Chapter 12

My Childish and Precious Love

Your POV

Some months have gone by and everything slowly returned to normal.  CNU recovered and now they are preparing for a comeback.  We were all excited for this to happen but it was starting to weigh down on our relationship like it always does.  You'd think we'd be able to handle it by now but it was always the same.

"Babe~" I heard him yell then walk in.  "Still writing in the journal I see." He smiled and sat next to me.

"Yea.  It helps me deal with everything."

"Everything like what?"

"Oppa.  We have this conversation every time you see me writing in it."

"I know but maybe it's different.  You should just let me read it."


"Why not?"  He tried snatching it from me but I was too fast. "Come on~ just let me read it."

"No." I said my expression serious.  "Hajima."  He started tickling my sides.  I lost grip on the diary and he took it.  He laid back on the bed and read the passage I'd just finished then flipped a few pages backwards.

"I hate comebacks.  I hate them so much.  They make this too hard.  I'm excited but I hate them.  They make me wish my life was normal."  His expression was dark.  "They make you wish your life was normal?"

"Sunwoo stop!"

"Do they make you hate me?  Do they make you wish we weren't together?" There was so much sadness in his voice but he wasn't yelling.

"No Sunwoo stop! Please."  I laid next to him with my head on his chest drawing circles on his abs.  "It's not like that.  I was just angry that day because that was the only day you had extra time and we could hang out but then you got called in for a surprise practice.  We rarely see each other when you guys are preparing for comebacks and that one time we could, we couldn't." 

"I'm sorry you have to go through this." He said turning to his side.  I turned to mine and faced him.   He touched my cheek gently before kissing me.

"It's not your fault.  You're living your dream and I'm glad I get to be part of that. Especially since for a while I thought I wouldn't get that chance." I wrapped an arm around him as I scooted closer.  "I would never leave you no matter how tough comebacks make our relationship.  I love you and that's not going to change."  I kissed him again.

"I love you too Hye Min."  He kissed me a third time and they don't lie when they say third time's the charm.  The kiss became deeper and his hand traveled under my shirt.

Baro POV

Her skin was soft and smooth as my hands caressed her sides.   I rolled her onto her back and hovered over her softly biting the sensitive spot on her neck.  She tilted her head back giving me more access to leave bite marks and soft kisses.  Her hands tugged at the hem of my shirt so I sat up and pulled it off tossing it to the floor then kissing her again.  I ran my tongue across her bottom lip gaining access instantly.  She pushed away from the kiss and got out of the bed.  She took her shirt off and dropped it to the floor.

"Where are you going?"  I asked watching her walk away.

"Count to 20 then come and find me."  She yelled back and I started counting. 

Once I was at 20 I got up and followed the trails of clothes she left.  I followed the path into the guest room wondering why she was in there but after looking everywhere I realized she led me to a dead end.  My excitement was getting hard to ignore so I had to find her and knew I would when I saw her head back to the bedroom out the corner of my eye.

"You don't hide very well."  I said walking in and seeing her standing by the big open window in her Superman bra and .

I walked over to her placing my hands on her waist.  She pulled me in for a kiss and made it deeper the longer our lips were pressed together.  I hooked my fingers in the waist band of her running them along the sides.  She pulled away and started untying my sweatpants.  I pushed them down then continued kissing her pressing her body against the glass.

"Aren't you worried about who could see us?"

"If they want to watch let them watch. They won't know it's us. We're on the 34th floor. Besides it's 10 at night, people are probably sleeping."  I didn't argue with her.

A/N: Sorry for such a short update but my ideas for this story are running a little a low :(

 It seemed like the thought of publicly having was increasing her arousal.  Who was I to stop that?  I attacked her neck again gaining mews this time.  I glided my tongue over the most recent bite mark then planted kisses along her collar bone as I unhooked her bra.   I tossed it to the floor then pressed our bodies together planting kisses wherever I pleased.  I undressed us the rest of the way allowing my hands to roam everywhere.

"Oppa~" she called out in a breathy moan. 

I knew no preparation was needed.  I turned her around making sure my arm was covering her s.  Her hands were pressed against the glass as I adjusted her hips with my free arm.  I positioned myself then entered her slowly watching her fingers curl against the glass.  I continued ing into her burying my face in the crook of her neck occasionally allowing my tongue to slide over her smooth skin.

"Sunwoo~" she moaned my name as she got closer to the edge. 

As I continued my motions, I wondered if she had any other kinks besides public exposure and biting.  I decided now was a better time than ever to find some.  I used my free hand and wrapped it in her hair pulling her head back hard.  Her increased as she neared the edge even more.  I held onto her hair until her arms pushed her away from the glass and her knees weakened causing me to have to hold her shaking body.   My name bounced off the walls as she screamed before she propped herself up against the glass.  Hearing her scream my name was my kink and it sent me over the edge.  I rested on her back as we came down from our highs then I pulled away from her and dragged her to the bed. We climbed in under the covers and huddled next to each other wrapped in each other's arms.

"I love you Sunwoo."

"I love you too Hye Min."

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Chapter 5: OMO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Saranghae Naketa! Update again soon. :)
Chapter 1: Cant wait for the Update Author nim.... ^^