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Jae Bom was outside the room, both standing guard and chatting with one of the girls who was trying to gain his full attention. She was carrying a pair of daggers on her hips, which marked her as a sector four woman. She was a born fighter and that made him loathe to disregard her, in case she got upset and decided his blood would be a good accent to her outfit. He could probably take her in a fight, but he didn’t want to.  She smiled as she asked for his server id and he hesitated.

“You’re Jae Bom, right?” Another voice came and they both turned to it. It was that sector six girl; Jae Hwa’s friend. Her hair was a vibrant lime green and her eyes a dazzling gold tonight. He took her in and smirked. Apparently, she had enough respect for Jae Hwa to tone her extravagance down a notch for her. Looking at Chun Hei now, she looked like a hooker, not just a girl who happened to be born into sector six.

“Yea, I am.” He said and the sector four girl pouted at him. She clearly didn’t appreciate being ignored, but was patient. There were only two ways to move up in their system; marriage, or money. That meant that if he wanted to talk to the entire club before addressing her again, she would have to wait. However, he was sure they had found ways to make upper sectors regret actions like that though.

“Oh, good. Jae Hwa needs a new friend. She needs someone who will distract her from that awful Min Ki. He’s basically a robot. I can’t stand it. He doesn’t deserve to move up and we most assuredly can’t let him bring her down.” She said, speaking more freely than she should about her betters.

Jae Bom turned to the sector four girl for a moment, trying to remember her name and shrugged gently. He mouthed the word sorry and she took off, in a huff.  He smirked as he turned back to Chun Hei, who was grinning from ear to ear. “You seemed like you were having trouble getting rid of her. Sorry, was I wrong?” she asked and he shook his head.

“You speak rather freely about people above your station. Is this a habit of yours?” He asked and she covered , wide eyed. Despite all the trappings of her sector, her eyes were guileless and somehow, appealing to him. He didn’t understand that at all. He never wandered to the red light district.

“I’m sorry. Did I offend you? Jae Hwa never seems to mind. Of course, I’ve been with Jae Hwa since before the split. I don’t think she complains about anything I do actually. I suppose she’s used to me… Oh dear, I’m rambling, aren’t I?” She asked, smiling with apparent shyness.

“It’s fine.” He said, glancing at the curtain separating the club and the VIP room. “I should check on Jae Hwa.” He said and Chun Hei’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Jae Hwa is here? Oh, wonderful. Is she behind here?” Chun Hei asked, not waiting for a response, but throwing back the curtain. She shouted almost immediately and Jae Bom ran into the room behind her and took in the scene. “Get away from her!” Chun Hei shouted at Ji Ho.

Jae Hwa was nearly passed out on the couch and Ji Ho’s face was only inches away from hers. Jae Hwa was smiling as she called for Chun Hei. Chun Hei’s hair phased to black suddenly as she ran to Jae Hwa’s side.

“Chun Hei! I took the most amazing drug. Everything feels wonderful.” Jae Hwa said, her trademark elegant speech gone.

“You drugged her?” Chun Hei shouted and Ji Ho shrugged.

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Chapter 3: Loving the story more and more as you introduce new characters :) Is that Jico I spy?
Chapter 2: The fact that Yong Guk is in here makes me happy, I truly do love the concept you have for this story
Whoa! This sounds amazing!