a nightmare that'll never end

Pretending Again and Again

Jessica POV


Why is this happening? When their love were blooming and all those accident came on a second crash on everything.... broken.... falling into pieces....

Here I am standing next to amber’s graveyard.....

“am..... if you can here me down there, I just wanna to tell you something..... krys beeing worse day by day.........


I don’t know what I have to do........

On past... you were always there to take care of her... thanks for everything........ but please give me some answer.... I don’t know what I have to do”

I turn around and hug kwon yuri while sobbing. She patted my head.














Minho POV



Sunny Sunday.... I decided to take a walk...

I have some breakfast at the restaurant near the park. The pancake is really delicious. I take a look at my watch.. great its still eight AM. I walk outside the restaurant heading on my way home.



But then I saw amber running. I got curious and following her..

Hmmm where did she wanna to go? I wonder inside my head... she was on her way to the park. When she was almost there, she turn around and run to the opposite direction.... she was heading to the flower store.

She bought a bouquet of pink rose and running again towards the park..... but when she wanna to cross the road, she got no patience and luck with her so she just went trough without even care about the traffic light....

I was about to chase her

But I was to late....






A huge truck already hit her.



Blood everywhere......



I quickly approach her. I patted her cheek.

“amber liu!!!” I really panic, I bring her to the nearest hospital with a cab.

“hang on there!! We’re almost there!!!” my shirt were full of her blood. She mumble on something.

“m-minho... take c-care of her”

That was the last thing she said to me before she fainted out...


When I arrive to the hospital, she was imidiately taken care with the doctor...

I tried to call her parents and fifteen minute later, her parents showed up with a worried face. Her mother was already crying and praying for amber to be okay.


We’ve waited for hours...







the doctor finally came out.. he allowed us to enter the room but amber still unconcious...


Her mother keep on sobbing... her father keep cursing that this is all his fault.


I just stare at her. I don’t know what I have to say, what I have to do..


Then I see her eyes slowly open..

“amber??!” I widen my eyes when I saw her awake.










give my heart to k-krystal.....



its the only thing that I w-want.... f-forgive me, mom”


she said it with tears in her eyes. She must be feeling pain all over her body........

My tears flow when I heard what she have just said.

“I love you mom, dad....... and I love her”





she slowly shut her eyes





I heard a long beep after she said that.

The doctor hurriedly come and trying to rescue her but it was worthless. The words that amber have just said keep on circling inside my head.

What am I suppose to do???






The park !!!

I run as fast as I can to the park. Its raining heavily.. Krys must be waiting here for amber.

I keep looking from the sight of  krystal...





Then I saw her sitting on a bench...

I come and share my umbrella with her.

I told her that amber was already passed on. Its hard to tell her that....... a second later I saw her falling to the ground unconcious.





















Three weeks later



Jessica POV


“krys.... please eat some of this food” I hold the bowl of porridge while smiling sadly to krystal in her bedroom....

She has been allowed to go home since the heart surgery...

But still have to check up on once a month...





she became silent since amber died. She somehow blame herself of everything...

She is getting thinner.


Her eyes is always empty.


She barely move.......


My heart always aches seeing my sister becoming like this...

“krystal... please eat something”

She never answer of whatever I was asked to her. Even to our daddy, she still doing the same. I wish I know what I have to do... I her head and kiss her cheek.

“krys.... please. You need to be healthy.. you have to take care of amber’s heart”











“go away”



She always ended up like this if I am talking about amber or anybody did...














jessica POV


What do I have to do, yul?

I asked yuri with my sad tone of voice. She just silent, putting herself in a deep thought.

“maybe we should visit her parent’s house. See if there’s something that amber has left for krystal”

“that’s right! Come on!” I dragged yuri to my car and drive really fast to amber’s parents’ house. Well actually when I saw her house, it looks not just like a house... its a mansion... liu’s mansion.

I ring the bell, then a middle age woman open the door.

“what did you want, jung?”

She give her best glare to me and it sure gives me a shiver. When I about to speak, yul patted my shoulder and she started to speak.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you mrs liu... but I need to ask some serious question to you....... please”

Mrs liu let out a sigh and then allowed us to enter the house. We sat on the soffa. The painting looks so beautiful in this house.

“what did you wanna ask?”



“sorry but, did amber left something for krystal before she died? A note or something maybe?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t checked her room since she died.... I can’t stand it to look at her room without her inside...”

