Chapter 9

How to Win A Guy in 10 Days

They're kissing. 
end Recap. 

"J..jun..." For some reason, my mouth was stuck. I was in too much shock and way too intoxicated to think.

"Ri In, I found you!" Yunho ran up to me and squeezed me. I squeezed tightly around his body and started crying. 

"What's wrong? You can tell oppa," he said as he ended our hug. 

I didn't respond. Why does this hurt so badly? I should be happy right now. Yes, happy. Happy thoughts, Ri In. Now I can break up with him and win the bet, no? 

But I know I am lying to myself. I want him to be mine and only mine. 

Yunho looked at me anxiously, "What happened? Who made you --" He paused and I knew he had just seen what I saw. 

He clenched his fists, "Why that little punk..." 

He started to walk towards them, but I grabbed his arm, "Don't." Don't hurt him. 

He shrugged me off angrily, "Junsu!" He yelled out. 

Junsu's eyes turned towards Yunho. Before he could react, Yunho grabbed him and punched him. 

Boa screamed, "Junsu!" She bent down to help him up. As he got up, he wiped the speck of blood on his lips. 

'Hit him again,' I wanted to say, 'he deserves it.

Almost as if on cue, Yunho stuck out his fists and, with much force, punched Junsu again. 

Junsu just sat there. He continued standing up and would end up getting struck by Yunho. He did not complain, nor did he hit back. Boa hopelessly tried to get Yunho to stop, but she didn't know that once you p.ssed Yunho off, there was no stopping it. 

Boa cried out, "Stop Yunho! At this rate, Junsu will..." 

"...die." I finished her sentence. 

Junsu laid there helpless and weak. Yunho and Junsu had the same strength. One was quicker in his movement, the other was more powerful. 

"Yunho, that's enough." I put my hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He stopped immediately because he knew I meant it. I barely called him Yunho like that unless I was serious. A tear almost escaped my eyes so I put my head down and walked away. I knew that Yunho didn't want to hurt Junsu this badly either. 

Yunho pushed Junsu roughly one last time, "You're lucky this time." 

My steps were slow and I swayed from side to side. I think the drinks are really hitting me now. 

Yunho ran up to me and bent down. 

"What?" I asked him and walked away. 

He followed and bent in front of me once again, "Get on." 

I didn't question him anymore and I got on his back. Slowly, my vision blurred and I fell asleep.

Days left: 6.

I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating on my desk. I forced my eyes to open to the bright sunlight. 
I groaned due to my major headache and immediately buried my face in my pillow. 

The vibrating continued... 
Vibrate. Vibrate. Vibrate. 

Shut up, will you? 

I'm on hangover mode! Leave me alone! 

Vibrate. Vibrate. Vibrate. 

I unwillingly got off my bed and picked up my phone. 

3 unread texts from Junsu. 
2 missed calls from Junsu.

Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. 

As soon as I put my phone down, it vibrated again. 
I was going to delete it, but a sudden feeling of nausea took over me. I ran to my toilet and vomited. 

I splashed my face with water and heard a soft knock at my door, "Who is it?" 

"Your oppa~" He said in a singsong tone, "and he's here to cure your hangover!" 

I ran to the door and opened it. I smiled at him, "Yunnie, I'm never going to drink again." 

He ruffled my hair, "I wasn't going to let you anyways." 

He handed me some medicine and a bowl of soup, "Thanks, oppa." 

Suddenly, my phone vibrated again. I reached out for it, but Yunho beat me. 

He flipped the phone open, "Leave my sister alo--" 

He suddenly stopped and his mouth dropped open. 

"What's wrong?" I questioned him. 

"-- Seul Gi?" He continued to talk into the phone. 

Seul Gi? Why is she calling? 

"You want to meet up? At the cafe? Okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes." He snapped the phone shut and turned to me, "I'm going somewhere for a while. I'll bring you some dinner when I come back." 

I nodded and watched as he took his coat and walked out the door. I waited for a few seconds and secretly stalked him. I told my driver to drive extra fast because Yunho was a quick driver. 

Yunho came to an abrupt stop and walked out to the cafe quickly. Before he stepped in, he turned around and tied his shoes, so I quickly hid behind a bush. 


I watched as it crawled closer to me. Don't scream Ri In... you'll blow your cover. Just a few more seconds. 

I gave a big sigh as Yunho stood back up and walked into the cafe. I flicked the 8-legged creature and hid behind a couch in the cafe. I slowly sneaked to a closer table where I could hear them talking. 

"Hey Seul Gi, how are you?" 

"I've been good." 

Seul Gi folded her hands together, "Look Yunnie... I-I mean Yunho, I didn't explain why I broke up with you."

He laughed nervously and said nothing. 

