In Exo's dorm Part I

A Fangirl's Love Story: Diary of Love

A/N: Help me guys, i need a new poster :/
Help me pleassssseeeeeeeeee

Demi Lovato: This is me




You were sitting at the corner of your practice room with Jiyoung and Saemi. It was break time and you decided to play random game in your phone and trying to erase the scene in the photo-shoot studio from your head. Jiyoung and Saemin were chatting about some random things that you didn’t really care. You were focusing on your game when a text popped up.

“Damn, I almost completed the mission.” You silently cursed before opened the mail box.

15:24pm Peter Pan: Hey!!! ^^

You frowned when you saw his message. Why did he text me all of sudden?? You didn’t really want to reply because you were still pissed off when the scene Luhan made with AnAn. The vampire poses!!!! It seems like they were going to melt into one. You still remember his y smirk and the way he bent down and sniffed AnAn’s neck. Disgusting!!!

15:27pm Sent: Hi :)

You replied him with a smiley which showing him that you didn’t give a damn with what happened between Luhan and AnAn. Tsk, Jasmine is a strong girl!! Instead of texted you back, he called you.

“Oppa!!!!” You said in a low tone preventing other people from noticing you but you still made sure your voice sounded cheerful. After a few seconds, you didn’t hear Luhan reply but you still waited patiently.

“Uh Jasmine!!” Finally he said something.


“Can you come to Exo’s dorm tonight??”

You were a bit surprise by his sudden request.

“Eh why??”

“Er..well, D.O said he wanted you to help him in cooking.”

“Neh??” You raised your voice louder making the other trainees looked at you in annoying but WHO CARES?

“You heard me! So can you??”

“Oh well, yes sure! What time?”

“After you finish your practice.”

“Ok!! That’s all?”

“Yes, bye!” Without waiting for you respond, his hung up. You looked at your phone confusingly. D.O oppa wanted me to help him cook???? This is weird.


                             Fast Forward

(You *with no glasses*)

“Jiyoung, change your clothes, we’re going to Exo’s dorm.” You walked out of you room and said to Jiyoung when you spotted her watching TV in the living room.

“What? Why “we”? I wasn’t invited.”

“Yes you were…by me! Now go change, stop wasting any more times.”

“Tsk, fine boss.” Then she walked lazily to the room.

After 10 minutes of waiting for her, Jiyoung came back with simple tee shirt and jean but she looks beautiful. To your surprise, AnAn also came out of the room with a short night dress.


Is she going to a party??”

“I know I’m hot but you don’t have to stare at me like you’ve never seen a pretty girl, you know that?” She blurted out and smirked. You and Jiyoung looked at each other and rolled your eyes. Tsk, just a newbie actress who sleeps on the floor!!!

“Nah, I’m just surprise seeing a star inside my house.” You said back carelessly. AnAn widen her eyes and she looked pissed.

“Are you calling me a star??”

“What? I didn’t mention the name or you do realize that you were being one?” You shrugged your shoulder and smirked that way she smirked at you. Seems like AnAn’s blood was boiling but she was trying to calm herself down.

“Whatever you say, I’m not wasting my precious time with you. Luhan’s waiting for me at his dorm, I’m going.” She shot you a dead glare then left the house.

“Is she going to Exo’s dorm too?” Jiyoung surprisingly asked. You sighed before answered her.

“She told us just now.”

“And she uses the front entrance, isn’t she scare that the paparazzi will spot her enter Exo’s dorm?”

“Tsk, It’s her business and if tomorrow there’s an article saying The new actress of SM, AnAn Wu, was sent to hospital in her y dress immediately after being attacked by Exo’s fans, we’ll party!” You shrugged your brow at Jiyoung making her giggled.

“Jasmine, you badass.”

“Hahaha C’mon, let’s go!!!” Then you dragged her to the backdoor of the dorm.


After successfully jumped from your dorm’s veranda to Exo’s, you knocked on the door. The next minute the door was opened revealing Luhan in his white T-shirt and a short grey pant!! Her hair was bit messy but you can’t deny he still looks hot and breathe-taking with his normal clothes.

“Hi Luhan oppa!” You flashed him a bright smile. You didn’t know why but you could feel Luhan was confused of something.

“Hi sunbae!” Jiyoung bowed.

“Oh hey, come in.” He stepped back giving space for you and Jiyoung to enter.

You walked directly toward the living room and found Kris was watching Basketball match and Lay was reading magazine on the couch. Kris smiled and was about to say something when he noticed you but you put your finger on your mouth giving him sign to stay silent. You tip toed toward Lay and silently covered his eyes with both of your hands from behind. Luhan widened his eyes when he saw what you were doing but of course you didn’t notice because you were giving him your back.

