Let's Play

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Jae Hwa was blinking herself back into reality on the train. Jae Bom was talking to her. Everything was disjointed. She caught words like “hurry”, and “curfew”.  She couldn’t understand why he had talked her off of the comfy couch. The chairs on the train were equally comfy and she couldn’t stop looking at the trees. They were moving so quickly. He waved his hand in front of her face and she looked up. “…you to Sector One….. with you?” She nodded, smiling and looking at his face.

“You shouldn’t worry so much. Smile, cutie.” She said, giggling. He frowned, and continued speaking. She turned and looked out the window again. She smiled, as the train stopped and another voice spoke. She found the source of the voice and smiled at Ji Ho. “Get up…Home.” She stood, found her ground and walked towards the door they were holding open for her. She walked out and Jae started to follow, but Ji Ho stopped him. They had a quick, hushed conversation and Jae Bom got back on the train. Jae Hwa smiled, waving at Jae Bom as he rode away. He didn’t look happy. Ji Ho directed her towards the apartments. He chatted quietly, and she tried to pay attention, but she didn’t want to talk. It took all her attention to keep the cameras looping. He couldn’t be seen with her. It would hurt him and he was nice. He followed her into her room and she frowned.

“How are you here? Your chip shouldn’t register for this sector. You shouldn’t have been able to get off the train.” She said, her mind coming back to her for a moment.  Ji Ho smiled patiently. She bit her lip, looking at his mouth. She wondered what they would feel like on hers.

“I told you, I fixed my chip to an administrator’s configuration. I can go anywhere I want, any time I want.” She smiled at him.

“I’ll bet that chip won’t make you invisible.” She teased and he laughed.

“No, it’s not quite that strong, I suppose I’m at your mercy.”

“You shouldn’t tease me like that.” She couldn’t help thinking about his lips. She had always lamented that the ban had occurred before her first kiss. She wanted to have one before she died. Something in her brain turned back on at that thought. It was against the rules. It was one more thing that the ban had taken from her, just like it had tried to take her friends, it had stolen her freedom. “You should go.” She says softly.

He nods, smiling gently at her. “What’s your server?” He asked and she hesitated. “Not the public server. Your private server. I’ll visit you tonight.” He said, smirking. She smiled, folding her arms in front of him.

“And what makes you think I want you in my private server?” She asked and he leaned back on the door.

“Don’t you?” He asked and she smirked a little. She put her server number on a sheet of paper and hands it to him. She laid down, opening a screen, and hit the server, pulling up all of the cameras. “I’ll see you in a bit.” He said, opening the door and heading out as she focused on shutting him out of the cameras. She watched him leave and laid back, relaxing slightly.


Jae Hwa was nearly asleep before he appeared in her server. He sat on the edge of the bed, one arm braced on his knee. She felt his fingers dancing across the skin of her thigh and smiled. She rolled over in her bed, her mind mimicking the movements. She looked up at Ji Ho, and his gorgeous lips. “You came.” She whispered and he shrugged, acting unaffected by the sight of her body beneath only the button up shirt. The restlessness in his fingers, how they traced each hill and valley of her body betrayed him. Distractedly, he ed the shirt she wore. He wore a tank top and jeans she itched to peel off of him, but she waited.

“You wanted me, so I came.” He leaned down and placed a kiss in the hollow of her neck. “Who am I to displease my betters?” Jae Hwa chuckled under her breath. Her lazy hands found the edges of his tank top. They slid underneath, her fingers curling a

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Chapter 3: Loving the story more and more as you introduce new characters :) Is that Jico I spy?
Chapter 2: The fact that Yong Guk is in here makes me happy, I truly do love the concept you have for this story
Whoa! This sounds amazing!