~Under this Rain: EXO Oneshots~

So I have been thinking, maybe instead of making a whole collection of one shots, I should post them as a story as a whole. Like, not in one whole story, but one Oneshot at a time as a story itself. Which means I will be stopping this Oneshot collection, possibly deleting it, but I will repost everything as individual stories. This way, it gets more views :p I don't want to sound selfish this way, but idk, I don't have enough of a drive to continue. I have only me commenter, whom I love so much and am so grateful to, m not blaming you guys it's just that I feel like my writing isn't good that way. It may sound stupid considering this has 14 subs, but only one comments. I feel kind of...sad? I'm not blaming anyone, I don't want to force you to comment, but once in a while would be nice? It really just...doesn't motivate me much I guess, I just feel bad inside. I'm so sorry if this comes out as selfish or rude because I am definitely not wanting to be either of that. I just thought maybe i should tell all of you that I feel discouraged by this. I'm not forcing anything, or guilt tripping. But I think I will be deleting this, or at least just discontinuing it, but I will put all these oneshots as individual oneshots and not in a collection. 

I'm so sorry, I really don't want to seem rude...or selfish, I hope I don't come off that way :/ but I love you all so much! I really do, but I don't know whether you guys really do love my stories. I honestly do love all of you, just subscribing helps me a bit to continue, but these past few days its been quite hard on me at home, it's disturbing and uncomfortable and does not help at all. Commenting can make a difference, aha lol. ^^' but I think I will follow my plan by stopping this, I'll write one last Oneshot, with Luhan in it, and after that I'll stop this and re-post all these oneshots as individual oneshots, not in a collection. I hope you understand ^^ but maybe I'll keep this here.

Thanks for reading my rant on my insecurity, lol aha


Btw, do any of you have Baek's growl card? I don't mind any ver, but I'd like or would'nt mind trading my Luhan card, ver.b. PM me if interested, I don't really know how to ship stuff or trade things online, because I'm only so young. But I'll try :)

p.s- sorry for any weird spellin or grammar or any weird mistakes, I'm using the IPAD. dundundunnnnn

thanks! :D

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This shall be my last Oneshot in this collection, I might update this with any other future EXO oneshots, but it's unlikely, I hope you like the Han Oneshot :)


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Chapter 10: auhtor-nim, I love it so much.. u are so good in writing which makes me jealous.. I love all ur story and of course ur story are totally different from other fanfics that I've read.. gud job author-nim. I hope I can read more from u.. fighting!!
Chapter 10: oh my god it was too sad :'( I'm crying :'( how can you do this to me? :'(

but I loved it~ although it was really sad! :'(
Chapter 9: you can end this collection~ but don't deleate these oneshots! I love them~ ♥
and how can you think your writing is bad? o.O I love your writing so much!! you describe everything perfectly and write so much feels and..I don't know what to say...I love it and I would hate you if you stop writing ._. because you're one of my favourite authors and I couldn't live without you and your stories :(
I think we all understand it if you have a hard time at home and can't write a lot...and I'm sure it'll be fine soon~ don't be depressed or something...just take a break and wait til everything is better :) We all understand that~

but please don't stop writing or something~! you're too good to stop writing >.< ...look at my stories! I wish I could write as good as you! I don't like my writing skills and I'm happy about every comment that I get....because I seriously think my stories are bad ._. and every comment gives me the courage to continue writing~

I'm sure everyone of your readers think the same as me and we love you and your stories ^-^
so keep on writing if you have time^^ we would wait hundred years until you update and we'd be so happy like we was the first time ^-^

don't deleate the oneshots, just end this collection if you wanna and re-post them as individual oneshots :)

I looove your stories (and you :33 xD) so muuchh~~ please try to update soon and don't stop writing! :)
Chapter 8: oh my gooooodd it was so cuutteeeee!!
from their first meeting until their ending~
but it's so sad that she must go away and can't lay beside him~ :(

finaallyy you updateedd~~~ *-* oh my god I love your stories so much!! your writing skills, your ideas~ ♥ I could diee >.< xD leeteuk and woohyun are my biases,too xD

pleeasseee update soon~~~~ I need your stories to liiveee~~!! XDDDDD looovee it so much!! ♥
Chapter 6: poor d.o :( how can she break up with him through a text?! ....and...HOW CAN SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM?!?!?!? XDDDD

but I'm so happy that he like his hero ^-^ first I didn't like Nagisa...but now I feel sorry for her, because D.O hates her...but I'm sure that would change ^-^

aaannnddd I like it how you link the different one shots :3
pleeeaaasseeeee do a happy sequel to thiiiss!!! pweeaasseee~~~ :333 I would wait mooonnnnthhssss!! XDD

I looooooooooooooove your stoorriiieeess!!!! please update as fast as you caann ^-^ ♥ *-*
Chapter 5: aawww how cute suho at the beginning~ and the video chat...he's so in love with her!
..but the ending was so saaddd!! :'( why she must have a boyfriend? and why it is his cousin..... poor suho~ :(
(lol I always write poor kai/baekhyun/suho/... in the comments XDD)
love your storiieessssss~~~~ and I'll never stop reading them :DD
Chapter 4: omooo~~~~ baekhyun :'( I wanna hug him!! couldn't she see that he loves her?!?!
poor baekhyun :'(
love your storys!!!! ♥
Chapter 3: woooaahhh~~ love this story!!! poor kai :(
but ryejin and baekhyun are so cute together~ ^-^
and i love it when kai is danciiiinnng!!!! ♥