kiss kiss :D

what ? eunjung is gonna join big bang ??

eunjung was tired so she sat down start drinking water she didn't know top was there she changed the music  and stand up again the song was bo peep bo peep by t ara! eunjung tried to dance with song while she was laughing top smiled she was so cute ! it was weird how she can change of a y girl to a cute one !!  eunjung turned back and saw top !
- who .. u scared me !
and tried to turn off the song but she couldn't ! top said : why ? it’s a cute song !!!
eunjung smiled and said : don’t tell me u like bo peep bo peep !
- why not ? its really y to see girls doing this dance !!
- YAH …u r such a ert !!!
when eunjung said that top remembered that day when she saw eunjung !! he tried to vanish eunjung's hot body of his head so start to  shake his head !
- what happened ? you have headache ???????????????
top didn't knew what to say so he didn't and eunjung take it as yes !
eunjung came closer and put her hand on his forehead and said : but u don’t have fever !
top looked at eunjung' face she was so close her pink lips got his eyes he took eunjung's hand tightly ! eunjung said  : yah WHAT HAPPENED ? top start kissing eunjung's lips eunjung puss him away and said : YAH !!!
but he kissed her again eunjung first try to push him away him but after 20 seconds she became meek and start to kiss him back ! their kissing was with passion and both of really seems to enjoyed it eunjung put her hands on top's neck and top's hand were on eunjungs hair and he was playing with her hair! after 4 or 5 minutes top come back to his scenes and  stopped eunjung was the same
both of them where gasping becaz the joy of their kiss ! top said : i…im sorry ! so sryyyyyy ! eunjung was so embarrassed and she ran away of dancing room !
she ran to dorm without stop , and try to sleep but she couldn’t ! their kiss seemed real for her ! she always  fight with top and she never knew she likes him .. but this kiss might show her some parts of her that she never knew  !!!!
top was different !! about the first time she saw eunjung he really was mad of her also it wasn't her fault ! but he start to teasing her becaz he liked her and sometimes he adore  her !! he couldn’t sleep too becaz he found out his feeling about her are true !!!!!
tomorrow when eunjung woke up she didn’t see top !
euunjung asked seungri :where is top ??
- top ? why don't u call him pabo top as usual ???
eunjung couldn’t call him top bapo becaz after last night  kiss , she felt weird about top
- yaehhh ! where is pabo top !!
seungri – is that the way u call ur older member ??? pabo ??????????? he is best rapper in kpop and u tell him pabo ??!
and start to laugh !!!! eunjung said : yah shut up !!! where is him ???
- he traveled to japan this morning !!!
- whattt ? JAPAN ????????? U KIDDING ?
- NOPE his japanese friend is sick so he just hurried and left !!
eunjung didn’t say anything and start to eat breakfast ! bcaz top wasn't there the other members didn’t go for practicing that day !eunjung thought when top is not here she is gonna have better time but she really could feel his empty place in dorm ! he always and eunjung always answering him without any respect to him ! that day was really and eunjung listened to back to December by taylor swift about 1 million times !
eunjung went to bed early and think abou top !!!! she was talking to herself : am I that kind of girls that when have with guys or kiss them fall for them or  better said s ??????
I cant stop thinking about him L ! am I in love ??????? top was in his friend's home his friends was feeling better after his operation but he was still in hospital ; top came to his home to get some rest becaz his flight was tomorrow and he already said goodbye to his friend ! also it was only 2  day , but he really missed eunjung ! he told himself : I really miss you my crazy girl !! u r my girl eunjung !!! she likes me too  I can say that by her kissing way !

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good authornim ;)
Chapter 10: This was amazing
pioushej #3
Chapter 10: eunjung and top! wah! i love them too! this story is very funny yet so romantic! *lol* i have fun reading it more eunjung ff please thank you!
1124 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hahaha so both of them saw each others 3body... Funny story ;-)
1124 streak #5
TopJung ♥♥♥
UmaMee #6
Chapter 10: i love eunjung unnie...and i love your story. ^-^
Chapter 10: I love your story.......since I was a fan of bigbang and t ara
Chapter 10: Love your story, you should make a longer story I love and thank you: D TOPJUNG together forever!.
so funny !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: ◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
I Like your story,,
Although the story is short, but it's very entertaining, really nice,, ♪♬♪(´ε`)७