battle with CL !

what ? eunjung is gonna join big bang ??

top woke up and left his room as usual eunjung was asleep on couch it happends a lot becaz eunjung' room doesn't have any bathroom she has to use the one in living room  and when she uses it , she is too tired to comeback to her room and fall sleep on couch ! top the tv turned up the volume  ! eunjung said with sleepy head : yah pabo top , turn it down ! im ing sleepin here !
 top was got used to eunjung's talking !
top :that's ur problem ! get up ! I want to sit on couch its not ur bed !
while he was laughing !
eunjung said: ah chinja ???? u r sick ! u r in sick dude ! u enjoy bothering other ppl !
top : not other ppl ! only an  impolite and stupid girl called eunjung!
 and show her his tongue ! 
eunjung hide her head under pillow but top kicked her with his foot !
- r u deaf ? wake up ! I want to sit here !
eunjung didn’t move at all ! top try to move her with his hand buckled and took the pillow eunjung opened her eyes and their eyes meet . top felt some thing moved in him ! both of them looked  at each other like it's first time ! after some seconds top move his hand to put the pillow down but eunjung thought he wants to beat her so she closed her ! after 15 seconds she doesn't feel any thing she opened her eyes top wasn’t there ! top went to his room his heart was pounding fast ! he put his hand on his chest and said : YAH what's wrong with u …
eunjung and seungri were eating breakfast and talking they just found out their birthday is same and there were so happy about it ! GD wasn’t home and taeyang was on enternet and top was playing on his ipod taeyang shouted :eunjung eunjung !! come here !
eunjung – why ? whats happening ????
taeyang said : u have a dance competition with CL
-WHAT ??????? ME ? WHY ?
news take top attentions as well .
taeyang said :  reporters asked CL her 2nd dancing place and she said that she wants to do a battle with u and take her place back !!! and kbs's music bank invite both of you to do a dance battle in end of program as a special and this site says that yg company accepted it !
eunjung – what without even telling me ????????????
seungri – that things in YG happened a lot !!!
top – like adding a girl in big bang ! (he as usual ! )
EUnjung said : but I think that 's gonna be fun !!!!!!!!
top – yessssss ! specially if she beat u !! he he he !!!
eunjung – yah … u r such a pain in my !!! u always makin me angry !
top – pleasure is mine……….
taeyang – eunjung , CL is the best dancer girl dancer in kpop , so if u lost , there is no need to be sad !
eunjung – who said im gonna lose, love ( she always call boys love eccept TOP )??????? Im gonna show kpop industry a new dance queen rises !
seungri – yah eunjung WE saw ur dancing skills in fanmeeting and we know u r a good dancer but this is CL !!!!!!!
eunjung said : and I am EUNJUNG !
after 1 hour all big bang members were heading to their studio for practicing their new song for t heir comeback on the way  of studio they saw 2ne1 members they greeted them and becaz it was eunjung's first time to see them she greeted them so formal !
but the girls looked so warm , minzy said : eunjungshii , r u ready to battle my eunni ???????
eunjung laughed and said : im a little scared ! but keep it a secret okay ?
minzy smiled and said : u r secret is safe with me eunni !
eunjung : thank you pretty minzy J
minzy blushed and eunjung said goodbye and follow bigbang boys whispered in top's ear
- im gonna take ur tongue out of ur big mouth !!!
top said : or maybe I do the same for you ! eunjung left and top still felt warm by eunjung's warm breath in his ear ! after practing the song boys left the studio but eunjung stayed becaz she wanted to practice dancing for her battle and top went to mr yang's office  it was 8 pm and top remembered he left his ipod on studio which was close to practice room when he took his ipod he saw dancing room's light is on wondered who is practicing now, opened the door the song was palying. The song  was " I can be a freak" he saw eunjung dancing , her dance moves were great and strong he thought she can beat CL  !

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good authornim ;)
Chapter 10: This was amazing
pioushej #3
Chapter 10: eunjung and top! wah! i love them too! this story is very funny yet so romantic! *lol* i have fun reading it more eunjung ff please thank you!
1124 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hahaha so both of them saw each others 3body... Funny story ;-)
1124 streak #5
TopJung ♥♥♥
UmaMee #6
Chapter 10: i love eunjung unnie...and i love your story. ^-^
Chapter 10: I love your story.......since I was a fan of bigbang and t ara
Chapter 10: Love your story, you should make a longer story I love and thank you: D TOPJUNG together forever!.
so funny !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: ◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
I Like your story,,
Although the story is short, but it's very entertaining, really nice,, ♪♬♪(´ε`)७