“Oppa, guess who?” You cooed cutely. Lay was a bit surprise as he put his magazine down and touched both of your hands which were covering his eyes.

“No, I don’t know! Who are you?” Lay playfully said back. You giggled when you got that Lay was playing with you too.

“Hihihih because you don’t know that’s why I said guess.”

“Well, then I guess you’re the girl who has a fat body like a pig..and what was your name again? Jasmine?” Lay said and laughed. You pouted as you freed his eyes from your hands and smacked his shoulder.

“Oppa, I’m not a pig.” You said while walking to sit next to him.

“I’m just kidding.” Lay chuckled and patted your head.

“Hey, sit!” Kris said to Jiyoung. She bowed a little and took a seat next to you.

“Kris oppa, where are the others?” You asked Kris while eyeing Luhan who was sitting next to Kris and he was looking down with an emotionless expression. What’s wrong with him??

"Where are the others?" You asked Kris.

“They’re in their rooms.”

Ring Ring Ring

The bell rang and Luhan stood up and walked over to the door. It must be AnAn. Aiigooo, she’s going to play the angel role here again.

“Luhan ge!!” She beamed cutely at Luhan then clinging on his hand. The emotionless Luhan earlier turned into a bright smile. You could see the imaginary roses around them while they were walking toward the couch.

Ouch! That’s hurt and it made you looked away.

“Hi Kris Ge and Lay ge!!” She greeted while smiling. Kris nodded at her but he still looked confused while Lay didn’t say anything except staring at her from head to toe. Is there a party inside Exo’s dorm that I didn’t know??

“Where’s D.O oppa?” You finally asked Luhan.

“In his room.” That’s what he said and it sounded bitter. You frowned with his mood-swing behavior but when your eyes laid on AnAn you decided not to care.

“You said he wanted me to help him cook so…

“The kitchen is all yours.” He cut you off without looking at you while you were staring at him in confusion. What the hell is wrong with this man?

“But I still need you to guide me.” You stood up and pulled Luhan’s arm then dragged him to the kitchen making the others surprised by your sudden behavior. Luhan was surprised to but he didn’t say anything he kept following you. You and him reached the kitchen and you closed the door and locked. You stared at him and he stared back at you without saying a word. A staring competition started!!!!!!! Luhan slowly looked at you from head to toe and he gulped while his eyes landed on your thighs but you didn’t notice it and when his eyes met yours, you felt like his was piecing you with his eyes. Ok something’s wrong with Luhan oppa!!!

“What is wrong with you??” You asked him with a frown.

“What?” Luhan raised his brow.

“What’s with that cold behavior? Why did you act like I just chopped your head?” You crossed your arms on your chest.

“Why? Are you mad because I didn’t give you attention?” He suddenly smirked and bent down to your level. His breath touched your face and that made you shivered.

“Neh??” You looked at him in surprised before let out a loud laugh. “Oppa, you’re kidding right? Nah I don’t care about your behavior anymore, just go back to your angel and tell Jiyoung to come here. I’ll make dinner.” You opened the door and pushed him outside and then closed the door again. After you were all alone, you gulped back your laughter and swallowed hard. Was I too desperate? I must confess I didn’t feel good with his behavior. But it’s not a surprise anyway, the world knows I like him..Only that dump deer didn’t notice my feeling..or he pretended he didn’t!!




Shout out for all sweethearts who commented on the previous chapter: exo_xoxo12          kimynella   jekkajekkainfinite        KittyCatGoesRawr        HyunIkha   khookh           Woofanynminyul4ever         BlingBlingTiger    lahaynadee         chachu       SHElulu

That you guys so much! I’ve read all the comments and I could feel the fire inside all of you toward AnAn. You’ve gotta calm down, babies xD !!!!!!!

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Hey guys, i edited the foreward of the story! Check it again (or not) that's your choice. It's really importance though :O


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Hi authornim, I'm back again to read this
Flowercrownid #2
Chapter 60: Ouhmy! This story is sooooooooooo awesome! You are amazing author-nim. I love it so much! Thank you author-nim ^^
panda0502 #4
Chapter 31: Your making everything more and more interesting authornim :))
sakinah_hannah #5
Chapter 44: how about baekhyun!!!!!! Poor baekhyun!! Seriously, if me, i'll choose baekhyun!! serioisly!!!!!!! aaaaaHHHh!!!!!!!
sakinah_hannah #6
Chapter 1: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 48: yaahhh they're cute and luhan is just asdfghjkl
Chapter 46: oh my god this is amazing
Chapter 41: yaahh I'm jealous... I want in my life :(
Chapter 34: I don't want to kill Luhan but I want to kiss him too xD
Oh. My. God I already imagined myself kissing him xD
this awkward.. I gotta stop this stupid behaviour xD
I mean come on he is an idol and I'm a fan..
... thnx