The New Start Of Our "LOVE Story"

Regrets and Mistakes

***Thoughts in Violet  


*Advance to the day Sica is leaving Korea to Paris for her photo-shoot...


Taeyeon's POV

Today most of the members has left the dorm and proceed back home or planning to go overseas, but on my mind i was only concern about how to get to Paris "coincidentally". I was in deep thoughts when my phone suddenly rang..

*Oh its mom!*

*Why would she suddenly call me?*



Taeng's Mother :  "Taeyeon ah~"

TY:  "Oh. Omma.. Why did you call me for?"

Taeng's Mother :  "Why can't i call you? i'm your mother.. By the way, i've heard that you all are given a one-month holiday. Are you coming back home or are you planning to go somewhere else?"

TY:  "I was planning to bring appa and omma to other countries.."

Taeng's Mother :  "Why don't we go to London? The weather there seems to be good this season..*

TY:  "Hmm.. Okay then!! It has been so long since you all have been to other countries.."

Taeng's Mother :  "Then i'll book the tickets for the 3 of us first for tomorrow.. Is that okay??"

TY:  "Sure! Thanks Omma!"



Now i won't have to plan for my holidays already..



*Isn't it near Paris?*

I ran to my computer and did a quick search on Paris and London~ London to Paris by Plane takes only about 1 Hour - 1 Hour 30 mins ?!?!

*Thats quite fast i suppose..*

I'm now jumping up and down in my room packing my things while think about how to meet Sica in Paris~ I'll go meet her then make her mine again.. Simple.




That night I went to sleep thinking about what would happen in Paris when Sica and i met..


Jessica's POV

On the plane now, heading towards Paris.. But all that was in my mind was Taeyeon.. My eyes twitched when the cold words Fany said to me starts ringing in my head again. 

"You will never stand a chance.. You will never stand a chance.. You will never stand a chance.." 


I turned my head looking out of the window looking at the beautiful Korea as we are slowing flying towards Paris.. And a droplet of my tears streamed itself down my face.

"Are you okay?" my manager asked me out of concern.

"I'm Fine.." I answered quickly and wipe the visible tears away form my cheeks.

"You don't have to cry just because i'm giving you a schedule while the members were already having their holidays.." he answered jokingly and i gave him a light punch on the shoulder.

*Will she miss me?*







After a Few Days..


Author's POV

Taeyeon and her parents were already in London having fun, while Jessica is in Paris completing her Photo-shoot that would last 7 days..

Taeyeon had lots of fun in London and shared lots of photos with her fans.. But there was one photo.. That had filled Jessica with Jealously.. 


A TaeNy Picture with caption : During my stay in London. I missed lover already :(


Jealous Jessica postponed all her Photo-shoot and stayed at her villa that she rented during her stay.. She was not just jealous.. She was afraid that what Fany had said to her was becoming true..


While Taeyeon and her family were already planing to head back to Korea after a week stay in London.


Taeyeon's POV

I'm now at the airport with omma and appa.. Preparing to head back to Korea. But i'm not going to go with them.. I'm going to Paris, the city of LOVE..  

*To meet my LOVE*

*But.. How can i let omma and appa to get back to Korea themselves..*

*I don't know how to tell them >_<*

*But for this LOVE, I have to be unfilial this time..*

*It's now or never..*



TY:  "Omma, Appa.. I Won't be going back to Korea with the two of you."

TY's Parents:  "Why?"

TY:  " I..  I am going to Paris.. For something.. Is it okay for you two to go back on your own?"

TY's Parents:  "We understand Taeyeon. We are able to go back on our own, So go ahead and attend your 'Something' okay?"

TY:  "Thanks for understanding omma, appa! Bye~!!"



I rushed to the plane and with that.. I'm now on my way to meet Sica~ It was suppose to be a quick journey to Paris but it seems to take so long..






After what seems like forever, the plane had finally landed in Paris, France.

Sica and i were now so close.. Yet so far..

I immediately called and asked Manager Oppa to meet up for Coffee the next day hoping that Sica will also be coming along. But my hope was dashed when i saw him in the airport too.



TY:  "Oppa!!" 

Manager:  "Omo~ Why are you here Taeyeon?"

TY:  "I was already planning to come to Paris for holiday, and i was about to call you to ask you for coffee tomorrow.. And you are leaving already?"

Manager:  "Yes.. I have to accompany my family too, Taeyeon."

TY:  "What about Sica? She's leaving with you too?"

Manager:  "No. She is staying here for the whole month.. You can go meet her tomorrow.. Or maybe even tonight? I think she will be at the Eiffel Tower tonight, she said that she had been wanting to go there since she was young.. Maybe you can find her there!"

TY:  "Oh.. Okay bye oppa!"



It was almost night, I bid Manager Oppa Goodbye and quickly left the airport. I hailed for a Taxi and went to The Eiffel Tower. I'm already missing Sica like crazy without even seeing her for 1 day, and I can't believe i'm now on my way to see her after one long week..

