Luhan/OC-Final Masterpiece

~Under this Rain: EXO Oneshots~

Huang Lynxuu            Xi Luhan                      


Final Masterpiece


It wasn't too late.  She still had time.

The only question was,

how long did she have left?

She didn't know. Huang Lynxuu did not know the answer to that question.

Lynxuu had brain cancer, and was mute. And no one knew except for her parents, and for some reason they did not want any word of it to be heard.

They were embarassed that they're daughter had brain cancer, that couldn't form simple words. That she had a mind that couldn't proces things normally. They were embarassed of having a child like her.

Lynnxuu knew that nobody actually cared for her. She knew she was on a journey alone through life, why would anyone want to stick by her?

But she knew of one person who cared for her...

Xi Luhan. He wanted to be by her side every second. He loved Lynnxuu. He wanted to hug her each time, each time she felt down or vulnerable. Little did he know, that she would no longer be walking on earth in a few days.

Yes, a few days...and Luhan did not know.

"Have you guys seen Lynn?" asked Luhan. The boys only shook their head.

"No sorry..." Sehun said shrugging.

"Aish...I wanted to give her this new paint set I got for her...It'sher birthday in a week." Luhan smiled holding the paint set. Sehun only gave him a puzzled look. Chen gave a loud snort. "What's so funny?" Luhan narrowed his eyes, thinking the boys were teasing him.

"Her birthday's next week. Why give a present today?" Chen gave a look which read 'DUH'.

"BECAUSE." Luhan said loudly. "I am going to give her a present each day, like a countdown to her birthday. I'll get her something HUGE for her birthday! I know exactly what to get." Luhan winked.

"Ew." Chen said, waving the matter off. "Never wink at me again. I know I'm hot-"

"Please." Lay slapped a hand over Chen's mouth, and sighed.

"Phwat?" a muffled Chen said.

"Up shut." Lay said and then rubbed his temples. "Hearing you boast about yourself is not nice. Especially everytime of everyday." Lay said returning back to reading his book. "And Luhan." Luhan looked at the boy. "I think what you're doing is sweet, she'll love it." Lay smiled from behind his book. 


"Hmph." Chen crossed his arms. Sehun rolled his eyes, por boy had to live with that everyday.

"What are you getting her exactly?" Sehun asked. "A HUGE painting???"

"He couldn't afford-"

"A personal art studio." Luhan smiled. Chen's jaw dropped, Sehun stared at Luhan, and Lay raised a brow.

"How'd you afford that?!" screamed Chen. 

"I asked nicely for you to keep quiet." Lay said palming his head.

"Simple. My parents owned this studio, and it never was used for anything-"

"Why did you not give that studio to me as my birthday present, as a dance studio?" Lay asked, Luhan stuck his tongue out and Lay just chuckled and smiled.

"So, yeah. I know how much she has wanted an art studio! She'll finally get one." Luahn smiled.


"I ASKED NICELY." Lay shouted, eyebrow twitching.


"Yeah, you'd better be." Lay hit him on the head with his book.



"You guys are such..." Sehun sighed but laughed.

And soon, laughter was all that was heard.

And screams for help, and books being thrown around ocasionally.

For these boys, it was like everyday other day.

Luhan was happy.


For Lynn, it was a day she had too much on her mind.

There she was, standing, in front of a perfectly white canvas, in her cramped room. The canvas just calling out to her to paint something, some sort of colour to fil its empty whitness. Lynn was thinking too hard, and she wasn't meant to. Not with her brain cancer.

What was she thinking about?

She was thinking about what to paint as her final and last masterpiece ever. It would be her last artwork, and it would be beautiful.

But she had no inspiration. Time was not on her side, and death was approaching. She had no inspiration to paint anything. It wasn't because her life would soon be gone...the reason why her mind was blank, was because of one, the brain cancer, and secondly...she just couldn't paint all her confusing emotions onto the blank canvas.

All she could think about was blank.

Canavs. Colours. Brushes. Masterpiece.

Nothing. No inspiration. She couldn't think of anything.

Frustrated with her mind, she kicked the stool and pulled at her hair. She quickly grabbed her orange scarf which was scented like autumn leaves, the one Luhan had bought her, put on a white sweater and wore her brown boots. With a loud gruff and a hand running messily through hair, she was out the door. 

