charming romeo and a tree

Pretending Again and Again

Krystal POV


Its her turn to play as the prince. I glance at her. She look really handsome in his prince costume. There’s something inside her. Something that I miss the most. Something that I want the most. Something I desire most. Its not her kiss....... its her love......


“what? I look handsome right? Hehehe” she showed her stupid grin.
i just give her my warm smile and then turn away. I can see from the corner of my eyes her blushing face.



The music began to play....
the sound of the violin is so wonderful... just like on a real castle...
and then  the stage suddenly change to a wonderful castle. Its really beautiful....


Suzy looks beautiful in her sparkling blue cinderella dress. Amber started to sing. She hold suzy’s hand. they were just fit to each other. Their voice.... their move....

I felt my heart faded. I tighten my grip. I don’t know what’s wrong with my heart......


“miss jung!” mrs wan was calling my name, I hurried heading towards her.
“can I help you, mrs?”
“yes, the pianist is sick, stomachache, I want you to replace him. I know you are a great pianist. just play it when suzy sing after this. We didn’t have much time! Can I count on you?”

I was thinking for a minute. Its not hard krystal jung, you can do it!

“okay you can count on me” I let out a big smile and she gave me the note of the music that I have to play. Its beautiful. I wish I will be able to save this drama....


Its almost the time
I sat my self in front of the piano.
place my hand to the right spot.


I took a deep breath......
I close my eyes.......



The sound of the audience’s cheering was dissappear. Then everybody confused when the sound of the piano didn’t come out so does suzy get confused.



Then slowly but sure......
I started to play at the back stage. I place my hand to the right spot. Following my heart. Then suzy’s voice come up with the sound of my piano....



There’s a song that’s inside of my soul.
It’s the one that I’ve tried to write over and over again

I’m awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.
So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you’re my only hope.
Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.

When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you’re my only hope.
I give you my destiny.
I’m giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I’m giving it back.
So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray

To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you’re my only hope.

When the song reach it’s end, the audience give a very loud appalause. I smiled. I opened my eyes. I was shocked, really shocked when I saw someone paying attention to me while I played the piano.


“w-who are you???” I blink rapidly and still on a shock mode.
“you’ll know sooner or later” he gave me his smile. His eyes was deep dark and his short black hair made his face look charming.....

“y-you’ve been here all this time??”
“yes, you are georgeus and talented, my lady” he whisper to me

I was blushing really hard. I can’t believe that he was watching me all this time, maybe I was beeing too serious. He gave me his smirk and then walk away....


Who is he?



Amber POV


“Phew.. this drama sure is making me tired. Wonder where krystal is.”

I search for her at the back of the stage. Then I bump on somebody. “oh mianhe” I bow before i see who are him or her.


“sunbae??!” my eyes widen as I see yuri sunbae in front of me
“cut out the dorky face bro hahaha you still the same, wow your hair seems shorter”
“what are you doing here??”
“just examine things hehe I’ll be at the audience seat if you need me, bye bro” she waved her hand while walking away. Yeah she is a girl with the handsome face and cool style. Well not as handsome as me hehehe.


“amber hyung, who is he?”
“she used to be my senior ssul, before she graduated from this hostel”
“she???? That most handsome person is a she???”
“yeah” I rolled my eyes and then continue on my search for krystal, leaving ssul with her jaw that dropped.


I saw her staring blankly at nowhere next to the piano.

“there you are, what are you doing here? Where are the pianist? woahh don’t tell me that you were the one playing it on the last scene?!”
“yeah I did” she blink rapidly
“you were awesome!” I hugged her really tight
“yah stop it!!” she hit my head and you know it really hurt me.
“krystal you’re so mean” I rubbed my head.



Then we heard some noice on our right. Its mrs wan seems beeing panic. I walked towards them with krystal.
“what is it mrs wan?”
“jonghyun was still missing, I don’t know where! It is almost the time to perform the romeo and juliet theater, i think i have to find someone to replace him”
“pick me!” I volunteer to play as the romeo and mrs wan just shook her head.
“you are unexperience and you have never even read the script”


Krystal POV


Amber was beeing so bold. She looks gloomy now.

“what about me?” minho sunbae smile widely while pointing his indeks finger at himself.


She give him a straight answer. well now he looks kinda gloomy too now.




“let me replace him” a tall black hair guy appeared and smile. Its him!

“yuri?? How nice to see you, okay you take his position, you have played as the romeo when you were still my student, I’ll counting on you. Everybody get ready for the next drama!” she tapped his shoulder and then leave

He is gonna replace jonghyun??? That means.... oh no

“sunbae, I don’t even know that you were here!” minho still confuse seeing the look of him.

He just smile and then turn around, getting ready to played the romeo.

Amber seems really worried about me.


Amber POV


What a stupid costume! It makes me hard to move my body accept my arms, but still have to hold the branches. How am I gonna save krystal??

Now it wasn’t jonghyun anymore, its yuri sunbae, its gonna be hard. What am I gonna do?









sorry guys, I hardly find time to write :(
I have exams in this week, sorry for the late update



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niconico12 #1
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
niconico12 #2
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
hugo1476 #3
update please
nanny00 #4
Chapter 23: Update plss
Anakyl #5
Chapter 23: I hope that ert's name is Yiyun. Sooyoung...never failed to make me laugh xD
GEoRuth #6
Can't wait for the next one... I'm curious about what happen... Is it Amber?? Who knows? A miracle can happen...
Bo-Remi #7
Chapter 22: I know if Jessica see who with Krystal, she doesn't mind it. And I think everyone wih support her too. BTW what is her name?
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 21: Oooooooooo yeeeeeeeey, I know it Tiffany's friend is gonna resemble Amber. The same face and hope she has everything as Amber.

What's her name? Yiyun? Eunyoung?
axel0048 #9
Chapter 21: IS THAT AMBER???!!!!:D