Oh.. There she is, her flawless beauty stands out of the crowd~


Jessica's POV

i've just finish my last photo-shoot and i went around thanking them for their hard work.. I took my things and walked to the Eiffel Tower that was just ahead of me, this was the place i have been wanting to visit since young. It was a romantic place for couple to visit and dine together.. 

That beautiful night view with a romantic feel that gives everyone a sense of warmth.. I guess thats why Paris was named as the city of LOVE~

*If only SHE here beside me now..*






Author's POV 

Jessica was still in deep thoughts while Taeyeon sneak up on her from the back and covered her eyes playfully.

"YAH!! Who is this?!" Jessica screamed.

"Your Love is here~" Taeyeon replied in a sing-song way.

Knowing that it was Taeyeon she replied in a annoyed tone, "Don't you miss your lover? Why did you come here for?"

"Because you are my lover~"

"Isn't your lover Fany? Too bad you found the wrong person.." Sica replied while blushing

"But too bad Sica, for now You will be my Lover!"


Jessica was about to reply but taeyeon quickly put her finger on her lips and then gave her a quick peck on the lips. Taeyeon then lock her arms with jessica and pulled her towards *Restaurant 58 Eiffel Tower* 

A/N: Restaurant 58 is a restaurant at the Eiffel Tower.  A small video about it :


Both TaengSic settled down at the restaurant and there was an awkward atmosphere.

"Sica.. Can we stop being awkward with each other?"

There was no reply but the atmosphere was better.


Taeyeon's POV

She is just looking out of the window in deep thoughts while i was ordering food for the both of us. I ordered her favorite Steak cooked medium rare hoping she would like it and a red wine to go with the meal.

Our food arrived soon and i can tell that she was shock that  i can still remember her favorite dish..

"So.. You remembered.."

I nodded my head cutely and make sure that it would sent her heart racing..



Jessica's POV

I was still shock from what happened earlier when we met but i was now extremely shocked that she remembered my favorite dish, Medium Rare Steak..

I thought she had forgotten about me..

"So.. You remembered.." i asked.

she nodded her head cutely.

*What is she trying to do?*



Author's POV

After Dinner both TaengSic went up to the observation deck to look at the beautiful Paris but there was still little conversation between the two of them.

Taeyeon noticed that and started a conversation.

"Sica, like the view?"

"Yea.. Its beautiful.." 

"Of course! Its because you are watching it with me!"

"Taengoo.. Erm.. Sorry i meant taeyeon, you shouldn't be saying all this to me.. You have fany now.."

Taeyeon felt like she has been hit with a incoming car again, when she heard sica not calling her by nickname anymore. She went forward to hug sica and held sica's hands.

"Stop talking about Fany.. Can i stay at your place? I'm scared living on my own" Taeyeon asked while pouting.

Sica thought about it for a moment and nodded her head lightly while blushing.


Taeyeon's POV

She agreed!! I gave her a kiss on the forehead and walk with her hand in hand in hand.. I was happy that she did not pull away from our skinship~  I LOVE YOU SICA <3





Taengsic's POV

We were now walking hand in hand.. If only we can stay like this forever~ That will be great..










A/N: TaengSic is now together? They were walking hand in hand! and none of them pulled away.. The next chapter may contain some Mature Content I think, because i've never written and before.. But i'll try..  THANK YOU!! To my Subscribers~!! <3



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Long enough? Or is it kind of boring?? Any BIG errors that i've written? COMMENT!

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Many Thanks for taengsica for the upvote! ^_^



For those that have not voted..


Here's a little poll for the endings:

*The one about "Both Negative And Positive Ending" means that i will write two ending's in two chapter.. Like BoA's Disturbance MV, there's 2 endings.. Isn't it cool? So i would like to try it on this fic if majority wants it  ^_^













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16 upvotes as of 26 Sept 13~ THANKS TO ALL MY READERS!! Exams are here once again and will be on for two weeks T__T Wait for it.. I'll have a comeback soon :)


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Chapter 12: I'm like seven years late but this story is great! I love it, it's a roller coaster of emotions, I don't who to ship. This probably won't get updated ever again but I just wanted to post my opinion. This is story is really good, author-nim!
Chapter 12: I want YoonSic and i don't want TaengSic anymore hmphhh !!! I want a sad ending not a happy ending like Jessica die or whatsoever ... I hate you Taeyeon just in this story not for real ... You are so selfish Tiffany !
gangnamstyleallday #3
Chapter 12: ahmagawd. my taengsic heart TT </3
Ashira18 #4
Chapter 11: Chapter 12: When will you come back and update again?
Chapter 12: please update soon
aullia22 #6
Chapter 12: Please update more authornim..
You leave us hanging here..
Chapter 13: I understand~I will continue to support this fanfic and you author~Take your time and dont rush yourself because fics are the best when they are not rushed hehehe and good luck with your exams~ Author-ssi Hwaiting!!
Chapter 13: it's ok author-shii :">

just don't abandon this fic . ok ?! hehe just update this fic if u have time and if u just like :D just don't abandon ..

tnx ..