Baek/OC-Dim within

~Under this Rain: EXO Oneshots~

Kim Inhyun(you)           Byun Baekhyun            Kim Joonmyun(Suho)     Kim Jongdae(Chen)


  • Pairing-BaekhyunxYou (onesided)
  • OST- That XX-G-Dragon
  • Other characters- Suho, Chen, Chanyeol, Kai
  • Genre-romance, angst, fluff

Dim Within

"Inhyun! Wait for me!" Baekhyun yelled to the girl ahead of him. When she turned around to face him, Baekhyun unknowingly smiled, and the girl smiled back at him.

Inhyun's smiles are so...breathtaking...

Baekhyun and Inhyun were neighbors, schoolmates, ex-classmates, close friends but not best friends. They walk together to school every single day, and back from school to home. Or rather...its Baekhyun who invites himself to walk with her, but she doesn't mind. She loves Baekhyun's company, he's a funny bubbly arrogant puppy. And that amuses her, but overall, he's a great person to be with. He'll light up anyone's day, cheer up the saddest person in a matter of a few seconds, turn anyone's frown upsie down. He was basically the light in everyone's life, absolutely anyone and eveyone. He's the person emitting and radiating happiness around him. And Inhyun aboely appreciated that. But as she loves his company, he enjoys and loves her company a thousand times more. 


Well, because he loved Inhyun.

The first time they met was when they were in the same calss for the first time. They barely knew each other. They didn't really care about the other at first, but how did they become the close friends they were today? 

It started out with Baekhyun running around class frantically looking for an extra pen. Yes, he was running around frantically panicking for a pen. He had forgotten to bring his pencilcase and a strict teahcer was coming in to teach them. As he asked almost everyone in class, they all just ignored him or just lied because it wasn't their problem. You know teenagers. The last person he asked was this girl who for some reason, caught his attention only now. He never really looked at her, he couldn't even remember her name, but she was a definite beauty. So he asked her, hoping (yes hoping) her angelic face meant she had an angelic personality. 

And guess what? She said yes.

To him for some reason, it was like accepting his friendship. Even though they were strangers. After that small incident, Baekhyun just kept thanking her each day for that one time. It didn't annoy her, no, it made her smile and chuckle, which only boosted up Baekhyun's pride. After that, he found out they were neighbors. And he was so over-the-top happy with this. He found it funny though, how he never noticed. Well, as Inhyun told him the day he found out-

'Its your fault you always exit your house late to go to school' and after that she a little but smiled. 

So then, their daily walks together from and to school started, and they grew closer by each passing day. Inhyun was introduced to his gang EXO-K, and he was introduced to her parents. He took a short nap at her house after sports cca., adn Inhyun's parents were shocked, then scared, then awkward, but after getting to know the boy more, they were happy she had a new friend.

"Good morning Baek." Inhyun smiled again, but with her eyse closed. This did not help Baekhyun's raging feelings. It only heated his cheeks, and widened his smile. It was so wide, his smile became crooked. Inhyun saw the smile and chucukled, he really could make anyone smile.

"Morning Inhyunnie!" He beamed, radiating more of his cheery happiness, and Inhyun, slightly agitated by that nickname, laughed. She found Baekhyun adorable, adorably cute and funny. 

"You have vocals today as first class?" Baekhyun asked, though it was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes...why do I get the feeling that you know my schedule for each day Baek?" She chuckled softly.

"Because I'm your best friend, righttt?" Baekhyun smiled.

"You're a close friend Baek." Inhyun said smiling softly, but Baekhyun's bright smile slowly turned into a sad frown. He really thought they were close enough to be considered best friends, and he thought of them that way. Apparently though, she didn't think as he did. And knowing  that, really hurt him. His feelings, his heart, and his pride. This beautiful angelic beauty, had unintentionally punctured another, yes another hole in his heart. And it hurt him so bad. So so so bad, he could cry. He could cry so easily from the smallest things this girl did or said, because she affected him every way.

