Suho/OC-This crush wont waver away

~Under this Rain: EXO Oneshots~

Hwang Sunha(you)                      Kim Joonmyun(Suho)      Wu Yi Fan(Kris)


  • Pairing-SuhoxYou(onesided)
  • OST-Crush-David Archuletta
  • Other characters-Baekhyun, Raemi, Kris
  • Genre-Angst, romance, fluff

This Crush wont waver away

It had been days.

Exactly 23 days.

Exactly 23 days since he last saw her.

And he really missed her. He kew why. Of course, he missed her. They were friends. But he missed her much more than a friend should. He knew why, he admitted it to himself exaclt 23 days ago, when he last saw her.

He had a crush on her.

Whom he met, only 23+4 days ago. 27 days ago. And within those 4 days, he had a crush on her.

It wasn't exactly love at first sight, no. He wouldn't call this love, he called it a crush. You know.

When you like someone, and it would waver away in no time. 

Just a crush.

So he thought.

But as each second, hour, day, week passed, he only found himself delved into her beauty even more. The only contact they had with each other was through their email, but she was rarely on, unlike Suho. Who was on each minute in case she'd be on. 

He knew it was probably impossible for her to feel the same way about him, to have a so-he-thought-crush on him. He tried to walk away from this girl, he tried to forget her, he only met her for 4 days. 

Suho was staring at his computer screen, occasionally switching between his email tab and his facebook tab. Apparently, Sunha, didn't want to give her facebook away. She told him:

'If you want to befriend me on facebook, you're going to have to find me'

and she winked at him. Leaving him astounded, heart-racing, and fluttering with butterflies. He didn't know her last name, so he couldn't exactly find her. His elbow was propped onto the desk, and he was just about to fall asleep, wehn suddenly, he heard a beeping noise from his email.

It was Sunha.

He immediately sat up straight, accidently knocking his homework onto the floor, and stared at her message.

Sunha: Hi

It was a simple word, with a simple meaning, with simple spelling.

But why did Suho feel so flustered and struck by that one simple word?

It's just a crush Suho. This'll go away soon.

He replied to her, trying not to sound cheesy or flirty, but adorable as she liked him for that.

Suho: Sunha! Hi! You made me wait! :C

Sunha: Ah, mianhe. Someone came over to my house, so I had to attend my guests needy needs. :P

Suho: What about my needs? Joking, but okay.

Sunha: :)

Suho: So you um, want to video chat?

Suho waited for her answer, anxious, curious and palms sweating. It was a simple request, but why was he so worked up?

It's because I have a crush on her, I shouldn't be so worked up.

Sunha: Sure, why not.

And the heavy weight from Suho's shoulders were lifted, all because of that one answer. And his heart felt somewhat better than it had been.

As he was waiting for her to accpet his call, he quicky combed his hair neatly, looking like the responsible and representabel model student he was. He fixed the collar of his shirt, and even put on cologne.

She can't even smell me, why am I bothering?! He thought confused with his actions and emotions.


And Suho froze, an angelic voice ad just spoken his name. The angelic voice that belonged to the one and only Sunha. Her cheery, soft, and angelic voice had mustered him, had made him feel that fluttering feeling. He had never felt teh butterflies, he had heard of them, via his friend Byun Baekhyun. Baekhyun had told him:

You will feel this weird, bloated, yet pleasant feeling in your stomach. It can hurt, but sometimes, it doesn't. I feel it everytime I see Raemi. I just feel a ticklish weird pleasant feeling in my stomach whenever I see her. I'm sure you'll experience it hyung.

And he was definitely experiencing it. 

"Ah, d-deh Sunha?" Suo stuttered a little, but managed to pull off a sweet melting smile.

"Yah, don't smile like that!"

"Wae?" he asked confused.

"Don't you know? Girls are easily captured by smiles from handsome men." She stuck her tongue out, but itwas followed by a wink.


Suho's face was ridiculously funny right then. Hence the loud laughter erupting from his laptop. 

"Omg Suho! You're face! Your blushing!" She giggled.

She was killing him. Killing him with her adorable laughter and giggles, her eye smile, and Suho just couldn't get over the fact that she called him handsome and that she winked at him.

What kind of crush feels this...powerful?

It was as though everything she did controlled his reactions. His emotions, his reasons.

"What? No. I am not!" Suho said, face red as a tomato.

"Yah! Look at yourself, so cute! Hehe!" She kept giggling, and it mesmerized Suho. Soon, the giggles died down and she smiled at him. Captivating him with her beautiful smile.

"Well..." Suho didn't know what to say. Her beauty was captivating. so captivating, that he couldn't speak. Until he heard a somewhat familiar voice. 

Not from his room. 

But from his laptop.

"Sunha?" A deep voice sounded. Sunha's head twirled towards the voice, and she smiled brightly, and her eyes twinkled.

It was beautiful, angelic and goddess-like to Suho. His heart was burstig with a, strong and powerful feeling. Something he just couldn't describe, ever. How could a girl as simple yet beautiful as Sunha, cause this reaction and cause whatever was happening to Suho? 

The so-called-crush was the reason. 

Well, it was no where near a crush. In fact, it had grown into something which could only bring the outcomes of hurt and pain or happiness and peace.

"Kris-oppa!" Sunha ran to the tall familiar figure.

Kris..oppa? Suho thought, suddenly his chest tightened.

"Kris?" Suho said to himself, his voice full of hurt and pain, but somehow that was oblivious to Sunha.

"Suho?" Kris said, eyebrow raised. Kris then smiled. "Ah, you're talking to my cousin Sunha."

"Suho's you're cousin oppa?" Sunha asked sitting back down to face her laptop. Kris only nodded and sat beside her, arm slung around her shoulders.

Suho, had just been striked by heartbreak.