Out to the world.

Where she was vulnerable.

It was cold, the wind was gushing onto Lynn's face, blowing her hair. She didn't mind though, in fact, she enjoyed the autumn wind blowing onto her face. She liked it. It made her feel fresh, so she smiled. 

Lynn strolled along the park, in hope to find some sort of inspiration...she looked at the colours, orange, yellow, brown..autumn.

She sat down on a bench nearby, and just watched the people pass by. 

People were drinking hot coffees, hot warm drinks, wrapped and snuggled in scarfs, jackets, smiling, laughing....and accompanied by a partner. It seemed comforting to have a partner by your side. It made Lynn wonder.

Would Luhan be willing to spend time with her before she dies? How would she even tell him about her cancer? 

Would he leave her instantly? Like how all the others had? Would he leave her lonely colourful world filled by her only love and passion art? She didn't want himto leave.

She didn't want the only other thing she loved so much to leave.

"Lynn? Is that you!?"

Orange, trees, autumn, people, warm, hot, drinks, smiles, laughs, friends, comfort.

Lynn whipped her head. 

Autumn was a beautiful season. Why was she spending it all alone? She didn't know why.

She didn't really mind either.

"Lynxuu!" The blonde boy, Luhan came running to her, smiling widely. 

Lynn couldn't help but to return the smile. She made space on the bench by shifting to one side, and Luhan sat down beside her, panting but smiling an adorable eyesmile.

"I've been looking for you! Were you here the entire time?" Luhan asked, holding her cold hands. She looked up at him.

Warm. She felt warm.

She shook her head. Luhan smiled softly.

"Where were you?" He asked rubbing her palm.

She made signs with her hands and fingers. 

" home? Of course." Luhan chuckled. Suddenly it was quiet, all that could be heard was the morning birds tweeting, the very soft chatter of people, and soft comforting laughter.

Suddenly, a leaf had fallen onto both their palms.

Lynn's gaze shifted towards the leaf laying on their palms.

A leaf. Orange leaf.

"I've got something for you." 

Lynn nodded, her gaze still on the leaf. She head shifting noises, and Luhan took his hand out of their hold. Lynn's hand just stayed there, empty with a leaf, an orange leaf inside it...

suddenly she felt the loss of care and comfort.

She wanted to hold Luhan's hand.

Forever. I want forever.

"Here, I got you a paint's mainly filled with autumn colours." Luhan smiled, with pink tints on his cheeks. I know you love autumn..."

Lynn's gaze gently shifted to the paint set.

Orange. Yellow. Brown. Peach. Autumn...Love Autumn

She smiled, her white teeth on show, and it was rare to see her smile like that. Even Luhan didn't see her smile like that. She looked at him, and bowed her head in thanks. She made signes with her hands, signalling something to Luhan.

"! I know what that means!" Luhan closed his eyes, his hands on both sides of his head. "Something...about...time?"

Die. Soon. No longer.

Those were the only words formed in her head. Luhan couldn't fully understand what she was trying to tell him...But Luhan smiled goofily, and Lynn couldn't help but to smile back. 

She didn't want to tell him about her cancer...he was so happy.


"Lynn, do you want me to send you back?" Luhan asked, holding her hang gently, as though it was glass, and might break at any moment. Lynn looked up at him, and shook her head. As much as she wanted to be with him for as long as possible...she wanted to start her painting as soon as possible. She knew what she wanted to paint. And she could feel her body weaken. 

She did want to spend her last moments with Luhan, but her painting would have to represent her. Luhan would be with the painting, and her soul will be dedicated into that final masterpiece.

Luhan's smile faltered by a bit, but he nodded his head. 

"If you want it that way, I'm fine with it." Luhan smiled and helped her to stand up from the bench. He held both of her hands, rubbing the back of her hands in attempt to warm them, and gently pressed his forehead to hers. He looked down at her eyes, and she looked straight into his eyes.

All she could see in them were sincere feelings of love.

Love. Luhan.

She was going to miss those eyes.

He gave her a small lingering kiss on her lips. She savored the moment, before he pulled away gently and caressed her face.

"Lynnxuu..." he murmered, gazing lovingly into her eyes. She could feel how much he loved her. His love was enough to fill up teh holes in her empty heart, the empty spaces of love that was needed to be filled. The ones her parents never gave, Luhan's love filled those empty spaces. 