But this was Byun Baekhyun.

He was the light

He was the orb of happiness.

And he knew Inhyun loved him most for that side of him, so he wasn't going to dim himself. He would only brighten himself, no matter how hurt he was inisde.

Just for her. Everything was for her.

So nested of reflecting his hurt inside, he covered it with a very convincing beaming smile. The smile that only he could pull off, the smile could only make everyone happy.

"Only? Then who's your best friend? I BET, I am the closest guy friend at the least!" Baekhyun said hitting his chest lightly to look muscular, Inhyun only laughed but shook her head to this. 

With that, his heart got punctured yet again.

And his smile returned. 

This was something he had to do every day, and as easy as it sounds, it was not, it was heart-stabbing painful for him.

"the closest guys to me are probably...Suho, and Chen. And my best friend would be...well, one of them. You're close Bekhyun, but Suho and Chen have been with for a very long time. And we basically grew up from diapers."

"Suho? Chen?" Baekhyun asked. The names to him were strangers. He's heard of a Suho mentioned time to time by Inhyun, but she never mentioned a Chen. Not thet he'd remember he saying any other guys name but his-

"Baekhyun?" She called. His name rolled on her tongue like sweet honey, and Baekhyun had a thing for sweet flavours. Inhyun was ahead of him, only by metres. To him though, it felt as though they were heavens apart. 

And it shouldn't have felt that way.

He was after all, just a close friend.

"Uh yeah, sorry! COMING!" He jogged up to her side, only to see her smiling. As hurt as Baekhyun was before by only being a close friend, the smile he fell in love with had hurt him more. That ever so gorgeous smile, played by the ever so lucious lips he one day wished to taste. But he never could, and that was why it had hurt him so badly.

"So Baek, I heard that there is this girl who has been apparently stalking you..." Baekhyun's thoughs were interrupted by those words. Inhyun had said that.

Is she jealous? He thought. Oh my god, is she jealous...? That...a girl is stalking me? Does this possibly mean...

"Are you jealous?!" Baekhyun said, with no intention for it to sound like a plea. Which it did. Inhyun's eyes widened but she laughed at this.

"No, I'm not. Don't worry Baek, I dont take a fancy towards you in that way." Inhyun smiled at him. "I was just curious. Just warning you to be careful. Stalkers are stalkers." Inhyun said.

So much for hoping. Baekhyun thought. And an arrow had shot through his heart the moment she said 'I dont take a fancy towards you in that way' 

Don't worry? I'm not worried about you liking me...I'm heartbroken that you don't like me, in that way that I like you.

"Well, regarding the stalker, Yeol has been telling me about some girl taking this obsession towards me. But I never really cared-"

"Baek, its a stalker."

"I know I know!...but why should I care..."

"Because someone is stalking you...Baek, I knwo you're quite a laid back guy and all, but be careful, okay? I wouldn't want you to get hurt. I'm worried for my light. I don't want you to become dim, you're so full of life Baek, and I love that. You know it. I love you for who you are, so please, don't dim. Be careful." Inhyun said, then sighed. She looked over to Baekhyun who was staring down at his feet while walking by her side. "Baek? A-are you okay? I didn't mean to sound weird or anything but you're my friend, my light. I care for you-"

I can't stand her words!  They're too painful...she doesn't know how much she is hurting me by saying words she say so easily! 

"Don't worry! I'll be fine okay? This light, your eternal light, shall forever stay eternally bright and cheerful! Trust me, I;m not a single percentage dim nor is tehre a small part in me which is dim Inhyun." She said 'my light', and Baekhyun's heart broke at that. He knew she meant it as a good friend, but the way she said it...her light...but he knew he could never be truly hers.

Baekhyun smiled at her. That smile reassured her that he was going to be okay, she was genuinely worried for him, like any good friend would be. With that reasurring smile, she smiled back softly. Happy that he'll look out for himself.

