
Regrets and Mistakes

**Thoughts in Violet




Author's POV

"We should take a break..." the words that both of them feared finally came out of jessica's mouth.

The both of them stood rooted onto the ground, the rain poured heavily outside.. It was a gloomy night both of them just stoodin the room in silent looking at each other while lowering their head to the ground.

"WHY SICA?" Taeyeon broke down into tears.

"I'm sorry.."

"Is it about the incident just now? I was just afraid that the others will find o-" taeyeon was being cut off.

"You see taeyeon.. You don't understand, I can't stay like this forever! Why are we even hiding?!"

"Okay.. I'll go tell the others now. Just give me another chance."

Taeyeon was about to walk out of the but was hesitating. Jessica noticed and held onto taeyeon's wrist.

"You see Taeyeon.. You were hesitating.."


"Lets break up.. I've been thinking for quite awhile on this topic.. I guess our relationship isn't working out" the last sentence that took jessica lots of courage, She herself did not want to end this relationship too but the relationship they were having wasn't working out well at all as Taeyeon had to tend to both girls and to be honest and mean, Jessica was sick and tired of being the "third party" in the relationship.. She was tired of sharing her girlfriend with fany, she was tired of waiting..

She knew that if she continues hanging out with her taengoo, she would only end up even more heartbroken when taeyeon decided leave her AGAIN..


Tears were now flowing down like waterfall for Taeyeon but for jessica even though she was sad that she just couldn't cry..

Was it because she had no feelings for taeyeon anymore? The brunette asked herself.. And the answer was NO. The younger still loves her Taengoo like crazy.. It was just that, there were 'no more' tears left for the younger girl to cry.. She had cried too much that she just couldn't cry anymore. 


"Taengoo~ Fany is a better choice for you.." that nickname, will be the last time taeyeon will be hearing it and with that Jessica pulled taeyeon into a long and tight hug. It was their last hug, and they cling onto each other as if their life depends on it.


After they parted, Jessica walked out of the room as if nothing happened.


Jessica's POV

Sorry Taengoo this is the only way for us to prevent each other from getting hurt..

"Lets break up.. I've been thinking for quite awhile on this topic.. I guess our relationship isn't working out"  there it is.. 

Those words came out of my mouth..

I'm tired of hiding our relationship when we obviously didn't do anything wrong.. I hugged her tightly like i've never done before.

*I'll make sure i come back for you*

*When you are ready..*

*When i'm stronger*


Taeyeon's POV

I can't believe it.. I broke Sica's heart again, why am i so clumsy and careless.. I'm confuse, who do i choose?

Why am i feeling so hurt knowing that Sica is breaking up with me? She is leaving me..

Is this what she felt when i broke her heart her heart years ago? I guess this is nothing compared to how she felt this few years, only by staying with her forever is the only way for me to make up to her. But its too LATE.

Why do i not cherish the things before my eyes.. There it is, the sentence that i've dreaded the most came out from . And at that moment my world fell apart.. It was like darkness all around me, it felt as if my life wasn't important and meaningful anymore

After hugging her, I ran out of the dorm.. I guess i needed time to reflect on my mistakes.. Yes, I was indeed regretful for those word that i've said in the restaurant earlier, and how i treated her.. I treated her like some hooker i suppose.. I wasn't paying enough attention to her..

*It's all my fault..*

I was walking on the road, under the heavy rain. If i were to stay in the rain any longer i doubt i would catch a fever and end up staying in the dorm..

*Then i won't have to tag along with Fany to LA!*

I continued strolling under the heavy rain while a thousand of thoughts went through my head, I said that i would win her back but once again i broke her heart again. I wondered how is she now.. What going through her mind now? An idea struck upon me..

Her Online Diary~!!

I flipped out my phone to check but the blog had disappeared from the web, is there something wrong with my phone? Or did sica closed it down? I was tearing once again, my only source of knowing her inner thoughts was gone. Is this retribution? Am i being punished now?

I was fiddling with my phone trying to excess the web page when a bright light shone on my eyes followed by a loud honk.


A strong force hit me from the side.. I out.


Jessica's POV

After Taeyeon was gone I went out of the dorm, taking a walk.. In the rain. I guess this walk would wake me out to reality.

I was now alone, in the heavy rain. I felt lonely, this feeling that i had was common every time i was alone while taeyeon was with fany..

