| son of a buffalo

Holy  I swear to god there will be a day when that son of a buffalo gets rolled over by his own father.
"Damn you, why the hell do you have to be a basketball player." I muttered under my breath, trying my best to push my feet forward as far as I could.
Don't blame me people. Honestly speaking, I'm not too athletic. Unless you count dancing as a sport then I’ll take it. Other than that, I rather stay in my room the entire day rotting on my laptop. I'm so productive aren't I?
"Kim Myungsoo!"  I yelled from the top of my lungs as I dashed across the platform, trying to obtain my beloved strawberry cheesecake. Literally, the whole school turned their attention to us, including the teachers. You would think the teachers would do something about this.
You're wrong.
They didn't.
Considering the fact that this girl right here and THE Kim Myungsoo are put in the same school, if not class, you can’t really expect for it to be peaceful. The teachers don't bother interfering anymore since it would happen again and again no matter how extreme the punishment was.
But once again we're talking about someone stealing my cheesecake. And cheesecake is food. And no one messes with my food unless you want a metal rod shoved down your throat.
Logic man.
No ones messes with my food. End of the story.
That piece of cheesecake - from my beloved friend Jihyun- was the only food left in my backpack. And I was planning to savor it all the way until lunch time. But no.
I got it taken away by  Myungsoo. And now I'm stuck chasing him to get my beloved strawberry covered baby back. If only I had Daehyun here to help me. He'd help since we're fighting for the same cause.
I stopped for a while, panting slightly as I stared at him. He had noticed how I stopped and came to a halt as well, looking back as a childish grin crept up on his face.
"Aw~ Is someone tired already?~" he teased as I glared at him. I forced myself to stand up straight, still trying to catch my breath from all the running.
“Well excuse me! Someone’s here not a basketball player unlike someone!” I rolled my eyes as he chuckled amusingly, picking up the fork and began taking bites out of my cheesecake.
“Hey! That was mine!” I pouted, crossing my hands over my chest in a childish manner as I shot him one of my infamous death glares. Maybe if I glare hard enough, I might be able to burn a hole into that metal head of his.
“I know it is.” he stated bluntly and continued to keep eating my beloved cheesecake. Damn, it’s disappearing by the second.
“Well now it has your germs all over it!” I whined, stomping my foot. He laughed and proceeded to eating the delicious treat again. “I know it does baby girl.”
“Give it back! You SON OF A B..B..” I stuttered, trying to get the cuss word out of my mouth. He gave me a questioning look as I stood there stuttering the sound of the letter ‘B’. “SON OF A BUFFALO!”
There was a moment of awkward silence before his face broke out into a teasing grin. “Well, what if I don’t want to give it back you daughter of a moose?”
“I’ll make sure your basketball gets taken away!” I threatened him in the scariest voice I could handle. Okay, honestly that didn’t come out right. Don’t blame me! Is it my fault I’m not born with Bang Yongguk's voice?!
“Woohyun has my basketball right now. What are you going to do about it?”
“I’ll shove a metal rod down your throat.” I stated in a serious manner. He stood there trying to interpret what I just said into his own understanding while I took that advantage and rushed towards him, catching the guy off guard.
Well ladies and gentleman, god decided to be on my side today and let me slip on a damn piece of paper some kid littered.
Please note my sarcasm.
Next thing you know, I went flying in the air and landed right on top of Myungsoo. My face turned bright red when he smirked and pushed me over so he could be on top. My heart was beating at a dangerously fast rate as he leaned his face in even closer to me, still keeping that tremendously cute smirk .
“Someone’s a bit too excited here aren’t they? My baby girl is growing up so fast.” he winked as I scoffed in return.
“You’re so much trouble, you son of a buffalo.” I rolled my eyes as Myungsoo stood up, reaching his hand out as I grabbed it and hauled myself off the ground. Grabbing onto my hand, we ran towards our assigned classroom to make it there in time for the bell. I heard him chuckling before the corners of his lips twitched up into a small smile.

“Right back at you, daughter of a moose.”

Author's Note - this seems more like a comedy fiction with this chapter ; __ ; otl not that much XD oh weellss otl. this chapters serves like more of a prologue..so..yeah ^^ um um so. er. yeah. .. .. bai?

Coauthor (jae_guin)'s note - hai~ O u o so...um, this is my firsht shtory....thank god I have some help from these wonderful and experienced authors....so....some support? XDDD bai!

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-watermelon #1
Chapter 6: Omg. Thanks for the update authornim.
fudge. I agree with the comment below....i love your writing style.
like seriously, your words. I reread the whole chapter....
It is just amazing. I can really feel what the oc feels.
Oh gawd i don't know how explain it, but the 'indescribable' feeling of falling inlove, you described it perfectly (you just did the impossible lol)

I also really like "inner battles" or thoughts of the oc. I personally like it when the characters have many thoughts and many self-reflecting parts, it helps me relate more with the story (and if I can relate, then it will really give me a great impact)


Huhuhu.....I pity Sehun to the highest of the clouds. Like, while oc is texting (ehem flirting) with Myungsoo, Sehun might be waiting for her reply like a lovestruck puppy.....and when she wont reply - JUST IMAGINE THE DISSAPOINTED FACE.

Anyway, thank you SOO much for updating.
Tbh, if it's another fanfic, I may have probably unsubscribed it........BUT NO BC THIS STORY IS SO GOOD THAT I'M WILLING TO WAIT FOR MILLION YEARS AS LONG AS YOU WON'T DISCONTINUE IT.
Chapter 6: Woah!!! Your writing style was awesome!
(I really can feel her feeling ( >v<)b )
-watermelon #3
Flipping doritos, this is DAEBAK
Like really, really, really amazing <33
I pity Sehun though....I wonder how it would be like in his POV...
Anyway, shouldn't it be Storge instead of Pragma bc they started as friends...lol joke :) I did some research about the title and well...
The foreword is also daebakkkk <33 When I read the words "I loved him with all my heart" I really felt the pain in the character T_T
I'm just curious though, is it hard to have 4 authors? I mean, don't you have different writing styles? Own ideas/twist to put in the story?.....lol sorry for too much questions :)
Also, I <33333 your poster :)
Chapter 5: Ahhh~ I love how this chapter make me feel all those 'ugly' feeling again. like a dejavu. OTL. ;A; You delivered this chapter perfectly, I can feel the pain Iseul felt every time Minhee and Myungsoo are close to each other. Nice one!! and yessss, I'm still here! haha
hAlly0514 #5
Chapter 4: Hooooooo! Cheesy Myungsoo!! Anyway thank's for this update... and i can't wait to read the next one! X
Chapter 3: Is Sehun Steven? O.o
Chapter 1: Who is Woohyun in this story?
Chapter 3: Awww myungsoo don't feel anythibg for her?! Mannn that's sad!
Chapter 3: myungmyung wai u so mean . -krais-
Chapter 2: This is hilarious!! I love love love your humour!! I rule you peasants! Hahahah that part was the best! Seriously this is good!! I love it!!