"Thanks Baek." Inhyun came to a stop. "I'll see you later? Maybe lunch?" Inhyun asked smiling. 

How can I say no to that? How could I ever say no to you?

"Of course! When do we never see each other during lunch?" Baekhyun stuck his tongue out playfully at her, earning a grin from her.

"Arighties then Baek, see you!" She waved goodbye to him, and he just watched her slender figure walk away, getting further and furtehr away. Further away from his pleading grasp. Just by her figure slowly distancing from him, he felt the pain. The horrible stabbing pain that made him clutch onto his already painfully tightened chest. Baekhyun felt this pain everyday, everytime his eyes landed on her beautiful face, her slender petite body. It was like a daily heartache. And it got worse each day. With each passing day, his love for her grew, and if that grew, the pain would grow. 

But no one, not even Chanyeol his best friend, could see the pain eating him slowly inside. No one could. 

For he, was Byun Baekhyun. He was able to mask this horrifying terrible aching pain he felt each day. He did this as he didn't want anyone to think of him as a weak man, he wasn't going to allow his reputation to be broken. He wasn't going to allow Inhyun to see the weak man he was. 

Yet again, it was for her. Everything was for her.

Baekhyun wiped his eyes, surprised that they were wet. He didn't know he was crying. He immediately wiped his eyes vigorously and walked towards his vocal class. Sadly, Baekhyun was in the other vocal class, seperate from Inhyun.

As Baekhyun stepped into the vocal studio, he was hoping badly that his class would combine with Inhyun's, just to see her.

"So, you still haven't introduced me to this Inhyun Baek. It's not fair Chanyeol got to meet her and I haven't! You told me she was a real knockout-Whoooo" Baekhyun's friend, Kai said then he suddenly whistled. Baekhyun turne dhis heat to Kai's eyeline, and saw the beautiful girl he was hoping and wishing to see.

"Inhyun!" Baekhyun called her name like an angel. She couldn't hear him though, she was busy talking to two boys. Baekhyun recognized one as Suho, and the other was probably Chen. "Inhyun!" He called one more time, but she was too engrossed in her conversation. And it hurt Baekhyun, she paid attention to those two boys so much, she couldn't hear the angel calling her name.

And Baekhyun was masking the hurt yet again.

"Whoa, Baek, call her name louder! I want to meet her!" Kai bumped Baekhyun's shoulders, irritating the heck out of Baekhyun, but he complied anyways.

"Inhyun!" He called one last time, his voice sounding slightly cracked, but was full of plea. 

With the pleading angelic voice she heard call her name, she mmediately turned around, knwoing immeditaely who was the owner of the voice. None other than her light Byun Baekhyun.

"Baekhyun!" Inhyun smiled at the sight of him, and this sightly cured his pride. "Oh my, sorry! I didn't know this was your class!" She chuckled.

"Well, ehehe" He shyly laughed, but put on his smile.

"AHEM" an irritated voice was heard from behind Baekhyun.

"Uh yeah I'm getting to it!" Baekhyun rolled his eyes. "Inhyun, this is my good friend Kai. Kai, this is the amazing Inhyun" Baekhyun introduced rather annoyed.

"Nice to meet you gorgeous." Kai winked, and Inhyun blushed. Just as Baekhyun was about to rip Kai away and yell at him, a guy had already beaten him to it.

"Dude, respect her!" A guy said, glaring his eyes into Kai's.

"C-Chen calm down, he was only being nice." Inhyun said chuckling awkardly, still with the blush.

"Hmp." Chen crossed his arms. "I'm Jongdae, but call me Chen. This is Suho next to me."

"Joonmyun. But call me Suho." A guy said nicely and bowed slightly.

Well there's a decent guy.

"These are my two best friends, Chen and Suho." Inhyun said.

