character T_T
I'm just curious though, is it hard to have 4 authors? I mean, don't you have different writing styles? Own ideas/twist to put in the story?.....lol sorry for too much questions :)
Also, I <33333 your poster :)
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ I love how this chapter make me feel all those 'ugly' feeling again. like a dejavu. OTL. ;A; You delivered this chapter perfectly, I can feel the pain Iseul felt every time Minhee and Myungsoo are close to each other. Nice one!! and yessss, I'm still here! haha
hAlly0514 #5
Chapter 4: Hooooooo! Cheesy Myungsoo!! Anyway thank's for this update... and i can't wait to read the next one! X
Chapter 3: Is Sehun Steven? O.o
Chapter 1: Who is Woohyun in this story?
Chapter 3: Awww myungsoo don't feel anythibg for her?! Mannn that's sad!
Chapter 3: myungmyung wai u so mean . -krais-
Chapter 2: This is hilarious!! I love love love your humour!! I rule you peasants! Hahahah that part was the best! Seriously this is good!! I love it!!