| foreign feelings

“Iseul!” My eyes landed on the figure of Myungsoo standing at the gate, one hand holding his basketball while the other was waving around up in the air, trying to signal at me where he was.
I closed my eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself.
There it was again.
My stomach did a weird churn as he ran over, pulling me into a hug as a tickling feeling rose up in my stomach. He pulled back from the embrace, giving me that tremendously cute smile of his, making the feeling in my stomach get even worse.
Some please save me. I don’t know what’s going on anymore.
A month has passed and the friendship between Myungsoo and me had grown even stronger, and lord knows how happy it makes me to see our relationship going so well. But lately there has been a problem, and it wasn’t at all because of him, but more because of me. And to make things even harder, I don’t even know what exactly this problem is.
It’s been happening for around 2 weeks now, don’t even ask me why I kept track because I don’t even know myself. But lately, I’ve been getting these foreign feelings. I wouldn't say they were entirely terrible - more like just so unfamiliar. I didn't entirely hate them but the reason behind it was just too confusing for me to comprehend.
These hard stomach churns, burning of the cheeks and tickling sensations - I have no idea of why this is happening. And god knows how much frustration this is causing me. I’m already mentally pulling out my own hair, just by staring at Myungsoo’s smiling face.
“Say, I have a basketball game this lunch so how about you come and cheer me on?” I could see that familiar glint of determination and pride in his eyes and laughed slightly at him. When this guy puts his mind on something, he's doing all he can to get it.
“Does it look like I have a choice? You’re pretty much demanding me too and if I don’t come, I’ll have to suffer an entire week of whining from you.” A hearty laugh was earned from him and I felt my insides flutter at that simple sound.
“Glad to hear that.” He gave me a wink, and though I was clearly sure it was just a sign of his playful self, a mad blush of red flowed throughout my cheeks as I mentally scolded myself for getting so flustered.
From the distance, I could hear Woohyun’s call for Myungsoo to “get his lazy over here and practice for the basketball match.” I chuckled at his statement, earning a glare from Myungsoo before sticking his tongue out at him.
“Women, I swear if you stick your tongue out at me one more time, I will personally take a knife and cut it off.” he threatened, only to have me burst out into laughter at his fail attempt to be scary.
His lips twitched up into a crooked smile before patting my head and running off, causing the redness that had started to fade in my cheeks to immediately return to it's original shade of color. Running backwards, he turned around, not forgetting to give me a smile and wave goodbye, only to end up nearly tripping on his own feet. Being the idiot he was, the guy tried to play it off cool as I returned his actions with a roll of the eyes, mentally asking myself why I have such an idiot as him as a friend.
But hey once again, who am I to say? I'm not all that non-idiotic myself.  

Jihyun, Taehee and I, along with a couple other friends settle ourselves onto a patch of nice grass; Jihyun being the green obsessed girl she is, demanded we settled ourselves onto the greenest plot of grass. Sometimes I wonder why we're all so crazy.
But hey. That’s what makes it so fun.
Sitting underneath the convenient shade of a tree, I looked around to take notice of the number of people around us. It seems like a lot of people took interest in this game considering how the number wasn't all that low. As I've mentioned before, I'm not a sport fan - unless it's dancing - so there's really no reason for me to be interested in a basketball game. But somehow, I find watching Myungsoo play addicting. Whether because if be his extreme focus on the game, that look of determination on his face, I don't know myself. When I like something, I don't necessarily have a reason for it.
The game was beginning soon and I could sense the excitement within the crowd. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice calling my name.
"Hey Sehun." I greeted the boy, who shyly waved back, a total transformation from how boldly he was calling my name earlier. Taehee nudged my shoulder, giving me a knowing look, getting a glare from me in return.
Oh Sehun. There's nothing much to say about him except the fact that he obviously has a crush on me. I wouldn't exactly count it as one of those small crushes but once again, I doubt that it's developed into something serious either.
I'm not all too sure of what I feel about him. He's younger than me by a few months, but yet a whole lot taller - damn these basketball players - but it’s not like I had anything against a noona relationship.
But as I said, I just see him as a friend. Well, as of now. Who knows, that might be subjected to change, though once again, that is highly unlikely.
"I didn't expect for you to be here." He said,my attention snapping back at him as I shrugged in response. "Figured I might as well watch since so many people are here."
"Well.." He fiddled around with his fingers as I gave him a questioning look. "I'm playing so.. watch out for me alright?"
I laughed before nodding my head, giving him a thumbs up. "Sure! Good luck okay?"
Sehun broke out into a big grin before running off to join his teammates.
And it was only then that it hit me.
Sehun and Myungsoo are on opposite teams.
Jihyun nudged me, raising her eyebrows. "Well, hard situation here. Who are you cheering for?" She nodded her head towards the direction of the court, implying the decision between Myungsoo and Sehun.
God that made me sound like I'm making a decision for marriage. That sounded way too dramatic.
"I'm not cheering for anyone." I answered as Jihyun narrowed her eyebrows at me, responding with a clear hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Yeah.. Right."
My eyes returned back to the court, scanning the ground for a familiar face. Though I tried to sound unbiased as much as possible, I know for myself who I am truly cheering for, and I’m sure both Jihyun and Taehee knew as well.
My attention returned back to the basketball court, having a feeling that someone was staring at me. My instincts served me right as my gaze landed on Myungsoo whose face seemingly lit up as if he had been trying to get my attention for quite a while now.
His eyes shined, telling me to cheer him on as I laughed to myself before giving him a thumbs up for encouragement. He frowned slightly, giving me a slight pout as if trying to say that wasn’t enough.
I laughed at the child again before standing up and yelling out “Hwaiting!” Sehun’s head turned in my direction, giving me a bright grin as I felt a slight feeling of guilt hit me. Myungsoo smiled at well before returning to talk to his teammates, and though my ‘hwaiting’ from earlier could have been directed towards anyone on that court, I still knew who I was truly cheering for.
After all, he's the reason I actually bothered to come here in the first place.

