Chapter 5

He Is Not Pinky Prince

After dropping back Sulli and Tiffany, Sooyoung went back to his apartment. Then he laid on the couch, looking ceiling. And he remembered what Tiffany said earlier ..

"You're stingy but you make me like you."

"How could she like me? in fact, we only just met today. She was bizarre, strange women. " He said.

“Even, to make Yuri to likes me, it took many months. Why can Tiffany likes me so fast? “ Sooyoung thought.

"Yuri .." he muttered.

Sooyoung remembered Yuri, the woman who is always there every day in his life. The women who always makes him smile and happy. Now, Yuri’s pretty face just could he only see from the photograph and in his dream. He then took out his cell phone from his pocket and looked at his cell phone wallpaper, is a picture of him and Yuri who was smiling very happy.

"Look.. we were a very happy couple in the world. And ..You are the most beautiful woman ever in my life, Yuri. " He murmured, looking at his cell phone wallpaper.

Then Sooyoung remembered Tiffany’s figure again ..

"But .. if I look, Tiffany are beautiful too. " Said Sooyoung to himself.

"Oh no no no! Yuri prettier! "He said, shaking his head. 

"Yuri even taller than her, Yuri also not weird like her. Yuri also not obsessed with pink and never told me that I was stingy! (of course Sooyoung never stingy on Yuri.) So, Yuri still number one for me."He said, comparing Yuri with Tiffany.

'Why am I thinking about her?! and comparig her with Yuri?' Sooyoung thought.

"Aaaaaah!" He shouted as he ruffled his hair. Frustrated with his thoughts.

He got up from the couch and walked to his computer to complete his unfinished work.

"Instead I think of that princess of pink, better I'm doing my job which is dormant." He said.


At Tiffany’s House.. 

Tiffany entered the house and was immediately greeted by his father who was waiting for her.

"Hi Dad!" Called Tiffany and then she hugged her father.

"Miyoung, where have you been? You said, during the lunch time you will come back to the office but you're not back." Asked her father.

"Ehm .. after I met Jessie, I had accidentally met my friend and we spend time together all day. Mianhae Dad.. " answer Tiffany.

"Next time you have to tell me or your assistant if you can’t get back to the office, you must try to be more responsible in our company, Miyoung." Said her father.

"Yes Dad.." She nodded. "I'm going to my room first, dad." She added.

"Well.. I will be waiting for dinner." Said her father.

Tiffany then went to her room .. that was on her mind now is just words at the time in Sooyoung’s car, Sooyoung heard that she liked him.

"Ahhh what should I do? He heard what I said .. how I see him tomorrow? I'm so embarrassed.." She said frustrated.

She then lay down and rolling her body on the bed.

"Aaaaah Choi Sooyoung you making me crazy!" She screamed.

'It is truly magical, I just met him today, but I've liked him. I even very, very liked him. He made ​​me curious, and I really want to know him more.' Tiffany thought.

"Better now I showered, I will continue to think about it later." She said.

Tiffany had a shower, and after a shower she had dinner with her father. After dinner she returned to her room again. She sat in front of her mirror, looking at her own face.

"Aaaah so beautiful!" She said when she saw her own reflection in the mirror.

"Tomorrow we'll have lunch together Choi Sooyoung, I really can’t wait to meet up again even though I'm a little embarrassed to see you." She was talking to herself in the reflection in the mirror.

"Hmm.. Sooyoung already know that I like him, then why I should be shy with him?" She asked her reflection in the mirror.

"Well, because he knew that I liked him, now I just have to make him liked me too, right?" She asked her reflection again.

"And now I'd better sleep, because tomorrow afternoon I will meet my anti-pink prince." She said to herself, then she went to the bed and sleep. She wished, she could have dreamed Sooyoung in her sleep.



alarm sounds, indicating that someone had to leave the dream world and waking from sleep.

"Arrrrggghhh .." Sooyoung woke up from sleep and immediately turn off his alarm.

"Ya! Why are you ringing? Hah! I've slept 3 hours, and now you woke me up! "He shouted at his alarm.

"Hooaaaam.. huh 8 o'clock." He muttered.

He then rose from his bed and went straight to the bathroom for a shower. After bath, he immediately wore a shirt and jeans. He worked as fotograper at a magazine company that is owned by his friend Jungshin.