Yes yes. Seul Gi, tell him the truth right now. Explain it to him so things will be back to -- 

"Well, you see... I'm in love with someone else." 

"WHAT?" I yelled as I jumped and accidentally hit the table. They didn't seem to notice, but the waitress asking for my order thought I was weird. 

"Miss, are you okay?" The waitress asked me. 

"I'm fine." 

She held out her notepad and a pen, "What would you like to order?" 

Without looking at what I ordered, I pointed at something on the menu. 

"Are you sure about that?" 

"Uhuh." I answered, still watching Yunho and Seul Gi. 

"Ok, I'll be back with your food and drink." She walked away. 

I turned my attention back to Yunho and Seul Gi. 

Yunho cleared his throat, "I see." 

She continued, "And we're getting married soon." 

I squeezed into the couch to stop myself from saying anything. 

But of course, I couldn't help myself, "Seul Gi! Stop lying to my brother!" 

They both turned to me, shocked. 

"Lying? What do you mean?" Yunho asked. 

Seul Gi's eyes pleaded to me to not tell him. 

"Uh.. well.. Seul Gi... she.." Did I mention I'm a bad liar? 

Ahem. Well, yeah. I sort of am. 

Suddenly, Siwon appeared out of no where. 

He took Seul Gi's arms, "Are you ready babe?" 

She forced a smile and hooked onto his arms. She silently nodded and they walked out. 

As they passed me, Siwon slipped a note into my pocket. I decided I would read it later so Yunho wouldn't see. 

I was worried about Yunho so I sat next to him, "Yunnie?" 


"Are you okay?" 

He said nothing. 

I waved my arms in front of his face, "Earth to Yunho!" 

He sat still. 

I leaned closer to his face when I noticed something glistening on his cheek. 

And for the second time in my whole life...

I saw my brother cry. 

We sat there for an hour or so until he fell asleep on my shoulders. 

And trust me, it's not as cute as the movies portray it as. 

First off, you have someone twice your size sleeping on your shoulders... while crying. 

Second, he's your brother. 

Third, people stare. 

And lastly, he drools. 


I called my driver who brought Yunho home as I stayed behind. I wanted to take a walk to clear my mind. 

Something caught my eyes on the sidewalk. 
A magazine. 

'New SM trainee, Boa is caught kissing Kim Junsu!' 

I picked it up and read some more, 
'BoA, a talented dancer with incredible vocals, who has just been accepted as a new trainee in SM is already making scandals with Kim Junsu. Kim Junsu is known to be the heir to his father's company, 'Kim Corporations'. Last night, we caught BoA and Kim Junsu hidden in a corner while kissing each other. Apparently, they were dating before BoA went off for a dancing competition and returned with good news...

I wanted to read the rest of the article but a strong wind forced the newspaper out of my hands. As I reached out for it, I bumped into a familiar person. 

A very familiar person. 

Named Kim Junsu. 

I stumbled backwards and almost fell, but he grabbed both of my arms. 

"Ri In," he said gently. 

"Get away from me," I coldly said. 

"The kiss... meant nothing." 

"So you're lying to me now? I saw it with my own eyes!" 

I opened my mouth to speak, but instead it was replaced by a sweet kiss. 

I pushed him away and did what first came to mind. 

I slapped him. 

And hell yeah, it felt good.



Hey guys. Sorry for the delay! 

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Chapter 9: I hope u continue this story. Hwaiting!
This story sooo cool <333
been ages since i last dropped by... lol.<br />
gaaah. this is an enjoyable read, bb. ^^
pls update!!! its already on the best part then it got cutted!! pls update!!
gasppppp! OMG CHOI SIWON! Im sure the bible said nothing about girls!!! >.< omg yunjae moment >.< lol. So much shock in one chapter! O.o junsu w/boa? Ohhhh weird. poor ri in is all drunk and seeing junsu kiss boa...T.T
F U Junsu! Why did you do that!? You MF. You made Ri In sad, see? WTH Siwon? Ri In doesn't even like you so back off! Why did Yunho and Jaejoong leave Ri In? Or were they just too drunk? She could have got ! Poor Ri In. Do update soon!
New reader!<br />
I'm starting to love this story!<br />
Please update~
crushiee #9
omg, Siwon is just too much and kinda scary o.o and awh, Seul Gi is in a tough situation ); and i feel so bad for Jaejoong .. his dad should really go to jail . update soon ![;
awhhh poor Yunho! Damn Siwon is so greasy! I can't believe Jaejoong's dad jhits him, I just want to cradle him in my arms and console him. Gah how can anyone hit such an angelic little childman!? Ughh, i just want to beat his dad up. But i want to hit siwon more! how dare he make a move on Ri Innie!? gahh im so excited for the next update.