I had this feeling for quite a few years already, and it would normally be something that i'm use to. I'm kind of numb to this feeling already.. But that lonely feeling that i'm having today was extremely weird.. I felt 'more lonely' that usual, the same, exact feeling that i had when Taeyeon decided to break up with me years ago and its killing me..

I didn't want to leave her either, I loved her so much.. I was walking back slowly even though i was already freezing, something on the road was calling me to stay.. I stood under the lamp while the rain poured itself heavily on me.

*I'm gonna get sick soon*

While my eyes wander around the place it caught something, it was Taengoo standing in the middle of the road playing with her phone. 

A large truck was turning towards that road she on and now charging towards her, despite the loud honks coming from the truck Taengoo was still rooted onto the ground..


She stared at the truck.. I can't let her leave me just like this, I'm gonna get her back someday.

I ran toward her in a speed of light, It was the first time i've ever ran that fast. I was impressed with myself but the girl that i've just pulled back from death was now unconscious, I've manage to push her away from the incoming truck by jumping onto her.

After using much effort to carry her to the nearby bench, I look at her hurriedly to make sure she all right. But she wasn't reacting to my voice, that was when i broke into tears.. 

Those tears that i've been waiting for them to flow out of my eyes, were now flowing out. The tears mixed with the rain that were still flowing down my body dripped onto my Taengoo's body, drip by drip.

"Taengoo! Wake-up! Didn't you promise not to leave me?" I cried even harder.

"Ouch.. My head hurts~" She responded while i pulled her into a hug.

"Sica, come back to me.." She asked.

That question sure took me by surprise.. And it got me dumbfounded for awhile.

"You have Fany, don't hang outside too long or you won't get to enjoy your holiday with her in LA.." I answered coldly.

"It's not what you think sica, come-"  **Piak**

Taengoo fainted. I hurriedly went forward and piggyback her all the way back to the dorm.


Author's POV

 When TaengSic got back to the dorm, Jessica brought Taeyeon into the room and place her down lightly..

"Saranghae Taengoo.. Mianhae~" the only sentence she said to the unconscious taeyeon that laid on the bed.

The necklace they were both wearing glowed brightly again.. But what does it mean?


When Jessica walked out of taeyeon's room she bumped into Tiffany.

"WAE? why are you here?"

"Taeyeon fainted in the rain.. She yours.. For now.." Jessica spoke coldly before proceeding back to her room.

"..." leaving Tiffany dumbfounded.

Tiffany's Thoughts:

*What does sica mean?*

*Have they broken up now?*


That night Jessica fell asleep crying again, she didn't know why is she being such a cry baby.. But she knew one thing, all the tears that dropped showed her how much her love is for Taeyeon.






A/N: How was this chapter? Hope I didn't disappoint you all~ Not really sad right? Don't cry! Keke >_< School starting soon :( May not be able to update often.. But still,  A BIG THANK YOU to all subscribers and upvoters as well as all that commented! ~ :D




Many thanks to LPY1998Wendi & Kimchi_maerong for the upvote ^_^





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16 upvotes as of 26 Sept 13~ THANKS TO ALL MY READERS!! Exams are here once again and will be on for two weeks T__T Wait for it.. I'll have a comeback soon :)


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Chapter 12: I'm like seven years late but this story is great! I love it, it's a roller coaster of emotions, I don't who to ship. This probably won't get updated ever again but I just wanted to post my opinion. This is story is really good, author-nim!
Chapter 12: I want YoonSic and i don't want TaengSic anymore hmphhh !!! I want a sad ending not a happy ending like Jessica die or whatsoever ... I hate you Taeyeon just in this story not for real ... You are so selfish Tiffany !
gangnamstyleallday #3
Chapter 12: ahmagawd. my taengsic heart TT </3
Ashira18 #4
Chapter 11: Chapter 12: When will you come back and update again?
Chapter 12: please update soon
aullia22 #6
Chapter 12: Please update more authornim..
You leave us hanging here..
Chapter 13: I understand~I will continue to support this fanfic and you author~Take your time and dont rush yourself because fics are the best when they are not rushed hehehe and good luck with your exams~ Author-ssi Hwaiting!!
Chapter 13: it's ok author-shii :">

just don't abandon this fic . ok ?! hehe just update this fic if u have time and if u just like :D just don't abandon ..

tnx ..