"Ah...the ones you mentioned this morning, yes?" Baekhyum mumbled. Unhappy she had two males as her best friends. 

Why can't I be one of them instead.

"Yeah." Inhyun smiled.

Time passed, and the students had to gather in groups. Unfortunately for Baekhyun, Inhyun had already gone with her best friends Suho and Chen. And he was left with Kai and some chinese student. He watched Inhyun from afar, not paying a single percentage of his attention to the lesson. She was smiling and giggling with the boys. She looked so happy. 

Was she this happy around me? Am I really the light? he thought with doubt.

Suddenly, Suho hugged her and so did Chen. Instantly, Baekhyun's blood was boiling hot. His eyes were blazing with jealousy and his hands were clenched in a sweaty tight fist. Inhyun hated skinship, she was uncomfortable with it, then why was she so contented when they hugged her?

The last time Baekhyun tried that she pushed him away, apologizing. It had hurt him real bad. It was basically a rejection to him.

Throughout the entire lesson, he just watched quietly from afar, raging with jealous within, but he kept his grounds. He didn't want to interrupt or disturb her happiness.

If only he was the one causing it.

Baekhyun was patiently waiting for Inhyun, leaning against the gates waiting for a text from her. But nothing came. So he just patiently waited and waited.

"Baekhyun!" He swore that he heard an angel. And it was true, he heard an angel, angel Inhyun that is. And there was no other angelic beauty like her. He instantly smiled at her and she returned the warm welcoming smile.

"Yah, what took you so long??? Lets go-"

"Um, sorry to interrupt you Baekhyun, but today I'll be following Chen back, he invited me over for lunch and dinner. I haven't visited him in years, so...if it's okay..." Inhyun looked at him under her eyelashes, her face written with guilt. She knew Baekhyun would feel upset, but she didn't expect that heartbroken depressing expression from him.

And that was exactly what she saw on his face.

He was staring at her, with a heartbroken expression, that one could easily read as 'Why? Why him?'. Baekhyun noticed this and immediately changed his face into a pout. Inhyun wasn't exactly convinced, but soon after, she was. Baekhyun could never be that upset over things like these she thought.

"Hmpf, fine! Leave me to walk alone. All alone, on this lonely lonely pathway home all alone with no one!" Baekhyun said walking away, his face hidden from her eyes. And he was crying. As much as it hurt to see someone else hug her, to know she chose that same guy over him, breaking the everyday walk to and from school routine.

Inhyun sighed with a smile.

"See you Baek! Cheer up, I know you're just joking."

I'm not Inhyun. I'm no where near joking. I'm breaking.

"Don't dim yourself Baek, I know you're the brightest light ever Baek. Stay bright for me arasso? See you!" She said before happily smiling and walking away to Chen. Leaving Bekhyun alone, softly crying to himself, but wailing for help inside.

This horrifying pain was hurting him so bad, it was eating the light inside of him, it was eating him from the inside. His heart was broken, punctured, wounded, stabbed, you name any hazard and it probably had hit Baekhyun inside. This daily heartache grew and grew, causing his true and inner light to slowly disappear and waver away.

He was bright on the outside. But he was dim within.

You just cant see me from within.

And I am dim within.

And I'm getting dimmer within with each passing day.

The once pure beautiful light that existed within Baekhyun, had decreased its size, its happiness, and its beauty. What Inhyun loved.

But, he was dim within.

HELLO! This is the Baekhyun angst, I said it'd feature Luhan, but I decided it'd be Suho and Chen instead...idk why. It just changed. I'm srry :C

I thoroughly enjoyed writing this oneshot, because apparently, to most of my friends, I seem bright outside, but I am dim within. Though, unlike Baek here, I am quite easy to read. (In my opinion) But Baek, can easily cover up hi emotions and feelings. And he did all of that, hide his dimness, his hurt, his pain, all for Inhyun. 

I really loved this oneshot, idk why but I LOVE THIS ONE.