But to him, it was just a crush. It wasn't meant to hurt this bad.

Or so he tried to convince himself of it.

"Yeah, we're cousins! Suho's mother is my mother's sister." Kris smiled, waving to Suho. 

Being nice, Suho kindly waved back.

"Hey Kris, long time no see." Suho said smiling, but his voice was so sad. Though it hadn't struck Sunha, but it was evident to Kris, who raised a brow to it.

"What a small world, I met Suho a few weeks ago! " She said giggling at the coincidence.

It was exactly 23 days ago. Suho said. Am counting.

"Yeah, small world..." Suho rubbed his neck and smiled goofily. 

So this must have been the pain that Baekhyun experienced when he saw Kyungsoo out with Raemi.

But Suho wasn't going to go to the extent Baekhyun had.

Baekhyun was in love. I'm only having a crush. H ethought.

Oh how wrong he was.

"Sorry Suho, but Sunha needs to cook me dinner now~" Kris rubbed his nose to her forehead.

I'm better looking than Kris.

"Oh, I do?" She asked chuckling but baffled at his words.

I can cook for you if you want.

"Yeah, your omma wants you downstairs. To cook dinner. For me as a guest~" Kris sang the last words.

I can sing better than him.

"Okay, mianhae Suho, another time? Nights!" She switchd her laptop off before he could even reply.

That showed how much she cared.

And his face contorted into an expression full of sadness, mixed with jealousy and anger. 

It's just a crush. It's just a crush Suho. CALM THE HELL DOWN! His yelled inside his head to himself, but the mor ehe tried to convince himself, the more red his face had gotten, the more tears were on his face, the more pain and hurt was being expressed.

Suho pulled at his hair, crying out loud.


He was on the floor pulling at his hair, crying miserably and punctured with pain.

This crush will waver away! He thought, crying painfully.

But no.

This crush won't waver away.



I'm here, with the Suho oneshot angst! With our DRAGON KRIS!!! :D I don't think this one is that good :\ I hope I can make it up with the next oneshot. It'll the moment, I'm thinking D.O. It won't be angst, I don't think it will be. It'll be those first meeting things and you know how it goes. But i'll end it differently than most of those kind of fics. It might have a humurous yet sad ending idk. I'm aiming for humour XD

I don't think it'll go so well ._.

I'll try :D FIGHTING! <3



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This shall be my last Oneshot in this collection, I might update this with any other future EXO oneshots, but it's unlikely, I hope you like the Han Oneshot :)


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Chapter 10: auhtor-nim, I love it so much.. u are so good in writing which makes me jealous.. I love all ur story and of course ur story are totally different from other fanfics that I've read.. gud job author-nim. I hope I can read more from u.. fighting!!
Chapter 10: oh my god it was too sad :'( I'm crying :'( how can you do this to me? :'(

but I loved it~ although it was really sad! :'(
Chapter 9: you can end this collection~ but don't deleate these oneshots! I love them~ ♥
and how can you think your writing is bad? o.O I love your writing so much!! you describe everything perfectly and write so much feels and..I don't know what to say...I love it and I would hate you if you stop writing ._. because you're one of my favourite authors and I couldn't live without you and your stories :(
I think we all understand it if you have a hard time at home and can't write a lot...and I'm sure it'll be fine soon~ don't be depressed or something...just take a break and wait til everything is better :) We all understand that~

but please don't stop writing or something~! you're too good to stop writing >.< ...look at my stories! I wish I could write as good as you! I don't like my writing skills and I'm happy about every comment that I get....because I seriously think my stories are bad ._. and every comment gives me the courage to continue writing~

I'm sure everyone of your readers think the same as me and we love you and your stories ^-^
so keep on writing if you have time^^ we would wait hundred years until you update and we'd be so happy like we was the first time ^-^

don't deleate the oneshots, just end this collection if you wanna and re-post them as individual oneshots :)

I looove your stories (and you :33 xD) so muuchh~~ please try to update soon and don't stop writing! :)
Chapter 8: oh my gooooodd it was so cuutteeeee!!
from their first meeting until their ending~
but it's so sad that she must go away and can't lay beside him~ :(

finaallyy you updateedd~~~ *-* oh my god I love your stories so much!! your writing skills, your ideas~ ♥ I could diee >.< xD leeteuk and woohyun are my biases,too xD

pleeasseee update soon~~~~ I need your stories to liiveee~~!! XDDDDD looovee it so much!! ♥
Chapter 6: poor d.o :( how can she break up with him through a text?! ....and...HOW CAN SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM?!?!?!? XDDDD

but I'm so happy that he like his hero ^-^ first I didn't like Nagisa...but now I feel sorry for her, because D.O hates her...but I'm sure that would change ^-^

aaannnddd I like it how you link the different one shots :3
pleeeaaasseeeee do a happy sequel to thiiiss!!! pweeaasseee~~~ :333 I would wait mooonnnnthhssss!! XDD

I looooooooooooooove your stoorriiieeess!!!! please update as fast as you caann ^-^ ♥ *-*
Chapter 5: aawww how cute suho at the beginning~ and the video chat...he's so in love with her!
..but the ending was so saaddd!! :'( why she must have a boyfriend? and why it is his cousin..... poor suho~ :(
(lol I always write poor kai/baekhyun/suho/... in the comments XDD)
love your storiieessssss~~~~ and I'll never stop reading them :DD
Chapter 4: omooo~~~~ baekhyun :'( I wanna hug him!! couldn't she see that he loves her?!?!
poor baekhyun :'(
love your storys!!!! ♥
Chapter 3: woooaahhh~~ love this story!!! poor kai :(
but ryejin and baekhyun are so cute together~ ^-^
and i love it when kai is danciiiinnng!!!! ♥