in love ??

what ? eunjung is gonna join big bang ??

eunjung opened her eyes it was 4 a.m she wanted to use toilet so she left her room. when she was in toilet she heard a voice  came out it was top that he was arrived from airport now ! top didn’t see her, eunjung look at his back he was wore a black over coat and his suitcase was in his hand . he was tall and y !it wasn’t the first time eunjung thaught he is hot last day she saw top's photoshots with yoon eun hye , hottest Korean actress and she thought top is hot and good looking ! she said : hi ! top looked back and saw her he smiled and said hi! Eunjung smiled too but then she thought ( why im smiling ???)
-  ok Im going to bed !!! eunjung said and moved top said : eunjung… I want to tell u some thing ! eunjung stayed : w…what ??
- it s about that kiss !
eunjung was blushing she said : I know u want to say it was just a moment  and I should forget it ! eunjung said that becaz last night she talked to her best friend ( kara's gyori) and she told her that big bang's boys are so careful about this stuff ( dating ) and he might tell you to forget all about that kiss !!
top said :NOO !  my feeling….that night were real ! actually I think I really like u !
eunjung was blushing top continued : I know I bothered u a lot but I really like u and im sry eunjung !!! I want to know if u feel the same about me ….. or not !
top was waiting for anwer but eunjung ran to her room !! top was shocked !!! she doesn’t like me ?????? he went to his room and he felt really disappointed he thought : she doesn't like me !!! that's obvious  if she likes me , she would say some thing ! he was thinking about that suddenly eunjung opened the door of his room and come forward !  top said :euunnn j..jung ..whats going on ?
- I think…I l… you too ! I missed u!
top smiled and look a her she smiled too ! top went and closed the door  then start to kiss eunjung with passion eunjung kissed him back and top took eunjungs  t SHIRT off , eunjung did the same for top's clothes , top took her to the bed and they spent the night together . eunjung woke up with top's voice in her ear : u r mine ! eunjung was embarrassed so she hide under blanket top hugged her tightly  put eunjung's head on his chest and said : this time it's real !
eunjung shyly asked : was there any other times ??????????????????
top said : u know how many times I dreamed about us ?
eunjung : dreamed ?? since when ?
top :  since when your towel dropped!!!
eunjung said : dude u r a real ert !!
top kissed her forhead and cheeks and said : im only ert for my eunjung !
eunjung laughed and blushed , they heard seungri's voice : yah eunjung …. Where are u ? eunjung's heart just stopped both of them where afraid becaz eungri's voice became closer and closer till he opened the door : yah hyung when did u came ?
eunjung hide under top's blanket  so seungri didn't see eunjung
-th…this morning !
- aha ! haven’t seen eunjung ???????
seungri answered him self : who do I ask !! her number one enemy ??? haha !
eunjung laughed under blanket !
top said : exactly !! how do I know where is that crazy dog ??????? eunjung bites top's finger under the blanket .
top said : I mean eunjung shii !!
seungri: ok … I go find herr ! when he left eunjung moved blanket and said : left ?
seungri came in suddenly again and  EUNJUNg hide again seungri said : hyung why did u use nail polish ? top looked down eunjung's foot wasn't under the blanket and seungri thought it was top's foot he said : i..i … just…. I wanted.. to .. to ….to…to to try !
- hyung u look weird these days! and left
eunjung came up and said : how can I leave here???????? !!!!     
 top said : I take all of them to kitchen then u go to your room !
eunjung : fine !
top stand up eunjung said : wowww !
- woeo ????
- nothing ! just my man is so y ! and hide her face under blanked again !
top burst into laughter and said : oppa wanted to show how hot he is these morning again  but he has to leave now !
eunjung laughed and top went to living room and said : guys all of u come to kitchen it's been long time bigbang members haven’t  eat breakfast together !
taeyang : we did it 3 days ago ! the day u went japan !!!
top :whatever ! lets do it again !
seungri : I go search for eunjung again !
top : it's ok ! let 's eat!
 boys heard a voice seungri said that might be eunjung ! I go check !
it was first time top scream that loud ever ! seungri sat and eunjung could go to her room !

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good authornim ;)
Chapter 10: This was amazing
pioushej #3
Chapter 10: eunjung and top! wah! i love them too! this story is very funny yet so romantic! *lol* i have fun reading it more eunjung ff please thank you!
1124 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hahaha so both of them saw each others 3body... Funny story ;-)
1124 streak #5
TopJung ♥♥♥
UmaMee #6
Chapter 10: i love eunjung unnie...and i love your story. ^-^
Chapter 10: I love your story.......since I was a fan of bigbang and t ara
Chapter 10: Love your story, you should make a longer story I love and thank you: D TOPJUNG together forever!.
so funny !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: ◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
I Like your story,,
Although the story is short, but it's very entertaining, really nice,, ♪♬♪(´ε`)७