It was surprising how one boy's love and dedication could fill up all that emptiness.

"Even when we're over at the other end of the rainbow, we'll be together."

His words made her heart flutter.

"I love you." 


Luhan walked through the autumn park, his ears filled with nothing but the lullabies of the birds and sweet melancholic laughter of people. He smiled. He had never felt this happy in his entire life.

He had Lynn. She was the reason for his happiness and smiles. He was nothing without Lynn. He had no reason to live without her, he thought.

"Yes!" He jumped up pumping his fist in the air. His heart was making leaps and jumps and he felt good. He enjoyed the feeling. 

"Hey! Boys!" Luhan waved at the group of 13-15 year old boys. The boys raised their brows in question. "Would you like ice cream?"

"Um...sorry but we dont take anything from strangers..." One boy said raither annoyed.

"No no no, I'm just! So, SO HAPPY!" Luhan smiled widely and squished the boys cheeks. "HERE! Take this!" Luhan took a handful of money out and gave it to the boy. "Spend it wisely boys! YES YES YES!" Luhan jumped around after ruffling the boy's hair.

"Thanks!" the boys chorused. Luhan skipped off, avoiding teh laughter from paople and weird looks.

"Who was that..." one of the boys asked.

"Who cares, we got money!" And off the boys were to spend the money.

He was just happy. So happy.

Nothing could ruin his day.



She dipped her brush in the orange paint. She painted soft but sleed onto the canvas.


The orange leaves needed a shade of brown to tone it, so brown was dabbed into the paint and painted on the leaves. She had alraedy started her painting, what was it?

Even she couldn't comprehend what exactly it was.

All she could think of was Autumn, and how much she loved it.

Autumn made her feel comfortable.

Which was rather strange.

Park. People.

She was painting the park, she realised. That was the image in her mind. The park, with autumn orange brown leaves sprawled all over the gray pavement. It was messy, but she loved it. It was autumn. 

She painted soft, detailed onto her canvas, making sure every detail in her mind was covered. Every shadow, every colour, every contour, every single detail she would paint. She had to. She wanted to. It was afterall, her final masterpiece.

But as she painted onto the canvas, covering just teh small tiny details left before it would be finished, she could feel her breathing stagger. Her chest felt tight as though she couldn't breath.

And she really couldn't.

. Masterpiece. Finish. Almost. Faster.

She was almost finished. She just had to finish the small shadows. 

Suddenly, she felt a pang in her head, something was hammering her head from the inside and it was painful.

Pain. Hurt. Help.

She couldn't stand the sudden pain, her paint coloured hands d each side of her head and ran through her dishevelled hair. She gritted her teeth, for she could make no proper sound. Whether she screamed, it would make no difference. She fell onto her knees, puling at her hair tightly. Before anything could happen, she grabbed a pen, and scribbled words messily onto a piece of paper, and stuck it onto the bottom of the canvas.

Her breathing stopped, but suddenly, a small, desperate sound escaped her small lips...Her first word.



"Luhan!" Luhan heard the much too familiar voice of his dear companians. Luhan turned around, smiling widely.

"How are you guys-" Luhan stopped midsentence as her saw the state of his fellow friends.

Sehun was panting heavily, Chen dropped onto his knees panting, Lay didn't have a book with him for once.

Out of all, Lay's state was the most peculiar.

He always had a book.

"A-are you guys...okay?" Luhan asked, worried written on his face. He helped Chen up.

"Dude! WE LOOKED ALL OVER FOR YOU!" Chen screamed shaking Luhan by the shoulders. 

"Where were you Luhan?!"

"We were searching everywhere!" Lay shouted at his face. Luhan was scared, Lay was not one to do things like this. Unless the matter was of high importance.

"I-I..." Luhan gulped. The strained red eyes of his friends glarig at him. " the park..."

The three boys all groaned in frustration.

"OF COURSE!" they all yelled.

"She painted the park!" Sehun yelled.

"We should have known!" Chen buried his face into his hands.

"Wh-what's going on?" Luhan said.

The boys glanced at each other. None of them daring to utter a single word. Lay stepped forward and passes Luhan a note with messy handwriting.

"Hey isn't this Lynn's-"

"Just read it...Luhan."

