The Garden and The Gardener

Pretending Again and Again

Krystal POV


I wish the bell quickly rang. I can’t stand it in here anymore. My face coudn’t stop grown red when I saw her standing in front of the class and sometime I saw her smirk. You know, its not because of I like her or having a crush on her! That is impossible! Its because of the embarassment.

now i feel all of the student in this class teasing me inside their mind. Oh god, how can this be true?? My high school was horrible.

after a long crazy class with the crazy nuts teacher, finally the bell rang. A wide smile came from my lips. At last I can get the rid of myself for being at this embarassing situation. I hurried pack all my things and take my step to the exit door, but when I walk pass her, she said something almost whispering


I stop my step and turn my body around. I saw a smirk on her face. “thats your punishment for bumping me this morning” excuse me, who the hell are you for making me a real depressed girl in just one day?
 I give her my coldest glare, then I leave her with not even a single word came from my mouth. Avoiding to say anything stupid that’ll make me expelled because of insulting the nuts teacher.


After everything, I finally could get rest in my room. It feels really relax to be alone in some place just enjoying some chips while watching tv.

“excuse me”

“what the ??!”

a girl just peek at my door without even knocked at first. “who the hell are you and what did you want ??!!” as I panicked, the girl laugh at me. “I’m your roommate silly haha” that time I just realized that my even my privacy taken away with this awfull hostel. “this is a hostel you know, you live with your roommate”

“sorry” my face just turn to dissapointment

“you’re so cute you know that hahaha I’m Luna by the way” the girl gave a happy smile to me. “I’m soojung, just call me krystal”
“okay krys, I hope we will get along in no time since we are gonna sleep in one room everyday” she seemed very cheerfull. I wonder why did she ended up here in this hostel. Why didn’t she take a normal highschool and come home everyday? ....

“umm, why did you entered this hostel?” i saw her just lying in her bed burrying her face to the pillow, tired maybe.

“me? Its my grandpa, he thinks this is the best way for me, and I agree with it, its not bad at all, I can meet my friends whenever I liked to”
“you have friend here??”
“yup, my two other friends room was next door to us, they really nice you know, they enter this hostel too with me so that I have somebody to hang out with, come on I’ll introduce you to them !” she pulled my hand in a hurry, and then suddenly me and her was standing in front of her friends door, she knocked the door impatiently.

“aigoo what take you so long??” a tall girl just opened the door, with her pouting just like a child

“here ssul this is my roommate”
“oww heey I’m choi jin ri, just call me sulli or ssul~”
“hey, I’m krystal”

“who is it ssuuul?” another girl appear
“ow hey luna, who is this?”
“its krystal, my roommate hehe, krys this is victoria my bestfriend”

“so I’m your friend and vic your bestfriend?? Thats not fair!” ssul was pouting again just like a child but thats making her even cuter.
“hahaha you are my besties too dont you know that?” as luna was petting sulli’s head, vic drag me to be inside.

there all four of us watching the tv together with a little chit chat and some joke until finally we all sleep soundly in vic and ssul’s room. I guess they really nice to hangout with. Finally, someone brighten my day a little bit.


The morning crawled up fast. I was in front of the mirror adjusting my uniform and my ponytailed hair. “you already look pretty soojung! Now its my turn” luna hurried to take my place in front of the mirror “hahaha relax, you are not gonna be late trust me”
“i do trusted you but I cant bear the tension of being panicked!!!”
“just slow down, I’m going out first okay? I had an art class ahead”
“me too silly, we’re going out together”
then I grabbed my bag a little running with luna, the art class is across the garden, thanks to minho, I will not get lost anymore.

“hey krystal wait up!” suddenly there was minho trying to reach me from behind.

“just go ahead first and save a seat next to you okay?” luna nodding as I told her so.
“hey minho what is it? I’m on a hurry”
“just come to the cafetaria with me and my friend this afternoon. Take some lunch together would you?”
“you mean with the senior??”
“yeah, they are not as bad as you think come on”
“fine, I’ll try... wait for me in this garden okay? I wouldn’t want to go there by mysely, see ya”
“okay bye” I saw the warm wide smile of him as I runing towards the art class



The bell rang...
it is time for me to have some lunch....
I saw minho already waiting for me, I hurried my step toward him, that I didn’t realize again who or what was in front of me...


then it happen again...

I bump someone’s shoulder really hard but this time my ankle could bear not to fall. I saw a same eyes landed on mine. “you! stop bumping me wherever you are !!” that boyish girl again, yelling at me

“its not my fault that you were reading while walking!!”

as we were yeling one another suddenly water just sprayed on our body out of nowhere.
“what the !!! What was that??” the boyish girl now are all wet, her wet hair covering her charismatic face,

I can see that she is having a nice abs since she was wearing a shirt and long pants and a jacket hanging on her shoulder. Really nice abs I mean...
her hand wiping her hair away fom her face....

her charismatic face..........


what was I’m thinking???

as I snapped back to reality, that boyish girl take her jacket and strangely covering my body......
“ehm you can’t let your body expose that way since your shirt are white” her face blush when covering my body with her jacket.

“uhh thanks, what about you?”

“its okay, all of the student thinks that I’m a boy haha even that no one complaining all this time I wear boy uniform, just get back to your room and got change”
i nod when she walked away from me while rubbing the back of her neck.


“I am so sorry, this water just wont come out but suddenly it sprayed you up kids” an old man keep on bowing in front of me, I gues he is the gardener.
“thats allright sir, I’ll just get change” i give him a nice smile so his guilty feeling might gone a little.

Then minho running towards me. All this time he was standing watching for this accident? Huhh
“hey are you okay?”
“I’m okay, I’ll just get change to my room quickly, just wait me by the cafetaria”
I was a half running to my room but i think it will take long to get to my room....
so I change my mind, aiming to the girl locker room. It was really quiet
no one in here of course. At this hour the cafetaria might be pouring of student, not the locker room.

I hurried to take off my shirt and my skirt, leaving my undies and put my PE on, after this break, It’ll be a sport lesson after all. After putting my pants on, still only with my bra, suddenly i saw a guy just walk in and I scream very loud, his hand was very fast covering my mouth, I was so scared and terified, I’m still only with my bra after all.

but when I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a familiar look ..........







I wanna know what did you think about my story, so please comment :)


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niconico12 #1
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
niconico12 #2
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
hugo1476 #3
update please
nanny00 #4
Chapter 23: Update plss
Anakyl #5
Chapter 23: I hope that ert's name is Yiyun. Sooyoung...never failed to make me laugh xD
GEoRuth #6
Can't wait for the next one... I'm curious about what happen... Is it Amber?? Who knows? A miracle can happen...
Bo-Remi #7
Chapter 22: I know if Jessica see who with Krystal, she doesn't mind it. And I think everyone wih support her too. BTW what is her name?
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 21: Oooooooooo yeeeeeeeey, I know it Tiffany's friend is gonna resemble Amber. The same face and hope she has everything as Amber.

What's her name? Yiyun? Eunyoung?
axel0048 #9
Chapter 21: IS THAT AMBER???!!!!:D