Street Rats
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Her father’s office was eerily quiet as he continued to stare out of the floor to ceiling window. As soon as Emi returned home with Detective Woo, the maids sent her to see her father. The silence left the room as her father turned around and made his way towards his desk, the sound of his heel meeting the ground echoed and sent a shiver down Emi’s spine.

“Do you understand how irresponsible your actions were?” Her father asked sternly, his eyes were filled with anger and worry.  “What would have happened if you were kidnapped or ?”

Emi shifted in her chair slightly, taking a mental note not to tell him about what happened while you were in the city. “But Daddy, I’m fine nothing happened to me.”

Her father sighed as he rubbed his temples,

“I think I have been far too lenient with you since you are my only child, but enough is enough.” He opened the upper left drawer and pulled out a large file, placing it directly before his daughter.

Emi’s eyes never left her father’s as she hesitantly pulled the file closer to her and flipped it open. The first page was a picture of a boy who was rather familiar to Emi, a gentle smile made its way to her lips. Under the photo, there was general information about the boy but Emi didn’t bother with it since she already knew it all.


“Daddy, why are you giving me Woohyun’s file?” She asked as she looked up to meet her father’s glance.

“He isn’t the only one in there, keep looking.” Her father commanded in a much softer voice.

Emi turned to the next page to find yet another photo but this time it wasn’t Woohyun, it was actually someone she wasn’t familiar with. The boy had dirty blonde hair and flawless skin, but that was it, nothing else about him called her attention. She read up on his file though just in case this had something to do with business.

Name: Kim Jaejoong

D.O.B:  01/26/1986

Occupation: CEO of JYJ Ent.

Hobbies: Movies, loves animals and long walks on the beach, likes to cook, plays the piano and can sing.

If Emi didn’t know any better, she would have thought that this was an application for a dating site or something along the lines of that.

When Emi turned to the next page, it was as if time stopped and her heart made a weird flop in her chest. The photo before her was of the boy she met today in the city, the one who rescued her from the angry ert, however, his name was Daehyun and the name on this file was Shin Hyunjae. She analyzed his photo intensely, comparing this photo with the person she met today, there were obviously differences: the boy in the photo had platinum blonde hair while Daehyun’s was more of a caramel color, but other than that, they were exactly the same. She was confused and a bit disappointed, thoughts of ‘why would he lie to me?’ and ‘After putting so much trust in him, he couldn’t even trust me with his real identity.’ She continued to read through his profile with a heavy heart:

Name: Shin Hyunjae

D.O.B: 05/11/1993

Occupation: Future CEO of TS Ent.

Hobbies: Movies, Sleeping, Shopping, and exercising

Her father noticed her intensely analyzing the photo of the boy and smiled, clearly misinterpreting his daughter’s actions as ‘love at first sight.’

“Do you like him?” Her father asked with a rather cheerful tone which was odd since he was angry not too long ago.

Emi tore her gaze away from the photo and met her father’s eyes, “Daddy, what is all this for? Why did you show me this?” She was confused and although she would never admit it, she was a bit heartbroken.

Her father sat straight in his chair with his hands folded neatly like an attentive child in school, “Those, my dearest daughter, are you suitors.”

Emi’s jaw dropped slightly as the word suitors rattled around in h

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Chapter 5: Oh a definite plus side: I believe Junsu very much won the bet.
Chapter 5: ...I really am wondering what Daehyun has planned for their date...
...I have no idea since I am not from, nor have I been to, Florida...
TinyHigh #3
Chapter 5: hohoho,i wonder what will happen in flroridaaa
Smentgirl #4
Chapter 4: Pls update~
Mila2410 #5
Chapter 1: I like it! update soon~