“I’m sorry mrs.... but can we checked it??”




“who do you think you are?” she raised her tone a bit. I saw a deep saddness in her eyes. She massage her own forehead.



“I don’t know... just leave... now”

She told us to leave and yul patted my shoulder again telling me to do what she have just said but I refuse.




“I’m really sorry that your daughter do this to you. gave up her life for my sister. But that’s all she wanted to do. Don’t you ever think of beeing abandon?? By your own parents?? She is lonely for the rest of her life until she find my sister.... so just please, I’m begging you.... let us just checked her room....”




“I don’t know what do I have to say.... I gave up on my job when amber died.... I gave up everything... my spirit.... courage.....”


“you don’t have to..... amber doesn’t want everybody to life in pain of her memory... she want everyone to life in smile and the tears of happiness when remembering her story. Her smile. Her memory......”



“you’re such a stubborn girl, miss jung........ okay you may checked her room... its upstairs”

I smile widely with tears on the corner of my eyes. I hurried getting upstairs to amber’s room with yul.

“its still well organized” yuri mumble while looking around amber’s room.

“just try to find something yul. Something that means something”

I keep on roaming my eyes and searching for something. After a while wee keep on searching.


“I didn’t find anything that means something, sicaa”

When I about to answer yuri, my eyes shifted to a small box on the top of the cupboard. I hurried grab the box and then I saw what’s inside.... my tears flowing on my cheek. I let out a smile.

I run while dragging yuri’s wrist heading to my car, but I came to amber’s mom before I left.

“thanks , mrs liu......” I give her a hug, her tears flowing on my shoulder.  I release the hug and formed her a wide smile. She smiled back to me while still crying.




When we arrived home, I saw krystal still sitting on her bed staring blankly to anything in front of her. She didn’t move at all.

“krys.... I found something on amber’s mansion”

She still didn’t move when I said something about amber. She is just like a doll. A barbie doll that stay still forever until someone move her body.

“here krys.... open it”

I handed the box and she open it with her shivering hands. I left her alone in her room.... of course I peek on her from the door. Wanting to know what she’ll do when she open the box.........






Krystal POV


My shivering hands trying to open the box. I saw a paper........ I read what amber had written in this paper.









Hey scary princess.

Remember when we first met?
you keep bumping on me everytime when we met....

Its funny you know.... when we’re all wet because of the broken pipe in the school’s garden.

The way we kept on bickering to each other, the way you always making me yelping beause of your violent action, and of course the way you glared at me everytime.

You make me happy krys.....

Everytime you were here beside me.... when you are smiling widely, giggling and laughing. Just like my heart filled with joy and happiness.....


I was once lonely. Even when I have my friends around... but still my heart feeling loneliness inside.

When you appear on my life... just like I know that I’ve been waiting for you for so long... I know that I love you...

At first, I keep on denying it... that’s why I always beeing mean to you. but when time passed. I let this feeling flow....

Until this day....


I write this on this paper because that I was too coward to say it to you.


Right now maybe you only see me standing shivering with red face. This is me, krystal jung soojung.....

And this lonely me is trying her best to love you....


So please, marry me.... my princess









I cried really loud. My hands still shivering while holding that piece of paper. She supposed to give this to me on that Sunday....

That Sunday....

My teary eyes shifted on a ring box inside the box. I tried to open it... I saw a beautiful ring......

I can’t see that ring. I close the box and cried really loud.


Why did you give your heart to me?? Why didn’t you let me die with you?? we can be together now am if you just let me die!!

Sica hurried came and hug me tightly.

I cried while hugging her really tight.




I hope all of this was just a bad dream.........





a nightmare......



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niconico12 #1
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
niconico12 #2
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
hugo1476 #3
update please
nanny00 #4
Chapter 23: Update plss
Anakyl #5
Chapter 23: I hope that ert's name is Yiyun. Sooyoung...never failed to make me laugh xD
GEoRuth #6
Can't wait for the next one... I'm curious about what happen... Is it Amber?? Who knows? A miracle can happen...
Bo-Remi #7
Chapter 22: I know if Jessica see who with Krystal, she doesn't mind it. And I think everyone wih support her too. BTW what is her name?
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 21: Oooooooooo yeeeeeeeey, I know it Tiffany's friend is gonna resemble Amber. The same face and hope she has everything as Amber.

What's her name? Yiyun? Eunyoung?
axel0048 #9
Chapter 21: IS THAT AMBER???!!!!:D