“Iseul! We won! We won! Did you see me out there?!” Myungsoo came running towards me, pulling me into a tight embrace as I felt a familiar soft feeling spread across my chest. He let go, revealing his face that was shining so brightly, it made it impossible for me to not smile along.
“Of course I did idiot. Good job.” He looked tired, his sweat glistening in the sun but he looked so happy and accomplished, I couldn’t help but feel a part of his happiness myself.
“That was such a close match too! But we made it in the end! Aren’t you proud of me? Aren’t you? You’re proud right? Of course you are!” He gushed, acting almost like a child whose was bragging to his parents about something good he had done in school. I laughed again, trying to calm him down.
“Yes, you did pretty well taken as a fact how you’re the son of a buffalo. I expected you to be rolling around the court the entire game or something.” I joked as he slightly pouted. “Sheesh! At least be proud of me would you!”
I rolled my eyes at him. “I told you I am! What am I supposed to do to prove it? Send a herd of flying unicorns and buffalos across the sky to spell out the words ‘Good Job Myungsoo’ or what?”
“Yeah! You should do that!” I gaped at him as he laughed at my face before pulling me into a tight embrace once again. I could feel his hot breath hit my ear, causing slight chills to run down my spine.
“I’m just kidding. It’s enough knowing you were cheering for me. It helped a lot you know?” he mumbled, the tiredness from the match probably finally made his way towards him. I laughed before wrapping my arms around his figure and returning the hug.
“Well then I should come more often now shouldn’t I?”
He pulled away - me feeling a bit of disappointment from the lost - and smiled, nodding in response to my question.
Hearin a few giggles, my eyebrows furrowed as I turned around to see a group of girls I know laughing, some sending me and Myungsoo looks. “What’s wrong with them?” I turned and asked Myungsoo who only chuckled.
“God. Have you not heard them? Or have you just been living under a rock?”
“I do stay in the music room most of my free time. If you count that as a rock..”
“Well see, ” he slung an arm around me, causing the group of girls from earlier to break out into even more coos and giggles. “There’s been people and rumors going around the school saying that we’re dating.”
I felt my heart do a flip at his statement. Me and him dating?
Myungsoo laughed, and his next words had somehow hurt me more than they should have. “Can you imagine that? I mean, it’s ridiculous that they could even come up with that! Me and you as a couple? As if!”
And I don’t know why, but there’s a possibility that just then, I felt tiny piece of something in me break.


Author's Note - sorry for the late update. but it's a sure thing that this will be frequently updated from now on. i don't know how i feel about this chapter. so, i want to hear opinions~ let me know what you think alright? ; w ; comments give me so much motivation and love <3

And being my usual shamless self, i would like for you guys to check out 2 stories of mine i've just completed. just, give it a shot and see if it suits your taste or not alright? im actually quite proud of these two so.. yeah.  . u . happy reading!

Eternal Paranoia Imperfect Sanity 

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-watermelon #1
Chapter 6: Omg. Thanks for the update authornim.
fudge. I agree with the comment below....i love your writing style.
like seriously, your words. I reread the whole chapter....
It is just amazing. I can really feel what the oc feels.
Oh gawd i don't know how explain it, but the 'indescribable' feeling of falling inlove, you described it perfectly (you just did the impossible lol)

I also really like "inner battles" or thoughts of the oc. I personally like it when the characters have many thoughts and many self-reflecting parts, it helps me relate more with the story (and if I can relate, then it will really give me a great impact)


Huhuhu.....I pity Sehun to the highest of the clouds. Like, while oc is texting (ehem flirting) with Myungsoo, Sehun might be waiting for her reply like a lovestruck puppy.....and when she wont reply - JUST IMAGINE THE DISSAPOINTED FACE.

Anyway, thank you SOO much for updating.
Tbh, if it's another fanfic, I may have probably unsubscribed it........BUT NO BC THIS STORY IS SO GOOD THAT I'M WILLING TO WAIT FOR MILLION YEARS AS LONG AS YOU WON'T DISCONTINUE IT.
Chapter 6: Woah!!! Your writing style was awesome!
(I really can feel her feeling ( >v<)b )
-watermelon #3
Flipping doritos, this is DAEBAK
Like really, really, really amazing <33
I pity Sehun though....I wonder how it would be like in his POV...
Anyway, shouldn't it be Storge instead of Pragma bc they started as friends...lol joke :) I did some research about the title and well...
The foreword is also daebakkkk <33 When I read the words "I loved him with all my heart" I really felt the pain in the character T_T
I'm just curious though, is it hard to have 4 authors? I mean, don't you have different writing styles? Own ideas/twist to put in the story?.....lol sorry for too much questions :)
Also, I <33333 your poster :)
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ I love how this chapter make me feel all those 'ugly' feeling again. like a dejavu. OTL. ;A; You delivered this chapter perfectly, I can feel the pain Iseul felt every time Minhee and Myungsoo are close to each other. Nice one!! and yessss, I'm still here! haha
hAlly0514 #5
Chapter 4: Hooooooo! Cheesy Myungsoo!! Anyway thank's for this update... and i can't wait to read the next one! X
Chapter 3: Is Sehun Steven? O.o
Chapter 1: Who is Woohyun in this story?
Chapter 3: Awww myungsoo don't feel anythibg for her?! Mannn that's sad!
Chapter 3: myungmyung wai u so mean . -krais-
Chapter 2: This is hilarious!! I love love love your humour!! I rule you peasants! Hahahah that part was the best! Seriously this is good!! I love it!!