And I'm sorry my oneshots are mainly angst, idk why don't ask why they are, idk ._. I'm working on a Suho angst romance oneshot after this ._. IDK WHATS WRONG WITH ME. 

I love angst..idk why. I'll try write more fluff? Idk, I don't think that's my area o expertise, I can write fluff, but I don't think I do well in it. But I will try write romance, fluff supernatural, etc etc :D Look forward to them! :D 

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :)


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This shall be my last Oneshot in this collection, I might update this with any other future EXO oneshots, but it's unlikely, I hope you like the Han Oneshot :)


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Chapter 10: auhtor-nim, I love it so much.. u are so good in writing which makes me jealous.. I love all ur story and of course ur story are totally different from other fanfics that I've read.. gud job author-nim. I hope I can read more from u.. fighting!!
Chapter 10: oh my god it was too sad :'( I'm crying :'( how can you do this to me? :'(

but I loved it~ although it was really sad! :'(
Chapter 9: you can end this collection~ but don't deleate these oneshots! I love them~ ♥
and how can you think your writing is bad? o.O I love your writing so much!! you describe everything perfectly and write so much feels and..I don't know what to say...I love it and I would hate you if you stop writing ._. because you're one of my favourite authors and I couldn't live without you and your stories :(
I think we all understand it if you have a hard time at home and can't write a lot...and I'm sure it'll be fine soon~ don't be depressed or something...just take a break and wait til everything is better :) We all understand that~

but please don't stop writing or something~! you're too good to stop writing >.< ...look at my stories! I wish I could write as good as you! I don't like my writing skills and I'm happy about every comment that I get....because I seriously think my stories are bad ._. and every comment gives me the courage to continue writing~

I'm sure everyone of your readers think the same as me and we love you and your stories ^-^
so keep on writing if you have time^^ we would wait hundred years until you update and we'd be so happy like we was the first time ^-^

don't deleate the oneshots, just end this collection if you wanna and re-post them as individual oneshots :)

I looove your stories (and you :33 xD) so muuchh~~ please try to update soon and don't stop writing! :)
Chapter 8: oh my gooooodd it was so cuutteeeee!!
from their first meeting until their ending~
but it's so sad that she must go away and can't lay beside him~ :(

finaallyy you updateedd~~~ *-* oh my god I love your stories so much!! your writing skills, your ideas~ ♥ I could diee >.< xD leeteuk and woohyun are my biases,too xD

pleeasseee update soon~~~~ I need your stories to liiveee~~!! XDDDDD looovee it so much!! ♥
Chapter 6: poor d.o :( how can she break up with him through a text?! ....and...HOW CAN SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM?!?!?!? XDDDD

but I'm so happy that he like his hero ^-^ first I didn't like Nagisa...but now I feel sorry for her, because D.O hates her...but I'm sure that would change ^-^

aaannnddd I like it how you link the different one shots :3
pleeeaaasseeeee do a happy sequel to thiiiss!!! pweeaasseee~~~ :333 I would wait mooonnnnthhssss!! XDD

I looooooooooooooove your stoorriiieeess!!!! please update as fast as you caann ^-^ ♥ *-*
Chapter 5: aawww how cute suho at the beginning~ and the video chat...he's so in love with her!
..but the ending was so saaddd!! :'( why she must have a boyfriend? and why it is his cousin..... poor suho~ :(
(lol I always write poor kai/baekhyun/suho/... in the comments XDD)
love your storiieessssss~~~~ and I'll never stop reading them :DD
Chapter 4: omooo~~~~ baekhyun :'( I wanna hug him!! couldn't she see that he loves her?!?!
poor baekhyun :'(
love your storys!!!! ♥
Chapter 3: woooaahhh~~ love this story!!! poor kai :(
but ryejin and baekhyun are so cute together~ ^-^
and i love it when kai is danciiiinnng!!!! ♥