Sooyoung saw his own reflection in the mirror.

"Handsome." He said with a smile.

He then came out of his room and into the kitchen, he only ate a few pieces of bread and a glass of milk. After breakfast, he was out of his apartment and go to work.


Today Tiffany woke up very early, she even made breakfast for her and her father. A happy smile on her face painted since she opened her eyes this morning. When she was preparing her breakfast, her father was awake and sitting at the dining table.

"Wow .. you make breakfast? It is very rare.” Said her father, smiling at her daughter's ignorant.

"Good morning, Appa!" Tiffany greet her father. "Today, I'm happy, so I make breakfast for us." Said Tiffany, smiling and showing her eye smile.

"Eeeyy .. what makes you happy? Tell me. "Asked her father while eating.

"Ehmm .. it's a secret." She answered.

“What's your dream last night? Met your pinky prince?” Asked her Father.

Her father knew that Tiffany always dreamed of her perfect man, the pinky prince.

"No, he's not a pinky prince." Tiffany replied.

"Then if he's not pinky prince, why are you this much happy?" Her father asked again.

"It's a secret." She answered.

"Well .. If you say so, the most important thing for me is you’re happy. If you're happy, I'm happy too. "Said her father, smiling.

"Hehehe I love you, Appa. Love you very much." Said Tiffany as she hugged her father. "Hmm .. Appa, can I go to the office with you today?." Asked Tiffany.

"Of course dear." Replied her father.

"Thank you Dad." She said happily.

After they finished breakfast they went to the office together. At the office, Tiffany was very excited to do all her works. She wants all of her works was done quickly, so when lunch timer,s he was not late for lunch with Sooyoung.

Unnoticed lunch time has arrived, Tiffany hurriedly tidied all her works and left the office to the restaurant near the road where she was almost hit by Sooyoung.

Sooyoung was in the studio where he worked, he still had to finish the photo shoot today.

“One.. Two.. Three..”



"Okay I think it's enough, thank you for your cooperation." He said, bowing on the model after seeing the pictures he take.

"Ne, Oppa! You've worked hard, too. "Says the model.

"Sooyoung-ah!" A tall man with a handsome face smiling calling Sooyoung from behind. Sooyoung was turned toward the man.

"Oh Yoong .." Sooyoung replied to the man who called him earlier.

The man was immediately walked towards Sooyoung, who was tidying up his camera equipment.

"Waeyo Im YoonA? What's with your face?" Asked Sooyoung on a friend who is also his co-workers.

"There is a very good news for us and our business." Yoona replied.

"What?" Asked Sooyoung are very curious about what news Yoona would tell.

"Today I tried to present all of our photographics all this time, to a large advertising company in Seoul. They're looking for a photographer for a women's fashion products." Yoona explanation.

"Whoah .. it seems like a pretty good project." Sooyoung response to the news .

"Of course it was pretty good and very make money. And if they are interested, they will call us tomorrow morning." Continue Yoona.

"Hopefully they will pick our Team Yoong.” Sooyoung replied, patting his friend's shoulder.

Unnoticed, it was time to lunch. Sooyoung was reminded by Tiffany’s word who invited him to have lunch together today.

"Oh lunch time, why don’t we have lunch together? Kajja!!" Invite Yoona to Sooyoung.

"Ah Yoong Mian, it seems I can’t have lunch with you. There's something I need to do." Sooyoung Rejecting Yoona.

"Well.. bye Soo." Yoona replied, then he went out of the studio.

Sooyoung hurried away toward the restaurant where Tiffany waiting for him. He drove his car with fast speed.

'Why am I such in a hurry?' He thought.

to be continued..

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maikimause123 #1
Chapter 8: This story is awesome. I wonder about fany and soo relationship
Chapter 8: please update soon
Chapter 8: Ah I want moreeee, this story is so addicting. Update soon please, really can't waitttt
soovra #4
Chapter 8: Ahhhh update please
Chapter 8: yes it sooyoung,fany ah~..update soon
lovessnsd #6
Chapter 7: please update soon
Chapter 7: please update soon
Chapter 7: I'm just finised read this story and this is really really nice story. please keep writing this story authornim, I will wait till the end. Fighting for next chap :)
please update soon...
Chapter 7: sooyoung must be fallen in love. awwww ;;
thanks for updated author ♡