good cook :)

what ? eunjung is gonna join big bang ??

at MR yang’s office
 mr yang office mr yang : eunjungshi ! u did a great job in fanmeeting ! fans love u !!!!
even CCM , company of t ara called and thanked u for choosing their song and congrats  me for having such a talented a talented dancer with us !
eunjung laughed and said : really ?? im so happy ! I really like to see t ara members especially jiyeon and hyomin =)) !
mr yang said : but we have to thank top for his idea in fan meeting asking u to dance ! topshi u did a wise move ! top try to show himself relax but he was angry that his plan didn't work well ! especially eunjung's eyes looking him with  victory makes him angrier ! when there were heading home in van eunjung was silent top looked at her and saw that eunjung's head is on taeyang' s shoulder and she is asleep ,taeyang put his coat on her ! he thought : she found her place in bigbang easily !
they arrived to dorm and eunjung woke up ,in home eunjung shout : ajumma ! anneyo ! and ran to kitchen ! boys smiled and headed to their rooms . it was about 10 at night and ajumma called them for dinner when they came they saw lots of food on table . gd asked : ajumma ! u did all of it ?
ajumma : oh no ! eunjung shi wanted to make u dinner !
boys looked excited , taeyang said : u know how to cook ?
eunjung : of course ! its becaz I love food ! u treated me very well today ( but she show top an angry look ) and I wan to you to thank u for letting me in group ! so eat a lot !!! she looked at top : U CAN EAT TOO , ERT ! and she showed her tongue to him !
top scowled : I don’t ! my stomach get used to good food and I might get sick by eating this malformed food  !
eunjung without caring : whatever !
  and start to eat . top asked ajumma : do we have any thing else ?
I can cook you . ajumma said .
- no thanks !
and start drinking water while watching s eating like they haven’t eat any food
before !
gd : top come on ! its so delicious eunjung made it for you 2 !
seungri said : if he hyung doesn’t eat ……
top thought he is gonna say if hyung doesn’t eat im not gonna eat too .
but seungri continued : im gonna eat his slice J !
top - yes do it do it im not hungry at all !
but everyone hear a voice of his stomach which caused them burst into laughter
top left there and went to his room !
all my friends are traitors ! they just forget me after seeing a girl !
he tried to sleep but he still keep thinking about how to find way for kicking eunjung out !
after dancing eunjung on fan meeting her dancing became so popular and even watched about 5 million times in youtube after 1 week ! there were a chart of best dancers in YG company that shows the ranking of girl dancers in company and choose the dancing queen of company it's been such a long time that CL was number one on this list but after eunjung's dancing by ppl's voting eunjung became number one and CL became number 2 and that made CL SO sad !
it' s been 2 month after eunjung came from US and she was popular in korea ! what about home ? eunjung became close with seungri , GD , taeyang  but eunjung and top still struggled with each other ! and some thing was weird ! top really likes fighting with eunjung and teasing her !

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ffajarr #1
Chapter 10: Good authornim ;)
Chapter 10: This was amazing
pioushej #3
Chapter 10: eunjung and top! wah! i love them too! this story is very funny yet so romantic! *lol* i have fun reading it more eunjung ff please thank you!
1124 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hahaha so both of them saw each others 3body... Funny story ;-)
1124 streak #5
TopJung ♥♥♥
UmaMee #6
Chapter 10: i love eunjung unnie...and i love your story. ^-^
Chapter 10: I love your story.......since I was a fan of bigbang and t ara
Chapter 10: Love your story, you should make a longer story I love and thank you: D TOPJUNG together forever!.
so funny !!!!!!!!!
Chapter 10: ◦°◦みϱ\"̮みϱ\"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)◦°◦
I Like your story,,
Although the story is short, but it's very entertaining, really nice,, ♪♬♪(´ε`)७