Luhan did as he was told. 

And he regretted it.

Luhan's mind swivelled with thoughts of impossibilty.

Luhan's face suddenly contorted into something none of the three had seen before.


The three boys hung heir head low, all hearts saddened by the terriblde sudden news. 

But as they stood sad, Luhan broke depressed and dead.

"She was...the only and final masterpiece in my life..."

Luhan, Love you. Goodbye, see you soon. Over the rainbow.

A/N- ...

I just wrote quite a depressing oneshot...I feel...terrible inside.

I just made my day horrible. I'm so sorry...

Do forgive me. I am now ending this collection with this...sad oneshot. Why on earth did I choose to end it sadly? I have no idea...

And I was having a good day.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you all, here, I sign off. I will continue writing exo oneshot and all, but not in a collection. 

Thank you all so much for your support.


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This shall be my last Oneshot in this collection, I might update this with any other future EXO oneshots, but it's unlikely, I hope you like the Han Oneshot :)


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Chapter 10: auhtor-nim, I love it so much.. u are so good in writing which makes me jealous.. I love all ur story and of course ur story are totally different from other fanfics that I've read.. gud job author-nim. I hope I can read more from u.. fighting!!
Chapter 10: oh my god it was too sad :'( I'm crying :'( how can you do this to me? :'(

but I loved it~ although it was really sad! :'(
Chapter 9: you can end this collection~ but don't deleate these oneshots! I love them~ ♥
and how can you think your writing is bad? o.O I love your writing so much!! you describe everything perfectly and write so much feels and..I don't know what to say...I love it and I would hate you if you stop writing ._. because you're one of my favourite authors and I couldn't live without you and your stories :(
I think we all understand it if you have a hard time at home and can't write a lot...and I'm sure it'll be fine soon~ don't be depressed or something...just take a break and wait til everything is better :) We all understand that~

but please don't stop writing or something~! you're too good to stop writing >.< ...look at my stories! I wish I could write as good as you! I don't like my writing skills and I'm happy about every comment that I get....because I seriously think my stories are bad ._. and every comment gives me the courage to continue writing~

I'm sure everyone of your readers think the same as me and we love you and your stories ^-^
so keep on writing if you have time^^ we would wait hundred years until you update and we'd be so happy like we was the first time ^-^

don't deleate the oneshots, just end this collection if you wanna and re-post them as individual oneshots :)

I looove your stories (and you :33 xD) so muuchh~~ please try to update soon and don't stop writing! :)
Chapter 8: oh my gooooodd it was so cuutteeeee!!
from their first meeting until their ending~
but it's so sad that she must go away and can't lay beside him~ :(

finaallyy you updateedd~~~ *-* oh my god I love your stories so much!! your writing skills, your ideas~ ♥ I could diee >.< xD leeteuk and woohyun are my biases,too xD

pleeasseee update soon~~~~ I need your stories to liiveee~~!! XDDDDD looovee it so much!! ♥
Chapter 6: poor d.o :( how can she break up with him through a text?! ....and...HOW CAN SHE BREAK UP WITH HIM?!?!?!? XDDDD

but I'm so happy that he like his hero ^-^ first I didn't like Nagisa...but now I feel sorry for her, because D.O hates her...but I'm sure that would change ^-^

aaannnddd I like it how you link the different one shots :3
pleeeaaasseeeee do a happy sequel to thiiiss!!! pweeaasseee~~~ :333 I would wait mooonnnnthhssss!! XDD

I looooooooooooooove your stoorriiieeess!!!! please update as fast as you caann ^-^ ♥ *-*
Chapter 5: aawww how cute suho at the beginning~ and the video chat...he's so in love with her!
..but the ending was so saaddd!! :'( why she must have a boyfriend? and why it is his cousin..... poor suho~ :(
(lol I always write poor kai/baekhyun/suho/... in the comments XDD)
love your storiieessssss~~~~ and I'll never stop reading them :DD
Chapter 4: omooo~~~~ baekhyun :'( I wanna hug him!! couldn't she see that he loves her?!?!
poor baekhyun :'(
love your storys!!!! ♥
Chapter 3: woooaahhh~~ love this story!!! poor kai :(
but ryejin and baekhyun are so cute together~ ^-^
and i love it when kai is danciiiinnng!!!! ♥